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Cider usually means means soft in the US, and it's the hard that gets specified. In Europe hard is assumed. And I'm pretty sure you know that.


—Alorael, who likes hard cider and soft cider. It's just that they often don't taste the same at all. Most hard cider isn't really sweet after fermentation, and some of it (bad cider?) doesn't even taste of apples anymore.

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Where have you had to specify that, Nico? In the vast majority of the U.S., people assume that "cider" refers to nonalcoholic "apple cider" that is often served to kids. Even Wikipedia says:


'In current usage of the term in the United States and Canada, the term "hard cider" is used for the alcoholic beverage discussed in this article, while the term "cider" usually refers to a non-alcoholic apple juice beverage.'

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I think it may be a recent change, or still in progress.


Hard ciders started getting more popular in the US somewhere around ten years ago, I think, probably as part of the general gentrification of alcohol that had begun a bit earlier. Wine coolers and the like seemed to have acquired some kind of stigma of artificiality, and you can only add so many flavors to bourbon before Jack Daniels returns from beyond to punish the wicked, so reviving a solidly traditional drink like hard cider was just the ticket. Soft cider seems to have gotten less popular at the same time, at least as a label, probably as fancy apple juice started getting marketed as juice, to ride the coattails of not-from-concentrate orange juice.

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I don't think it's actually a change. Obviously there are situations in the U.S. where you can say "cider" and people will assume the alcoholic kind: namely, if you are at a bar or a party where alcohol is served. If you have moderate exposure to those circumstances and minimal exposure to people who drink nonalcoholic apple cider, it makes sense that you'd hear it used that way most of the time. That doesn't mean its general use has changed.

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Originally Posted By: Nicothodes
I hope it makes its way to the UK soon. The lower quality of coffee has been the hardest thing to adjust to.

I know frown Fortunately Italy is just 2 hours flight away...

If you're in Oxford, have you tried the restaurant on the top floor of the Ashmolean? The tea there is quite good, but I haven't tried the coffee.
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Originally Posted By: VCH
So has anyone here attempted to drink 4 litres of milk in one sitting?

Here in the US, where we still don't use the metric system, that's known as the "gallon challenge." When I was in high school, a kid tried to do it in the cafeteria one day. It did not end well.
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
In my college dorm a guy was complaining about his Saudi Arabian roommate "accidently" drinking his 12 pack of beer (144 ounces - over 4 liters(. He had thought it was safe because the Saudi's religion forbade alcohol. smile

so had this dude never met a Catholic who used birth control or what
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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
In my college dorm a guy was complaining about his Saudi Arabian roommate "accidently" drinking his 12 pack of beer (144 ounces - over 4 liters(. He had thought it was safe because the Saudi's religion forbade alcohol. smile

The roommate was selflessly sacrificing himself to save him from that evil stuff. smile
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Originally Posted By: Lilith
Originally Posted By: Randomizer
In my college dorm a guy was complaining about his Saudi Arabian roommate "accidently" drinking his 12 pack of beer (144 ounces - over 4 liters(. He had thought it was safe because the Saudi's religion forbade alcohol. smile

so had this dude never met a Catholic who used birth control or what

Wait, there are Catholics who actually pay attention to the Church's directives in the US? Since when?
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Originally Posted By: Tyranicus
Originally Posted By: VCH
So has anyone here attempted to drink 4 litres of milk in one sitting?

Here in the US, where we still don't use the metric system, that's known as the "gallon challenge." When I was in high school, a kid tried to do it in the cafeteria one day. It did not end well.

My son's cross country team participates in the gallon challenge over the summer at XC camp. Only they use chocolate milk. ... and a bucket.
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Because if people were bragging about things that weren't true, they'd do a better job of exaggerating their exploits.


—Alorael, who once drank fourteen gallons of 10 molar hydrochloric acid, followed it with with a slug (mass unit) of sodium. And he didn't melt or explode even a little bit!

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Oh yeah? Well, I once went back in time and ate an entire herd of Giraffatitans in a single sitting, ate an Allosaurus for dessert, and then traveled to the future to wash it all down with the blood of hyperbolic teenagers (the ones who tell lies, not the kind you can graph).


Dikiyoba only returned to the present because there's no good Dr. Pepper in the future and the constant horde of butterflies in the past protesting "Don't step on me!" got really annoying.

