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Five-Dimensional Political Compass

Mea Tulpa

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In the grand Spiderweb tradition, but with some new twists.  This one's much shorter, so give it a whirl and post your results!


While it isn't perfect, I think the existence of five different axes addresses some of the discussion we've had in the past about the compacted nature of the traditional Political Compass (and its tendency to ask questions about a complex situation but that seemed to be judging a single conic slice of the whole).




Explanation key: 

Collectivism refers to economic intervention, whether the society or state should intervene in the economy to redistribute wealth from the more to the less successful. The negative percentages indicate opposition to such intervention. 

Authoritarianism refers to state power to control the actions of individuals to prevent them from harming others or themselves, and also to establish the will of the majority over society. Negative percentages indicate opposition to state power. 

Internationalism refers to political involvement in other nations or global affairs, either via war, treaty or international organizations. Negative percentages indicate isolationist beliefs, and the belief in national sovereignty. 

Tribalism refers to identity or nationalism, favoring your own nation over foreigners. Negative percentages indicate opposition to national or ethnic identity and oriented towards pan-humanism. 

Liberalism refers to acceptance of historically illegal or immoral social practices or customs. Negative percentages indicate opposition to such acceptance.

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I got:

You are a: Communist Interventionist Bleeding-Heart Progressive

Collectivism score: 83%
Authoritarianism score: 0%
Internationalism score: 33%
Tribalism score: -100%
Liberalism score: 50%


I found this interesting and mostly accurate.  The -100% on Tribalism is definitely accurate.  The 0% on Authoritarianism also fits pretty well, I think.  I am less anti-government than anti-power.  That means I support government power when it serves to counterbalance some other brutish power, and oppose it in most other cases.

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You are a: Right-Leaning Anarchist Cosmopolitan Reactionary

Collectivism score: -33%
Authoritarianism score: -100%
Internationalism score: 0%
Tribalism score: -17%
Liberalism score: -67%

Well, no one's ever called me that before. :rolleyes:

I approve this quiz because it was delightfully short. I did have to answer "Maybe" on several questions because I just didn't feel like "Yes" or "No" was an adequate answer without further explanation / definition of terms.

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You are a: Communist Pro-Government World-Federalist Bleeding-Heart Progressive 

Collectivism score: 100%
Authoritarianism score: 33%
Internationalism score: 100%
Tribalism score: -100%
Liberalism score: 67%


—Alorael, who thinks that's about right. He's been called all of those, except "world-federalist." But he's happy to adopt it as a proud label or possibly shouted epithet.

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You are a: Communist Pro-Government Non-Interventionist Humanist Liberal

Collectivism score: 83%
Authoritarianism score: 17%
Internationalism score: -17%
Tribalism score: -67%
Liberalism score: 33%


If my initial reaction to a question was "well, that's tricky, innit?", then I put down "Maybe".


There were a lot of "Maybe"s.

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You are a: Socialist Anti-Government Interventionist Humanist Moderate

Collectivism score: 67%
Authoritarianism score: -33%
Internationalism score: 17%
Tribalism score: -67%
Liberalism score: 0%


There weren't enough questions to accurately describe my views, but this is what I got.

Edited by Thynar
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You are a: Communist Authoritarian Interventionist Bleeding-Heart Progressive

Collectivism score: 100%
Authoritarianism score: 50%
Internationalism score: 33%
Tribalism score: -100%
Liberalism score: 50%

Came off more authoritarian than I would have suspected, but the communist part was accurate.


Edited by Kennedy
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TBH I don't really like this test due to severe lack of nuance. e.g. I had to answer "no" on taxation because I don't believe governments have the right to punitively tax people who can't afford it. IMO one of the central purposes of taxation is to redistribute wealth.



