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Mea Tulpa

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I swore I'd never do this. But now this number seems both obscenely round and obsequiously rare.


I first received my calling from this number when I realized that its proper name, myriad, was an embellishment of the Greek letter mu. Clearly, this number is one of His and Her Jubilee Numbers.


As I begin to slog through the postcount numbers that correspond to New York zip codes, I think it is only fair that I reflect on some of the things that have gotten me this far.


I have been helped along by hundred-armed hecatonchires and hundred-strong hecatombs,



and by the reassuringly dead corpses of 227 chitrachs,



I have all but taken 333 names in homage to terminal spirits,




I have threaded in one a thousand posts too many for the server,



been added a thousand times to the list,



I have left probably two-thousand projects agape and waiting,

The Blades Community, the Spiderweb Software Message Boards, & Satelite Fora
Written HistoryTimelineModerators


I have organized 10 in 2309 of you into colored rows,

cast 10 in 3319 of you among the stars,

and reduced 10 in 4248 of you to card stock,



Stripped, Posed, and Bacon Dropped a lucky few,

Met 1 in 7080,



grepped more data than I have the bits to ordinate,

crumpled myself up and hurled myself into more Aaah the strict linguistic arguments than any self-respecting thirteenth element deserves,




(I have defeated all 100 of the monsters in Magus's Castle ten times over, but his 4 competitors in the tourney not once)



And now, I am leaving. I am saying GOOD-BYE.

— Slartifer


, who has borrowed Alorael's gimmick fewer than twenty times,



and quit fewer than three,

waiting patiently for entropy:

332 in 10001

slouching slowly towards 30.


The time draws near:



May He and She smile upon thee, in loving kineness, from both sides of the mirror.


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Sir, I applaud you, and thank you for all your contributions to the general weal, for I count myself among those who hold it high achievement, to arrest the fleeting thought of one's fellow mortals, and make them say inwardly, even though the moment's doubt be instantly forgotten, "Wait. What?" By this and this only, we have existed.

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... (This is italic)

... (This is regular)

... (This is bold)


Hmmm. On first examination it seems an italics and regular ellipse is identical, but on closer examination it appears there is a slight color shift. On even closer examination each set has a different number of pixels per period and a color shift.

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