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A less presumptuous name.

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Everything posted by A less presumptuous name.

  1. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan I've seen that base image who knows how many times, and only just now have I realized that he's putting on a second pair of sunglasses. Mind Blown. CSI: Miami. I remember watching that show. His one-liners never got better; in fact, they seemed only to decline from episode one.
  2. Originally Posted By: Skwish-E I got started on diapers, then I learned to use the potty like a big boy. +1 Just to add some (almost) meaningful content to this before I leave, I think that Slarty and Dantius are saying the same thing from opposite ends. Just because we (in the most general sense of the word possible) didn't bring about the socioeconomic issues of many people in out nation doesn't mean that we shouldn't help them out. Our ancestors did some great things and some awful things, and we can't just chose to ignore those awful things when they still exist today. Now, I don't propose that we go and find everyone descended from a slaveholder and try them crimes or anything, and I don' think that they alone should try to fix anything. We're all in this place together, even though we're all far from equal. You can't preach about equality and then ignore the reasons for inequality. As Slarty said, you can't just wipe the slate clean and ignore the past - you have do play with the cards you've been dealt. Saying this is a bit strange for me, as I was a long supporter of "ignore everything about their race and background and whatnot." The more I see, the more I realize that this approach is just as flawed as every other approach. This whole mess is a just that, a big mess. A complicated mess. And there is no easy or fast solution, and I certainly can't think of anything resembling a good solution at the moment. That's why I plan on electing people to do that for me. But now we've got to worry about American politics.... oh boy....
  3. Originally Posted By: Sylae Edit Reason: Also, to whoever had the four AP classes, slow the hell down, you're making me feel stupider hey, I'm still behind some of my friends. And our school pushes AP classes so much that is really repulses me. AP English and History classes have about twice the number of qualified students. Originally Posted By: Excalibur I would have had more science classes in high school, but due it's small size, the school didn't offer a huge variety. This. Between graduation requirements, limited offerings, and unnecessary double period science courses, I wouldn't be able to take more advanced science courses if we had them. The only ones available worth mentioning are Human A&P, AP Enviro-Sci, Astronomy, and maybe a few other lame things. But nothing really goes above the middle school level of complexity other than the first two.
  4. So lim x (x->42) = lim x (∞) ? That should be an infinity. And if a mod wants to format this to look like real stuff, go ahead.
  5. Originally Posted By: Alorael, Lilith, Randomizer Am I guilty of impersonation now? —Alorael, whose PDN at least includes his own moniker. Okay, you're just messing with me now. When I first logged on, I thought that you had set your PDN as simply "Alorael," but I knew better.
  6. The game takes the lowest level ever used, so if you dropped down to easy, even just for a second, everything from that point on will qualify the playthrough as no-medal.
  7. Now you're getting things confused. The Fluffy Turtles take the sanity, and the board runs off of the body heat of the mods.
  8. Originally Posted By: I see you lurking there! —Alorael, who now feels like he's in a playground argument in this very thread. Originally Posted By: Nicothodes Master1, shouldn't that be in the Back to School thread? No, I feel my comment was well placed.
  9. Senior year of high school, finally. AP Physics C (double period (our three core sciences all have double period AP classes, and I've been in them all now (except for Physics )) AP English Language AP French VI (no, we don't have 6 years of proficiency - the system is just dumbed down for 4 years) AP Economics (Micro and Macro (but only one period for this)) Linear Algebra (online through Johns Hopkins' CTY program) And of course, Gym, because I've been too busy with double period sciences and other stuff for three years. Oh, and thanks to the "hurricane," I don't start school until tomorrow.
  10. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Originally Posted By: Skwish-E My dad's number can beat up your dad's number. Yeah, well I know you are, but what am I? Psh, nice try, but I'm rubber and you're glue, so that bounced off of me and stuck to you.
  11. I suppose. It makes more sense now that I've been reading more "classic" literature in which authors place exclamation marks in the middles of sentences.
  12. Didn't the achievements get added to the steam version? Unless you're talking about the game medals. Have you tried copying your save folder to the steam version? If that doesn't do it, there may not be a way.
  13. Originally Posted By: I see you lurking there! Alorael rants about numbers tl;dr Sorry, Karoka, but the numbers mentioned are so large that they cannot be expressed in any sort of notation like what you are using. There simply isn't space enough in the universe. Nice try, though.
  14. Quote: I see you lurking there! Lilith If only the punctuation mark were in a different place!
  15. I think there is a requirement that you must play on at least normal difficulty to receive any medals. That could explain why people are not receiving the Codex medal.
  16. Just so we know, Google and googol are not the same. The latter is the spelling of the number, according to the Apple Dictionary. Likewise with googolplex rather than googleplex.
  17. sugar =/= fat. it may cause you to gain weight if consumed in excess, but they are far from the same thing. Just to get in my nit-picking quota for the year before I die in a hurricane.
  18. Just finished Shelley's Frankenstein. It wasn't at all what I was expecting based on popular myth, but it was still a very good book. It just took a long time to get into it. I have less than 2 days now to read The Picture of Dorian Gray and Le Petit Prince. Here's hoping that the hurricane delays school openings.
  19. In game explanation: The farlands weren't added to be farlands, they were farlands because of how they stick out. But yes, I see your point. But why worry about the shape of the world when the plot is far more interesting?
  20. How does a black hole become dormant? Last I knew the gravitational effects of a black hole were pretty much constant. (Uh oh, here comes SoT with a few pages explaining some weird phenomenon that will go way over my head.)
  21. Originally Posted By: Karoka Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha,revel servile sa-TYPE lamps Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile. Anywho, I highly doubt there is a lamp named the sa-TYPE. I suggest you look at that link... T12 SA-Type lamps.
  22. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S Uh oh. This does suggest a shift in the title numbers may be imminent. Excellent! Another chance for us all to whine about not getting custom titles. Not that I want one, who would want all that attention? I'll definitely never ask for one. Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, rebel servile. Lilith is only 22 posts away from reaching YOUR POSTLINESS. Can she reach it? Assuming the benchmark is 15,000, I count 12 posts away. I doubt lilith has bade 10 posts in the hour since you've posted. Subtraction really is the hardest arithmetic.
  23. Originally Posted By: Handyman Sadly, those who speak for victims tend to be the abusers. Before Slarty (Mr. House, as you call him) gets a chance, I'd like to ask for some citations on this. I've been following this entire thread, and have been very interested in all points brought up, but this is one of them that I have trouble believing. Your claim is counter-intuitive and I cannot think of a single example. The abusers seem far more likely to either ignore or blame the victims or rationalize their actions.
  24. Perhaps someone should go to the Codex thread and update each entry with a location and verify that all entries have been found. And then link to the thread from Strategy Central, if it hasn't already been done. EDIT: It's already in SC, but locations would still be a nice addition.
  25. Originally Posted By: Musical Malpractice I have iTunes. —Alorael This is where I sit. If a game has a large enough budget to have a really good soundtrack, then yeah, I'll listen to it. But I will often mute a game and either play with just the sounds or with my own iTunes library running in the background. Jeff doesn't have the budget to bring in a large amount of high-quality music, so I'd rather he not waste time, money, and effort to put out a bad soundtrack.
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