You are a: Socialist Pro-Government World-Federalist Bleeding-Heart Libertine

Collectivism score: 67%
Authoritarianism score: 33%
Internationalism score: 83%
Tribalism score: -100%
Liberalism score: 83%

Edited by Tevildo
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If you have a more nuanced test that you prefer, I'm all for taking that one instead; "severe lack of nuance" might as well be the subtitle of the original political compass as far as I'm concerned.  But let's be fair: "internet test" and "nuance" are generally in two different ant colonies.

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I ended up with a fair number of maybes, so I do agree with the comment about nuance, but I wasn't interested in doing the 1,000 question purity test tonight, so I probably would not have put up with a more nuanced test and this was interesting.  Economically, I believe that I am more right than center (although around here, being a centrist does put me in the extreme right side of the spectrum), and I do not think that I am as anti-government as it states.


You are a: Centrist Anti-Government Multilateralist Cosmopolitan Traditionalist 

Collectivism score: 0%
Authoritarianism score: -33%
Internationalism score: 50%
Tribalism score: -17%
Liberalism score: -17%

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You are a: Left-Leaning Anti-Government Multilateralist Bleeding-Heart Libertine

Collectivism score: 17%
Authoritarianism score: -17%
Internationalism score: 50%
Tribalism score: -100%
Liberalism score: 83%


I'd imagine that this score would be a bit different if the statements were worded differently. For example, I responded "no" to "The government always has the right to impose taxes on people" because a government should not have a "right" to impose taxes on people who are not adequately represented, but I would otherwise favor higher taxes in general.

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33 minutes ago, Callie said:

I'd imagine that this score would be a bit different if the statements were worded differently. For example, I responded "no" to "The government always has the right to impose taxes on people" because a government should not have a "right" to impose taxes on people who are not adequately represented, but I would otherwise favor higher taxes in general.

Yeah, I responded "yes" to that question because my mind immediately went to stuff like sovereign citizens. The percentages are a rough estimate; I could see someone's numbers varying by a dozen or two percentage points based on interpretation, but someone who has +50% in a category is definitely different from someone who has -50% in the same category.

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An argument could be made that where one's thoughts go and how one respond's based on that says something meaningful. You can set up an implicit bias-like version of the test where the questions are flashed quickly and you have to give a response without putting time and conscious thought into it.


—Alorael, who would actually find it very interesting seeing how closely unconscious political leanings and manifest beliefs differ. He'd bet largely not by much, but here and there there might be surprises.

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14 hours ago, Speak, Nemesis said:

An argument could be made that where one's thoughts go and how one respond's based on that says something meaningful. You can set up an implicit bias-like version of the test where the questions are flashed quickly and you have to give a response without putting time and conscious thought into it.


I tried to do that just now by clicking on the answers as fast as I could and move on to the next question.  My results did change from the first time I took the test.



2nd time

You are a: Communist Pro-Government World-Federalist Bleeding-Heart Progressive

Collectivism score: 100%
Authoritarianism score: 33%
Internationalism score: 100%
Tribalism score: -100%
Liberalism score: 67%



1st time

You are a: Left-Leaning Multilateralist Bleeding-Heart Liberal

Collectivism score: 33%
Authoritarianism score: 0%
Internationalism score: 67%
Tribalism score: -83%
Liberalism score: 17%


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You are a: Objectivist Anarchist Isolationist Nationalist Reactionary

Collectivism score: -83%
Authoritarianism score: -83%
Internationalism score: -67%
Tribalism score: 17%
Liberalism score: -50%


while the test is likely not that accurate considering it's just another online test made by someone with too much time on their hands, to some people this probably makes me the literal satan. lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A lot of left leaners :o 


I got... 

Socialist Anti-Government Humanist Progressive

Collectivism score: 67%
Authoritarianism score: -33%
Internationalism score: 0%
Tribalism score: -67%
Liberalism score: 67%



Explanation key: 

Collectivism refers economic intervention, whether the society or state should intervene in the economy to redistribute wealth from the more to the less successful. The negative percentages indicate opposition to such intervention. 

Authoritarianism refers to state power to control the actions of individuals to prevent them from harming others or themselves, and also to establish the will of the majority over society. Negative percentages indicate opposition to state power. 

