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Future of Geneforge


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If the Geneforge series is to continue then the ideas that each new verison has needs to be nice and fresh, sooo why don't we give spiderweb software some things to work with...post any/all ideas here


--I do understand that their is a legality proablem with us posting ideas on forums... so...--


solution: if spiderweb software is going to use the idea, then they may encounter legality problems, mostly i think with the credit of the idea...

i think it would be in everybodys best interests to:




Does anyone agree to this or disagress or have a seperate solutions?

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how about a multiplayer version of the game


details: you can create you game (statistsic for your character)

possibly carry out expirements: EX(in the Darkstone mines they tried to create an upgrade of the golem...G3)

you still have the faction AND HOSTILITY to cities and/or faction when loading the character file...

--how to allow others to do quests when another player have destroyed the spawner/vat/creature, etc:

you respawn the spawner/vat,etc, and set it to neutral to the player that has already completed the quest...EX:(in GF2 the zone "Kss-Urg's valley" the spawners creates the creations'but once killed the area is safe to pass, yet if you(player1) come back it is the same. This wouldn't work in a MM version, so a MM verison of it would be that once you(player1) kill the spawners and creation , you(player2) can leave and come back but all of the respawns would be nuetral to you, since you have already killed it... if Player 2 comes in to kill the spawners then the creation would be set to hostile to player to yet be neutral to player 1--

EDIT: i revised it to make it more legible, please escuse my typos

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This is Jeff's world, and while I'm sure he may appreciate the fact that there are people out there willing to give him ideas, this is his playground. If you want to help give ideas then do so, by all means, but I severely doubt that he will pay them any attention (there are legality issues amongst others).


If you have loads of ideas, by all means transfer them into a scenario for BoE/BoA, or give them to a scenario designer if you don't want to do them yourself. Or make your own game with your ideas...


But leave Jeff his own world, please.


EDIT: And if you are going to give ideas, at least make them legible.


- Archmagus Micael

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This is Jeff's world, and while I'm sure he may appreciate the fact that there are people out there willing to give him ideas, this is his playground. If you want to help give ideas then do so, by all means
thats what this topic is for... + if you r not Jeff then how can you speak for Jeff? but also
If you have loads of ideas, by all means transfer them into a scenario for BoE/BoA, or give them to a scenario designer if you don't want to do them yourself. Or make your own game with your ideas.
most people have ideas for games/patches,etc yet they dont have the programming abilites and/or an art team...
EDIT: i may be new but i know thier are alot of legality issues
but I severely doubt that he will pay them any attention (there are legality issues amongst others).
which is why i ask everyone to completly forfiet credit to the idea.
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Jeff has taken suggestions from these boards. As he posted here, he put Khyryk into G4 by popular demand, and was pleased with the role he found for him. He also used a contributed graphic for the A4 Chitrach.


What I don't think you're going to see him do, though, is use anyone else's ideas for really major aspects of his games. If he wanted to do that, he wouldn't be in his line of work.


And I don't want to see my ideas in future games, either. I already have my ideas. I want new ones.

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Implementation and minor plot ideas are probably very much within realm of being used. However, premises for entire games are likely not going to be. The reason is that it's a lot of work to make your own world, but at least you have the creativity of it being your own ideas. To make someone else's is the same amount of work, without the creative side. This I agree with Jeff on.


Personally, for the next game, I would like to see something totally different. We know about the Avernites and their plight, we know about the Shapers and their rebel adversaries. However, it would be really nice to start with a whole new world with a different and more fresh background.

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Originally by MagmaDragoon:


Originally written by *i:

...it would be really nice to start with a whole new world with a different and more fresh background.

What about Roman and Celts? :p
That's not new enough. It should be a game with a world so new and shiny it doubles as a light bulb and a background so fresh that you'll never need an air freshener again.



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Originally written by TAKE ALL:
how about the events that made sucia island barred?.................
I was thinking along those lines too.

