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Yet Another Political Measuring-Stick

Mea Tulpa

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This is an interesting site that asks about your opinion on specific issues in U.S. politics, rather than general ideology. What's nice about it is that it gives you an array of fairly intelligent answer choices when you select "Choose another stance." It also has a fairly wide selection of issues, not just hot button issues. The site tells you how your opinions compare to presidential candidates and their parties on different categories of issues, and you can also compare with your friends.


It probably wasn't the intention, but this site makes very clear the ideological boundaries of the left and right in American politics by not really allowing you to depart those boundaries. For example, I received a 99% agreement score with Obama on economic issues, which is not really accurate; it's just that the U.S. doesn't have any major politicans who are seriously leftist in terms of economics.


Overall, I received similarity scores of 83% with Obama, 81% with Jill Stein, 52% with the Ron Paul and 13% with Romney. In the comparisons, the site does sometimes claim two answers are similar when they seem pretty different, so be warned. My full results are here; I suggest posting the link to yours so we can all play show-and-tell.



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I side 99% with Mitt Romney on practically everything.



A lot of the options aren't right wing enough for me though. I consider myself a centrist since I'm pretty far left when it comes to the economy but I go equally as far to the right when social issues brought up. Neither party really appeals to me at all. I want good ol' centrist fascists please frown failing that some honest politicians would be nice(haha funny joke right?).


Glad to see that 69% of my state agrees with me on some of the important things though. I would have answered more questions but my internet work is slow.

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I haven't really heard much about Gary Johnson, so its a good thing to find out about him when I apparently support his ideas most.


Also Virgil Goode I supported 97% in the areas I put most for (I stopped bothering with that slider right after the beginning though) and I hadn't heard of him really.


I'm interested in comparing these results with the results of the old thread.

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(Caveat: I'm a Canadian and know next to nothing about issues in the States. Heck, I'm barely qualified to talk about most Canadian issues.)




I think Ron Paul has some pretty kooky ideas, but me siding with him probably has a lot to do with me valuing issues like online surveillance and the PATRIOT Act and the wars.


I found that, a lot of the time, I wanted to combine some of the alternate stance options. Sometimes I agreed with more than one, and just picked whichever one I thought applied more. And sometimes I both agreed and disagreed with certain aspects of a single option. Sometimes, I felt this way for both a YES option and a NO option on the same question. This includes the Issue Which Must Not Be Named.

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I don't align with my state very well. Ever since I've read into the Green Party, though, I've been supportive of them, so that's a good sign.


Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
I found that, a lot of the time, I wanted to combine some of the alternate stance options. Sometimes I agreed with more than one, and just picked whichever one I thought applied more. And sometimes I both agreed and disagreed with certain aspects of a single option. Sometimes, I felt this way for both a YES option and a NO option on the same question. This includes the Issue Which Must Not Be Named.


This, definitely, although I'm fairly black and white on that particular issue. My views are a lot more nuanced than this quiz would allow me on the issue of "should the US intervene in other countries" for instance, and there were many times where I wanted to combine options. The option to add my own stance was tempting, but I didn't think it would give me results for looking at candidates.

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Pretty much what I expected: tending towards Obama, largely agreed with Democrats on domestic issues, Republicans on foreign affairs (although I actually think Obama has done an excellent job on that front), and Libertarians on nothing except that they should have the freedom to go play in traffic as children, and apparently environmental issues? That did surprise me somewhat, although none of the options given were very representative of my views on the subject.


Also, I manged a stunning 0% agreement with Virgil Goode, which as I read up on his policies sounds like a very good thing.

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Originally Posted By: Goldenking
The option to add my own stance was tempting, but I didn't think it would give me results for looking at candidates.

Write-in answers don't count towards the percentages, but you can still compare them against the candidates' answers. And since the percentages aren't very good in the first place, a few write-in answers won't hurt.

Dikiyoba's results were 80% Stein and 77% Obama.
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My results. (99% Gary Johnson)


I don't find this surprising because I had supported Johnson's candidacy from the beginning, and he's actually in line with the Libertarian Party platform and has meaningful political experience.


I didn't like the amnesty question. The amnesty should be permanent, and I picked the simple path to citizenship option reluctantly because I disagreed with how it was phrased.


Also, there are few instances in which I agree with Mitt Romney on economic issues: he's corporatist.

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86% Jill Stein, apparently. And actually 54% Ron Paul, because we agree on the Middle East, Patriot Act, and internet control. However, I laughed at the "Should the US have bailed out banks in 2008" question: My "No" and Ron Paul's "No, remove the federal reserve and return to the gold standard" were apparently matched, as were "Yes" and "Yes, but the government shouldn't spend money on it" on the global warming question.


Needless to say, we were diametrically opposite on immigration, science, gun control, and the UN.



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Can't say I'm surprised, not at all even. But, remember, I'm Dutch. There are things in this quiz that I know hardly anything about (such as the patriot act) and as such I can only answer these questions as an outsider. My result is as as subjective as you could possibly get.


That said, I have always known I'm a green democrat with a strong support for science.

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