Internationalism refers to political involvement in other nations or global affairs, either via war, treaty or international organizations. Negative percentages indicate isolationist beliefs, and the belief in national sovereignty. 

Tribalism refers to identity or nationalism, favoring your own nation over foreigners. Negative percentages indicate opposition to national or ethnic identity and oriented towards pan-humanism. 

Liberalism refers to acceptance of historically illegal or immoral social practices or customs. Negative percentages indicate opposition to such acceptance.


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You are a: Right-Leaning Isolationist Cosmopolitan Liberal

Collectivism score: -17%
Authoritarianism score: 0%
Internationalism score: -67%
Tribalism score: -17%
Liberalism score: 33%

Hmm... being both Isolationist and Cosmopolitan at the same time is weird (a bit contradictory), though I understand why the test would give me those labels.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You are a: Communist Pro-Government Interventionist Bleeding-Heart Libertine

Collectivism score: 83%
Authoritarianism score: 17%
Internationalism score: 33%
Tribalism score: -100%
Liberalism score: 100%


Got a couple issues with a few of the questions tho, eg "Our nation should never intervene in civil wars or rebellions, let them take care of their own problems" which seems to be correlated with "internationalism" as in "should my country be in the UN"; I said yes to the former because the USA has a terrible track record of intervening in other countries' conflicts, but I said that we should be in the UN. I don't think these are somehow contradictory: interventionism and internationalism are not the same thing. I don't know where the hell the authoritarianism score comes from... because I said maybe governments have the right to dictate what people can and cannot do? But that's a potential definition of government? If a government can't make laws, it can't do anything. (Also for the record, whatever the test says, I'm an anarcho-syndicalist.)

Edited by googoogjoob
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You are a: Socialist Anti-Government Traditionalist

Collectivism score: 50%
Authoritarianism score: -33%
Internationalism score: 0%
Tribalism score: 0%
Liberalism score: -17%


Weird.  I had a few maybes and a couple other questions where I don't think I expressed well because of nuance.  


In real life I was essentially a social liberal and fiscal conservative.  But there are a few problems that eroded away at my fiscal conservatism.  At heart I still have fiscally conservative "feelings" - but taken a step back to the big picture, if something comes down to "being good to people" vs "saving a negligible amount of money" - then "being good to people" is almost always the obvious answer.  Public works/programs/etc that actually wind up saving money and/or acting as great investments in the country's potential don't seem (to me) like they should be anathema to fiscal conservatism... but I'm in bizarro world sometimes in this country.  The other thing that has to be accounted for is automation.  There will come a time when very few jobs actually need to be done by humans (or can be done by humans competitively against robots/machines/computers).  Things like "basic income" are going to be necessary someday.


And it's either going to cause humanity to flourish, or become a dystopian nightmare.  Thirty people can own everything while the billions starve and rot... or basic income will allow people to participate in the market and pursue their dreams - find a way to work if they want more, or create things, and have art, design, music, literature, architecture, etc, flourish.  No matter how right "cut taxes, earn your own way" sounds, it's not any of the previous centuries anymore, and people have to jump off that train before it's way too late to do anything for humanity.



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I was very surprised at my results. And while I liked it I feel like it could profit from at the very least more questions.

I got 


You are a: Communist Authoritarian Non-Interventionist Bleeding-Heart Libertine

Collectivism score: 100%
Authoritarianism score: 67%
Internationalism score: -17%
Tribalism score: -100%
Liberalism score: 100%


Most of it is accurate though. 

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  • 5 months later...

You are a: Communist Pro-Government Interventionist Bleeding-Heart Libertine 

Collectivism score: 100%
Authoritarianism score: 17%
Internationalism score: 17%
Tribalism score: -100%
Liberalism score: 83%



The second and third descriptors are really inaccurate for me. I think the test is working with certain assumptions that don’t hold up under alternative government systems.

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