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A less presumptuous name.

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Everything posted by A less presumptuous name.

  1. And let's not forget that the topics mentioned by Alorael are pretty much the fundamentals of mathematics. If you never take math beyond high school or a college gen-ed, that's all you'll deal with. No matter how much you hated using a straight-edge in geometry, PhD level maths will be far worse. Re: jargon - that's why you get a year ahead of your peers in math. You can sling terms at them and watch their eyes glaze over, while you and your older friends laugh. We made shirts for our BC calc class. The front logo was "Get ∑"
  2. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity you could write that you have discovered a truly beautiful proof of this theorem, but unfortunately the margin is too small to contain it. /GROAN Originally Posted By: Necris Omega even GOD breaks out a calculator when faced with the prospect. God uses Mathematica. Originally Posted By: Dantius The stuff that high schoolers are told is "hard" math, like calculus or linear algebra, is a joke compared to that stuff. Hey, I'm taking LinAlg right now!
  3. Originally Posted By: Sylae Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile. but there are 4 weeks in a month, and only one monday in a week. So your hypothesis is inconclusive. That was clearly not meant to be taken literally. Edit: I would hope your post wasn't either, but... Same goes for the scientific jargon. Hypotheses are either disproved or supported. (Okay, so the results of an experiment could prove inconclusive, but that doesn't change the hypothesis.) And his statement was a hyperbole, not a hypothesis.
  4. Originally Posted By: Dar I think the problem with avadon resides in which way you are oriented to play this genre of game. I think avadon appeals mostly to people who like the maths grind of being a character accountant and enjoy doing pre-research of a game through demos and forums and then, with a priori knowledge of what’s to come, strategical constructing the stat build of a character to complete all challenges. There’s nothing wrong with approaching a game in this way but it is the antithesis of how I prefer to play. I'm with Cattlehunter and Alorael on this. I have some experience with SW games, but I'm hardly the math and grind player that we can see here. Because I don't min/max every point and I play for the story, I rarely play above normal difficulty. If you want to play on a harder difficulty, you have to min/max the game mechanics, but there is no reason why you can't enjoy the game on a lower difficulty.
  5. As a resident of the Mid-Atlantic region, I find this whole 2012 stuff to be stupid. Clearly, the Mayans were off by a year. We had an earthquake and hurricane within a weak of each other, and we're now getting hit with the remnants of Lee. Meanwhile, Katia is off the coast tormenting us. Thankfully, it looks like she'll be content with giving us a threatening look.
  6. You actually have to go to a trade school to learn to be a real plumber. So yes, completing that form of higher education would allow you to make much more money as a plumber, provided you didn't just suck. make much more money. say that many millions (of times per) minute.
  7. So how else would you vent the heat coming from the core? Would you rather have it boil your blood? And there is no such thing as an "invulnerable" anything. At least not in any sort of reality. And if you remember, the vent was incredibly small and only detectable through detailed schematics. On top of that, there were guard turrets all over the surface of the Death Star and squadrons of close-range fighter ships, all for the purpose of protecting any weakness.
  8. Dikiyoba is a Dikiyora, as was already mentioned. No need for pronouns. And your logic on plumbing is flawed. I simply stated that a good job yields pay, not that only good jobs yield pay, or that good jobs yield better pay. Perhaps I should have written: Code: good job => pay So yes, you can get better pay with a worse job. But then again, there are surely people who think being a plumber is a good job, perhaps because of the good wages. Good is an opinion.
  9. I suppose my gripe only applies in the perfect world of 100% efficiency and zero wind resistance. If democratic republicanism actually worked, a minority making up 5% of the population would have 5% of the representation and thus have a "fair" share in all policy-making. I'm still reconciling the fact that not everything is perfect in life. It's a rough phase. I do completely respect what Iran is doing. It's very admirable to try to ensure representation of all (significant) minorities. My point was that in placing quotas and strict figures on how many seats must go to certain groups, one runs into the problem that we have with the Electoral College in the first place - variance between the EC outcome and the popular vote.
  10. I'm still a young'un and I don't get out much, so my RPG experience is vastly limited. And I'm too young really to go back to enjoy the classic oldschool RPGs you guys seem to love. But really, this one got me through elementary school.
  11. Originally Posted By: Space Between The example of flowing glass that I referenced earlier was hollow glass tubes that were stored on a rack that only supported the ends, leaving the middle to sag. Like Code: _________T T Is that not an example? If an object sags in the middle when arranged as such, and is therefore classified as a liquid, then pretty much everything is a liquid. Wood and steal beams bend down when supported only on the ends. It's a result of the forces being applied, not liquid flow.
  12. Finally, after finished both Frankenstein and The Picture of Dorian Gray in about three days, I was able to start reading The Wise Man's Fear. So far, I'm really enjoying it. Rothfuss has done some great bits of humor, and I really enjoy his writing.
  13. Originally Posted By: Lilith So in one regard at least, Iran's government is more dedicated to protecting religious pluralism than the US. I won't deny you your claim. From that evidence, it is clear that Iran has more safeguards on religious pluralism in the government. The Establishment Clause of the USC, however, does not require the government to protect minority religions. In fact, one could argue that by placing quotes on religious presence in the government, the government would be favoring those religions. If 5% of our population follows a particular religion, for which 8% of the congressional seats are reserved, would the government not then be supporting a religion, and indeed giving it unfair influence in the policy-making of the nation?
  14. Perhaps we have different views of immersing. In Diablo II, my character actually runs when it runs, and arrows actually fly in the trajectories I click. A monster with an open wound will bleed continuously. I actually prefer top-down isometric graphics. God-mode views are the best. Or at least, they're the easier for me to maneuver in.
  15. As I recall, the first Deathstar was destroyed because Luke was awesome. A little tiny exhaust vent is hardly a bad design. Every design has a weak spot, and the Deathstar's was very well defended. Luke is just awesome.
  16. Except for Arcane Scrolls and Drake skins (or whatever). Those two have quest relevance. Everything without a value, though, is junk for immersion.
  17. Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile. An RPG that has blood? *other then the blood stains in the exile/geneforge/avadon series.* that when you get hit, blood leaks out on you? Diablo II which is a good example of a game with immersing graphics.
  18. Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile. What can school get me that I already dont have?....Other than a good job Uh... good job = pay. so school pays you in the long run. just saying...
  19. The two French teachers much prefer Apple products.
  20. Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile. Yes but not every mountain in germany has a flat top... There's a little (read: huge) range of topographical descriptors between "so pointy nothing can stay on top without building all the way up from the bottom" and "flat as Nebraska."
  21. Or you could embrace the easy exp and hope it lasts. In some zones, I think it's coded (intentionally or not) that the creatures give more-than-usual experience.
  22. Then how do mountains stay not-flat in the first place? There are ways to build up mountains; they're just not easy or practical.
  23. When in the power core, you'll be taking damage. There is a good alcove for hiding, but you can only fit so many creations in it. The further out a creation is, the faster it will take damage. You pretty much hide in the corner and heal after every round of damage. The more creatures you have, the easier it is for them to die.
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