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Remembering the old series

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I've wondered what game was most played...

I've played for the first time Geneforge 3 demo from an cd. I haven't liked it,but after some months i've played it again and again and i've liked it so much than i've imaginated other series possible. When i've played geneforge 4 for the first time, i was totally impressed....I...I....don't know the right word...but i loved it so much...than when i wanted to say something i was freezed...something like that...

However,i'm here to know the most played game,and the reason,except Geneforge 5 overthrow.

So please feel free to comment and vote!!!

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Why don't you include G5? It's still newish, sure, but people could have been introduced to the series for that game, and then worked their way down. Better question would be though, why make a option and ask people not to vote it?


Of the ones picked, I play G2 for the nostalgia, G4 for the engine and the plot, G1 for the "fresh" feeling it has, and G3 for....on second thought, I don't really play G3 often. I've beaten it maybe once and a half playthrough. Overall, G4, I suppose.

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The first and second games are the best in my opinion. The first one has a great story, and is a wonderful game. The second has improvements, such as additional spells and improved inventory, while still having a fantastic story to it as well, making it a worthy sequel.


I chose the first game. Although it lacked many things the others had, it still was an amazing game, and left a great impression on me, possibly because it was the first in the series. One of my favorite games, and part of one of my favorite game series.


The third was probably my least favorite. It is a great game, and I am not saying that I dislike it at all. I just love it a little bit less than the others. It had offered some nice new things, such as the ability to craft things, as well as some new graphics, though when I first played it, I missed the classic ones. Perhaps the reason I put this game least is that I lost my save when getting a new hard drive, and I was on the Isle of Spears, almost finished the game, but I never got to before my hard drive broke.


Again this is a great series, I have not mentioned even a slight fraction of what these games have to offer, but I don't want to bore anyone with a post that is too long. All of these games deserve to be played, and choosing one isn't right. Geneforge 5 isn't an exception either, it wouldn't have hurt to include it.

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I've said old. Geneforfe 5 seems to be old??? I want to know the most played from the first 4 series. Your first geneforge played that inspired you to play spiderweb games. For me was geneforge 3. I've found the site in the order menu and so I've reached spiderwebsoftware and other games. I was disappointed to see that avernum 3 and the older series aren't like avernum 4,5 and 6. And thanx dikyoba for informing me about the yellow text.

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Originally Posted By: Warmaster Kahrikkis
I've said old. Geneforfe 5 seems to be old??? I want to know the most played from the first 4 series. Your first geneforge played that inspired you to play spiderweb games. For me was geneforge 3. I've found the site in the order menu and so I've reached spiderwebsoftware and other games. I was disappointed to see that avernum 3 and the older series aren't like avernum 4,5 and 6. And thanx dikyoba for informing me about the yellow text.

Well, the term "old" seems to be changing when refering to the Geneforge games, at least in my mind. Back a year or two, the "Old" geneforges were G1-3. Now its been 3 years since G4 was released, which in internet years, its middle age.
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I'm gonna get my ass kicked for saying this.








Yeah, that's right. I think that G4 sucked. The graphics sucked. The plot sucked. The graphics sucked. The areas sucked. The graphics sucked. But, to each her own.


~Artemis and her own. That's not politically correct, Given there are only about 5 girls on this forum. Oh well.

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I'm gonna get my ass kicked for saying this.


Yeah, that's right. I think that G4 sucked. The graphics sucked. The plot sucked. The graphics sucked. The areas sucked. The graphics sucked. But, to each her own.

~Artemis and her own. That's not politically correct, Given there are only about 5 girls on this forum. Oh well.

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Originally Posted By: Warmaster Kahrikkis
why skipped?

G3 didn't really bring anything new to the series. The plot was basically the same as G2 but with only half the factions and far more linearity. The engine saw only minor improvements plus the irritating boat system. So if G3 was the first game you picked up, there was nothing wrong with it. But if you had already played the previous games, it was old and stale.

And why anyone is with G1?

Because as old and clunky as it is, it is awesome. Now, get off Dikiyoba's lawn. tongue
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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba

G3 didn't really bring anything new to the series.

Actually it did bring some new stuff, most important of which was Anvil Crafting. Still, I think a combination of new graphics and not as interesting story made players of the previous games dislike it.
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Originally Posted By: Slartucker
What new graphics? Do you mean the fyora? The graphics were almost entirely identical to G2's.