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Originally Posted By: Trenton the dragon lord
I once swam in the nuclear reactor core of a nuclear power plant, and jumped out of a plane 1,000,000 yards in the sky which I flown my self, without a parachute, and didn't get a scratch either time. Yes, Im that awesome.
The only reason why you didnt get scratched from the nuclear power plant is becuase you were getting cancer, not scratches.

I once changed the subject name of this thread for my own amusement, wondering why anyone would want to make themselves puke from drinking that much milk.
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Originally Posted By: Trenton the dragon lord
I once swam in the nuclear reactor core of a nuclear power plant, and jumped out of a plane 1,000,000 yards in the sky which I flown my self, without a parachute, and didn't get a scratch either time. Yes, Im that awesome.

Not to mention somehow flying a plane at an altitude higher than that of the Hubble Space Telescope. tongue
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Originally Posted By: Present Ongoing Breakup
—Alorael, who is forced to retract his previous statement. Now it's perfectly acceptable to lie atrociously in this thread.

I maintain my utter honesty in respect to this thread; I have drunk much milk, indeed, far more than mere liters or gallons. That said, this consumption has been spread out over the current span of my life.

I also brew a fairly good cup of coffee. I'd rather have that under my belt than flying in microgravity, or swimming in nuclear reactors.
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Every timeline in which a time machine is invented has two possibilities. One, the time machine remains secret. Two, the time machine is revealed, and the timeline becomes increasingly snarled until it eventually settles into either of the two stable timeline states: time machine secrecy or time machine nonexistence.


—Alorael, who missed something somewhere. Why are there time machines in this thread?

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Originally Posted By: Trenton the dragon lord
What if a time machine somehow brought two timelines together in co-existence, like if you brought 5 seconds ago over and now, couldn't you see your-self, and wouldn't that create a paradox?

Yes, you'd see yourself, which isn't necessarily itself a paradox. But if future-self then murdered past-self, there are some causality problems. The temporal physics are quite complex, but it eventually resolves into one of the two states: no time machine, or no public time machine.

—Alorael, who finds it all much simpler when several selves just make out.
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Originally Posted By: Harehunter
I've got nothing to brag about. I've only donated 6 gallons of blood.
A pint at a time over many years.
You have to wait 8 weeks between donations; not 7 weeks and 6 days, 8 weeks.
Other people have donated much more.
Good for you! I'm about halfway through my 7th gallon myself, with a minimum lifetime goal of 10 gallons.

Also, I figured out once that if you donate blood every eight weeks to the day, It's possible to give 13 units every 2 years. (I don't recommended it, though; listen to the voice of experience and stop after 6 (EDIT: 6 donations per year, I mean))
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Ever have one of those weeks where everything that could go wrong, did, and you have to move at such high speed trying to put out the multitudinous fires that you leave yourself behind. Later you find yourself meeting yourself as you pass each other in the hall. Finally, at the end of the day, you finally catch up with yourself, and drag your exhausted hinny home.

That has described my whole last week. Ah well, I knew the job was dangerous when I took it.

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Originally Posted By: Trenton the dragon lord
Perssonaly, I wouldn't make out with a man even if it is myself, or kill anybody. I would rather go play video games with my self >.>

Video game rage takes a tragically high number of time-traveling lives each year.

—Alorael, who has never, even at his most busy, exceeded light speed in the course of his work. He thinks that might be an OSHA violation.
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Make out? If I ever meet a future version of myself, the first thing I'll do is try punch future me in the face. I figure that would be the perfect way to distinguish between a future version of myself and a doppelganger. Future me will be expecting the punch. Also, it would be cool to get into a fight with someone who's exactly as (un)skilled as I am.


(While we're on the topic of time travel, I must remind everyone that

. Seriously, don't do it. Bad things will happen.)
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What if, in anticipation of that punch, future you trains to become a blackbelt? And brings a taser?

Future Dintiradan will surely remember, however, the basic usefulness and importance of the doppelgänger test, and will use his expectation (and possibly his blackbelt unarmed combat skills) to dodge, or non-harmfully disable Past Dintiradan. That is, unless he's worried about doppelgängers who would attack him on sight, not to mimic Past Dintiradan, but simply because they plan to kill him and take his place. I'm glad I don't have such dangerous life as the Dintiradans.
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I seem to remember watching a movie about something like this, where there were a whole bunch of different universes, and Protagonist has to stop Antagonist (who is Protagonist from Different Universe) from killing all the third-party duplicate Protagonist and absorbing their power.


It may have had an Asian man as the Protagonist. I can't remember. Any hits?

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