But remember that temple in the ghost town? The shade directs you to a room that contains a very old shaping platform, leading to the suggestion that the Shapers might have originated on the island!
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Originally written by The Mystic:
There could be a game like BoA or BoE, where people play custom scenarios in the world of the Shapers.
BoG? wink

Originally written by TAKE ALL:
how about the events that made sucia island barred?.................

I was thinking along those lines too.

But remember that temple in the ghost town? The shade directs you to a room that contains a very old shaping platform, leading to the suggestion that the Shapers might have originated on the island!
Looking at the events of Sucia Island would be very interesting, and could give palyers an entire new world to visit. Those old Shapers had to be very powerful, and probably far more advanced, than the current Shapers. Reminds me of one of those old Armageddon films where we blew up the world and our descendants lived in the dark ages again.

- Archmagus Micael
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I think there should be a "yourself" faction where you build your own Geneforge out of parts obtained by defeating other factions. Then you would use it, thus taking over the world. It could even have multiple sub-endings, such as you forget a component and become a deformed, deranged mess of a person.

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GF5 - A Plague on Both Your Houses


You are a refugee in war torn Terrestia being recruited by both rebels and shapers to be used as cannon fodder in the war. Spend the game trying to survive and kill both sides while pretending to help them. (sounds a lot like GF3 except you start neutral)

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Originally written by Archmagus Micael:
BoG? wink
It wouldn't nesessarily have to be called that. How about a cooler sounding title, maybe something like "The Geneforge Chronicles"?

Originally written by Archmagus Micael:
Looking at the events of Sucia Island would be very interesting, and could give palyers an entire new world to visit. Those old Shapers had to be very powerful, and probably far more advanced, than the current Shapers.
Yes, it would be interesting to see how the early Shapers lived, especially since they originally intended to use their powers as a weapon.

I, for one, am curious as to how the humanoid creations (serviles, thahds, battle alpas, etc.) first came about; maybe they did Shaping experiments on themselves and/or their enemies? I'd also like to know what in the world the vlish, artila, and glaahk started out as.
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Perhaps this is in Geneforge 4 (or even in previous Geneforges, I can't really remember), but I'd like to have some skills other than Leadership factor into conversation checks. I'm thinking something along the lines of convincing a shaper to let you try fixing something by impressing him with knowledge of Mechanics. Or being able to argue your point better against someone if you have higher intelligence.


I'd also like to see some more choices in terms of weaponry. Spears that reach further than regular melee weapons, maybe big heavy mauls that stun people. That would be really nice.

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Three things of note, -X-:


  1. That style of outburst won't earn you many friends around here.
  2. There's no point in arguing over spelling and grammar.
  3. Using your personality book against someone would hold far more weight if anyone here even understood what that's about.

Oh, and you would make many a member happy if you eased off the Graemlins. Including me.

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Not directed at anyone in particular ... Generally, it won't make a difference. When you pick on someone's typos, it just reinforces that you're a cowardly, pugilistic idiot. I mean, do you expect to change the world if you yell at someone for not capitalizing "Shaper" or criticize their lack of paragraph breaks. Come on, if you can read it, no need to piss and moan about it.


Right. Back to the thread topic, how about a game that doesn't even bear the Geneforge title but is set in the same world? I'm talking something like, the origin of the Shapers. I mean, don't the games suggest -- or even explicity state -- that they've been around and in power for millenia? Maybe you should play an ancient peasant (albeit with promise) who has the chance to join the Shapers when they're a young sect, and as you progress through the game, the Shapers gain power over the common populace. I guess this WOULD have to be set on Sucia Island, since the Shapers' origins were there.


That gives me a more specific idea ... suppose your people are violently exiled from Terrestria (or whatever landmass neighbors Sucia) and you are sent adrift. Your fellow exiles take refuge on various islands, and you choose at the beginning who to go with.


