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A less presumptuous name.

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Everything posted by A less presumptuous name.

  1. I think this is the third topic like this in a month. I recommend the search feature. If I didn't have to leave a minute ago, I would do it for you. Heck, scroll down the General forum and you'll find at least one of the threads.
  2. I assume that you mean the Avernum games were longer than you like.
  3. My suggestion is the search feature. This has been discussed exhaustively, and there are a few strong possibilities, the most notable of which are Monarch and the G2 PC.
  4. I learned sentences on sticks in 8th grade when I moved to Maryland. It had been part of the regular curriculum, so I was two years behind. After a month or two I was one of the best in the class. It actually helped (along with having a teacher who actually taught grammar) me to learn how sentences work and what is and is not correct.
  5. Just a note about entropy in passwords. Length is better than random characters when computers are doing the hacking.
  6. Originally Posted By: Trenton Uchiha, shaper servile. So back then they actually said the k along with the night[?] Originally Posted By: Harehunter Did you know that at one time all the letters in the word knight were actually pronounced?
  7. Unless you look at the left column, in which case: "Suddenly you encounter Your Postliness!"
  8. Originally Posted By: Alorael's link Some works in translation may also be included (e .g ., Greek tragedies, Russian or Latin American fiction) . Represented Authors: Poetry: Geoffrey Chaucer Dramas: Sophocles Fiction: Fyodor Dostoevsky Alrighty then, I'll chalk this up to my teacher being, in addition to a complete bore, a poor teacher. She has mentioned Chaucer multiple times as an example of an author who will not be on the exam.
  9. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Master1 I doubt my high school has non-denatured ethanol. On a semi-related note, I've actually seen ethanol-based rubbing alcohol. I was surprised by this, and I wonder if anyone else has seen it and if it's common. I was under the impression that rubbing alcohol was by definition isopropyl alcohol. I was under the same impression, which is why I was surprised enough to mention it here. Of course, when I looked the bottle said that the alcohol was denatured (I think with methanol).
  10. Originally Posted By: PDN Conspiracy There are two AP English tests. One is language, and one is literature. The latter is necessarily based on a (large) set list of classics of English literature. (And, oddly, a few non-English books in in translation.) Are you sure that there are officially books in translation? My AP Lit teacher always repeats that there are "no works in translation" - particularly in the context that early and middle English are considered to be works in translation. In that vein, I wouldn't recommend Crime and Punishment. All Quiet on the Western Front, though, is a very good war novel as I remember. Actually, most war novels that I've read are pretty good. The only one that I can readily think of as unpleasant is The Red Badge of Courage.
  11. I doubt my high school has non-denatured ethanol. On a semi-related note, I've actually seen ethanol-based rubbing alcohol. I was surprised by this, and I wonder if anyone else has seen it and if it's common.
  12. We're all using the wrong pronoun. We have superior implants.
  13. Originally Posted By: Flame Fiend Originally Posted By: Niemand Two of the planes involved (one at the WTC and the one at the pentagon) belonged to American Airlines, which paints a dark blue stripe on the side of the plane at the height of the windows. Well in that case, all that shining blueness would have been seen on footage, which it wasn't. Again: the windows are on the upper half of the plane, which can be very difficult to see. And eye witnesses are unreliable. Originally Posted By: Flame Fiend Originally Posted By: Niemand Also, how much wreckage do you expect from a passenger jet? I was expecting this amount of wreckage: Click to reveal.. 2 things. First, the plane burned in a huge building and then was crushed during the collapse, so the wreckage would be far less plane-like. Second, an enormous building fell on/with the plane, so Code: Plane : Building :: Needle : Haystack
  14. There is one thing I feel I should add, though. While I am okay with the level cap, it does seem like a mistake that you can't raise the top skills to the top levels. Adding a few more levels (say 35) would fix that problem without skewing endgame balance.
  15. The problem with learning to write in Chinese for me is the same as learning to write with a Latin alphabet for a Chinese person. It's a new alphabet. Learning the Chinese alphabet wouldn't be that much different than learning the Arabic alphabet, as far as I can see. So perhaps there is one more factor in the ease of learning a language: similarities to your native language. It is probably easier for a Chinese person to learn Korean than it would be for me.
