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A less presumptuous name.

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Everything posted by A less presumptuous name.

  1. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan The usual phrase is Six Degrees of Separation. (-> World War I -> Adolf Hitler) Very nice! Originally Posted By: Triumph So you're saying there are about 5 degrees of separation between Hitler and every topic in existence? Between 5 and 10, yes. And that only works since Wikipedia has an article for just about every topic in existence.
  2. RE: Pricing It looks like Jeff is getting a lot of the same crap he got when he released Avadon for $10 on iPad. Of course, he's being very upfront about it now, so people can't just deal with it. You know all of the prices to begin with - if you want to pay, great; if not, your loss. Sorry, but it annoys me when people complain about prices for things that are nonessential to their life.(of course, one can argue that after a time, SW games become essential for life) RE: Steam and Mac I really don't like how forward-oriented Apple has become. I'm still running a PowerBook G4, which uses a PPC core. Moving to Intel is great, but don't forget about us? And now they're removing support for older platforms. I get that they want to cut fat, which is why new OSes don't support PPC, but why remove completely backwards-oriented things like Classic Environment and Rosetta Stone? At least have them as optional installs when a person buys the computer. I'd like to continue using my old, paid for software on my new computer in a year.
  3. Originally Posted By: Roentgenium On topic, I personally wish wikipedia would stop linking so many articles on each article. Information is good, but if I need information on one specific topic, it's made harder by the temptation to look at other articles that are linked on the article I actually need information from. But that's the best part of Wikipedia! Learning so much random information is what makes that site so much fun! I honestly love that one can go from any random article and get to the page on Hitler in <10 clicks. My average is about 5.
  4. I played the demos for Avernum 1 and maybe 2 and never got into them. I look forward to trying the remakes and learning the game. Alas, most of the current forum chatter about these is way above or around my head.
  5. We read the first chapter in class at the end of last year, and aside from learning vocab, the reading was pretty easy. We had done a few other excerpts from well-known French lit, and this was the easiest by far.
  6. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Also, while Dikiyoba is being picky, it's not really ironic to look up Godwin's Law on Wikipedia. It would be more ironic to look it up only to discover that the article has been deleted due to lack of notability. The irony isn't that I looked it up on Wikipedia. The irony is that someone had just said that Wikipedia has an article for everything. Also - did I start a monster? I think I'm going to walk away slowly.
  7. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S first post! Again - inexpressible joy. And this thread reminds me that I have to read 3 books for school in the next month. I know that I have to read Le Petit Prince for French, and then I have to decide which pair of English Lit books to read.
  8. iPhone/iPad Explorer isn't a web browser, it's a program for accessing the save files on your iOS device. At least, that's the impression that I've gotten from discussions.
  9. Words cannot express my joy with Slarty's logic.
  10. Originally Posted By: Dantius But infinite geometric series by themselves aren't so hard. Many people consider calculus to be hard, and as infinite series are taught in Calc II, I find that the general population would differ with your above-quoted statement.
  11. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Wikipedia has an article for everything. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith godwins law, dag nabbit So the irony of it is that I used Wikipedia to look up Godwin's Law. But when you think about it, the longer any conversation (real life, online, or any other type you can try to imagine) continues, the greater the likelihood of a reference to any topic, Hitler/Nazi or otherwise.
  12. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Master1 Originally Posted By: Ephesos 12. Explain why sandwiches are better than wraps. Less pointless bread product to get through to reach the delectable filling that is the promised land! So how do people here feel about those sandwich thins. I find them to be excellent - they hold a decent amount, aren't too thick or bready, have good structural integrity, and can double as a burger bun in a pinch. So... pita bread by another name? No, far from it. It's like regular bread except that it's a flat circle instead of a loaf. Pita is totally different.
  13. Originally Posted By: Ephesos 12. Explain why sandwiches are better than wraps. Less pointless bread product to get through to reach the delectable filling that is the promised land! So how do people here feel about those sandwich thins. I find them to be excellent - they hold a decent amount, aren't too thick or bready, have good structural integrity, and can double as a burger bun in a pinch.
  14. Originally Posted By: Sotth Unless you jailbreak your iPad, then you can use iFile and edit files, transfer files, etc. I'm pretty sure that, like the MAS version, even if you could access the script files, there are checksums in place to prevent editing. Also, jailbreaking isn't a pretty topic, so we may not want to go there. Stareye would have a fit.
  15. I can't remember exactly where to go, but a new door opens up north of his chambers. The game guide book or The Turtle Moves' FAQ (in the strategy central thread) should help. Pretty much, you'll go through the zone in a very linear fashion, fighting baddies all the way, until you finally get to the heart of the complex with Lord Baddie. EDIT: I just checked the FAQ - nothing in there yet. I'll admit that the guide can be helpful for zones like this. Just look around until you find a new door to go through.
  16. All information is taken from the AVADON section of The Turtle Moves' FAQ Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves Where is Brasula? Click to reveal.. In the sitting area of the guest quarters, right near the stairs that descend from the dining room. Avadon Guest Quarters Map
  17. I know this sounds like stupid and useless advice, but make sure you check your spam folder in your email. If you ordered 13 days ago, you should have received your code already. I never believed that spam filters could mess with me, either, until it happened.
  18. And readers don't play. And I foolishly assumed that people would look for help before asking. Silly me.
  19. Originally Posted By: Randomizer The member 1 account has the powers that the current member 2 account had as root admin. When I try to go to the page for account number 1, I get this: Code: This user is no longer in our database.
  20. Since this was posted, people have already asked questions answered on this page. Perhaps we should stick it in Strategy Central?
  21. Originally Posted By: Lilith Clawbugs in G5 are pretty good, though. After DV put out this claim, I used clawbugs and then plated bugs on my next playthrough. I have to say, the game went much smoother than previous attempts. So while you may not be able to wipe the floor with Greta, you can still be pretty powerful early on.
  22. And just like that, we're up to 8001. It was fun while it lasted. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Also a new admin user at member 1 shifted the members upward. I was just wondering why Jeff is member number 2. Does the number 1 account actually exist, and does it ever do anything?
  23. You could always try finding a public access computer. Public libraries are great places to go to download files. As long as you have a flash drive, you can download the game at the library and transfer it to your home computer to install.
  24. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Go west from the first circle after coming down the stairs and circle clockwise around the level until you reach the circle, then turn around and go east in the counterclockwise direction around the level until you come back and a new passage should open. Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. The games make much more sense that way. Edit - Sniped by lilith Coming out of the stairs, you make one full circle to your left, going until you're back at the beginning. Then you do it in the opposite direction, and a new door opens up.
  25. Originally Posted By: karry stuff Um, this topic has had been dead for about 8 months. DV is no longer on these boards. When he was here, he was a well established and highly respected member of the community. He was also an excellent min-maxer. Being unable to mimic his results doesn't make him a liar or cheater, it just makes him very good at what he did.
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