One island might be really tough to settle (wildlife or existing, violent inhabitants), and the lot that goes there consists of hardened vagabonds and fighters. They'd have a good chance of taking revenge on those who exiled them.


Another island, I guess Sucia, would be all the educated and skilled folks trying to sequester themselves and study. They discover all those new powers, and there'd be a war with Heustess's people eventually (as described in Geneforge).


And then I guess there'd be a whacked-out religous cult that goes to a miserable, icy rock covered in mountain goats and decides to worship something there. And they'd have to be bent on sabotage of the Shapers' unholy studies, or something fanatical.


Eventually the islands would meet up or something. I mean, they can't be far -- in the Geneforge intro text, doesn't it mention that Sucia Island is one of a chain? Forgive me for dragging the island chain bit again.

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Ah, yes. Hatred. At last. So sweet.


But, back on topic, -X- doesn't very much care for friends. At the moment, he has two, and that's enough for him. -X- realizes the futility of arguing over grammar and spelling, but he can still find it as revolting as always. -X- agrees that his Personality Classification book is currently completely unknown to everyone else, but he will post the standings when they have accumulated enough. And -X- does overuse graemlins. -X- likes them.


And, in response to Nick Ringer, -X- doesn't mind a typo here and there, or if someone is just a bad speller, but he doesn't like repeated offences that can't be accidental. -X- himself makes these typos from time to time, but not purposefully or with great frequency as, from what he has seen of TAKE ALL, TAKE ALL does.


On thread topic, of course there will be an inevitable event on the Sucia Island chain. It may not be in these games, or games to come, but there is a war going on. And, eventually, rumors will leak out that a Geneforge is operational, or that there are important notes in the area.


And now, because -X- is currently secluded from Dikiyoba The Great's Episode Three : A New Game. . .



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For the record: making some effort at reasonable spelling and grammar is generally considered good manners around here. A typo or two is fine. A grammatical error or two may also be fine. Writing in chatspeak is not.


This thread probably has little point, because Spiderweb is almost certain not to go in a particularly different direction than it has in the past few games (by which I mean multi-player, console-based, something like that). Basically, what Stareye said earlier in this thread is true.


I'm tempted to lock this based solely on that, but meh. It's fine to dream, as long as you know that you're dreaming.

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Geneforge 4 is pretty much decided except for the fine tuning. Geneforge 5 is going to be well over a year away since Jeff announced that he wants to revise Nethergate to OS X and do Avernum 5.


You might as well wait to see all the changes in Geneforge 4 so you can at least make informed suggestions since the combat and creation systems have changed. Mechanics and tool use are also a little different in how they work for locks, traps, and mines. Still you can always do it the old fashioned way and set them off and hope to survive.

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FWIW, one thing I would've liked in the 2nd and 3rd games is a little "customization" based on previous endings. Nothing too fancy - but, e.g., you get an optional screen in which you can tell the game which shapers died in GF 2 or which ending you got in GF 3 and your character's name (with default settings for newcomers) - so that, for example, an old Khyrik wouldn't appear if you'd killed him (but you could still get the info he provides another way), and the characters who give you background later in the game would mention your previous character and his deeds.


Maybe it wouldn't be worth the trouble. I'd enjoy it, though.

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Originally by Alberich:


FWIW, one thing I would've liked in the 2nd and 3rd games is a little "customization" based on previous endings. Nothing too fancy - but, e.g., you get an optional screen in which you can tell the game which shapers died in GF 2 or which ending you got in GF 3 and your character's name (with default settings for newcomers) - so that, for example, an old Khyrik wouldn't appear if you'd killed him (but you could still get the info he provides another way)...
While I think it's a good idea, it would be far too much work to be feasible. (PS: use the edit button instead of double posting please.)


Dikiyoba has always secretly wanted to meet up with Dikiyoba's old characters. Where are they and what are they doing now? What advice would they have for another apprentice stuck in a similar situation? Dikiyoba can only speculate.

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