  16. Originally Posted By: Flame Fiend Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Flame Fiend But what about the no window thing? Those are shots of the bottom of the plane. I highly doubt cargo bays have many windows in any sort of plane, commercial airliner or secret military jet. Sorry, I wasn't talking about the picture this time. I'm talking about the eye witnesses that said they saw no windows on it/ Um, you have the same problem. Eye witnesses were on the ground and obviously had no better view of the top and sides of the plane than the images and video recovered. Also, eyewitnesses are terribly unreliable. Originally Posted By: Flame Fiend Quote: There were 4 plains that day. Why then Karoka, did the fourth plane crash without a struggle without passengers? Huh? I don't get it. Also, what font is that? Quoting shows you the text, which is in "Impact." Trenton is asking why there was a fourth plane found if it wasn't actually a passenger plane. Implying that the government (or whoever did this "conspiracy") went and crashed a jet airliner just to add that part to their cover story seems highly unlikely.
  17. Originally Posted By: Necris Omega Originally Posted By: Lt. Sullust If you're looking for a simple language look at something like Japanese. And yet, at least one source seems to put Japanese as the single most difficult language a native English speaker could possibly attempt to learn. My brother started taking Japanese and continued it in college. He says that it's a very simple language, although it appears to me that he learns a lot of culture to go along with the language. Really, I think the difficulty in learning a language depends more on the student and the teacher rather than the language itself.
  18. Sorry if I'm bringing up a dead horse (although a day is hardly dead), but I think there was a case of mistaken definition. Originally Posted By: Harehunter Fundamentalism, as least as I mean in this context, is the ideology that holds that if you don't believe as they do, then it justifies to them to cause you harm in some way, physically, financially, or by denying you liberty. That sounds more like extreme bigotry to me. Fundamentalism is just what it sounds like - believing in the fundamentals of a practice rather than more modern variants. My dictionary gives this definition of fundamentalism: Quote: strict maintenance of ancient or fundamental doctrines of any religion or ideology There is nothing in there about harm or strife. I certainly understand what you're saying, Harehunter. Those who believe others are inferior and deserving of harm because they hold difference beliefs are certainly unreasonable. If the Pope* decided that all non-Catholics were evil and should be killed, he would certainly lose support. If he acted on that belief, I would not hesitate to have him arrested. The issue that I see is your use of the term fundamentalism. While you may not realize it, some people will see what you write without looking for context or your definition. The reason that we have standard definitions is to maintain clear communication. You can't expect us to use your definition. *Just using a non-Islamic figure for example. I mean no disrespect to anyone or any religion.
  19. Originally Posted By: Sterno I'm starting to see that Jeff's blog posts about "When I do <x>, some people hate me and my games and will never buy one my games again" aren't even remotely exaggeration. Alas, I have to agree. It really is a shame that a single change can cause people to leave the game. Originally Posted By: Darth Ernie [O]n the other hand being capped means you need to to skill your way through enemies This is nice for me, particularly with turn-based combat. Thinking about how to take on enemies that will always be stronger than me adds another element to the game play, an element that I hope grows on me as my skill increases.
  20. I was in second grade. My teacher was the only in the school not to turn on the news, so I didn't find out until my mom was walking me home. I don't think I fully grasped what happened until I saw video some time later. It's scary to think that both of my sisters younger than 9/11.
  21. As in other languages, the masculine is often the default, and can be used if the gender is unknown. The rise of our gender-neutral pronouns, I believe, came in protest of such usage. Technically, before our GNPs were around, one would say "his or her books" to be "politically correct."
  22. Welcome to the internet. The dark side has cookies, but we have search engines.
  23. Um... ask an evolutionary biologist - we all come from things that split in two. In fact, that's how your body works. Every new cell in your body split off from another cell. Cell gets big -> cell splits -> two cells. And who says that Dikiyoba reproduces? One dikiyora is still more than enough to rule the internet.
  24. Originally Posted By: Cairo Jim Originally Posted By: Tirien The ducks have learned where you live. They shall visit you shortly, along with parachuting fluffy turtles. Anatidaephobia much? Using big words to show off much? I'm impressed
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