Most of the floors are new and there are more background objects. It is a noticeable improvement over G2, but not a major one.

(The fyora graphic was actually changed in G2 and then changed back to the original in G3.)

Originally Posted By: Mod
Actually it did bring some new stuff, most important of which was Anvil Crafting.

Item crafting was in G2. Refining a minor aspect of the game does not count as new stuff.

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Could be a beta screenshot, it's off the G2 main page.


Originally Posted By: Warmaster Kahrikkis
Fyoras are like cryoas. the color makes the diference. but the graphics, in '' a figment of iour imagination's'' screenshots,i don't see any diference. maybe they're just old...


He means to say that the Cryoras are just recolored Fyoras, and that he doesn't see any difference between the Fyoras in the screenshots.

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The war begins! And will not finish ever!!! Choose your side! Choose your spells! AND PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE LAST WAR!!! THE WAR OF THE WORLDS!!!

Technically a war that doesn't end can't be considered the last war since in this context last would be synonymous to "after which there is none", and the whole point of an infinite event is that it has no end.

GF-wise, I don't really mind the change in graphics, although I do agree that the new Shaper graphic could be better.
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Originally Posted By: Figment
Could be a beta screenshot, it's off the G2 main page.

The fyora graphic was apparently changed very late in the development process. The pictures in the tutorial information use the G1 fyora as well. However, the fyora actually used in the game looks like this. It's a subtle difference, but it is a difference.

(Also, the G2 fyora has a messed up arm, which probably would have been caught before the release if it had been used the entire time and probably explains the switch back for G3. That's Dikiyoba's guess, anyway.)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: Warmaster Kahrikkis
why skipped? And why anyone is with G1? After all is really old and the graphics aren't so good as the G3-G5 series. And not so much creatures,less spells,and not sure,i've played only the demo...

Simple is good... graphics that stick out in the environment, a better colour line... think of it like a Aka 47 or a sugar bomb, still in use, easy to make, reliable...

You can even draw a parallel with more conventional weaponry, like a rock or a sharp stick, find them every where, they are pointy, you can mend, bend it, polish it... not like G4 where you aimlessly wander asking yourself "what should i do, it's too big, i'm so lost...", it's like being on an lake of despair, reliant on other water masses, stuck between the heavens of Jeff's intellect and the profound ocean, that is G1.

G1 is like a brother grimm story, where the player is really the narrator, with a Gyges moral to it, symbolic story telling, cynicism and more... you can't unring a bell.

Although i have one complaint about it, if not now two:

Lack of accessible sound and graphic files, and a lack of Phil Foligo;
i like Andrew Hunter's art, but hate the serviles graphs at the end... would have preferred having them drawn... caricatured.

As for the fyoras, basic attack graphic changed in G2... as for G3 little modification, so tiny i'd need a microscope to study it and at last in G4, well stranger pics...
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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
As usual, G1 for having the best atmosphere.

I don't quite understand what you mean by this statement. This game has no music, and minor sound effects. How could it possibly have the "best" atmosphere? Music and sound are very important to establishing atmosphere...
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Originally Posted By: *Logan*
Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
As usual, G1 for having the best atmosphere.

I don't quite understand what you mean by this statement. This game has no music, and minor sound effects. How could it possibly have the "best" atmosphere? Music and sound are very important to establishing atmosphere...

Not really. The point is the aura of mystery that the game has- you don't know what's going on, everyone has an agenda, everyone is lying to you, everyone has secrets, and everyone is a potential enemy.
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Originally Posted By: *Logan*
Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
As usual, G1 for having the best atmosphere.

I don't quite understand what you mean by this statement. This game has no music, and minor sound effects. How could it possibly have the "best" atmosphere? Music and sound are very important to establishing atmosphere...

In Spiderweb games, atmosphere does not come from sound effects, orchestral soundtracks, and hyper-realistic graphics. It comes from the writing. These are games meant to read and imagined, not seen and listened to. (That doesn't mean music/soundeffects/graphics don't matter at all, just that they aren't the most important facet of the games). So, The way G1 is written, the way the places and people and things in it are described, creates a great sense of ambiance and mystery that set it apart from some of the later games.
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Well, to each his own.


I can do without the music, but It really helps me get into the game if it's got good sound effects and ambience.


I'm glad to see that Geneforge 4 improved greatly over the previous games in regards to this, I've yet to try Geneforge 5...




Well I've played all 5 Geneforge games now and the 4th and 5th in the series have great atmospheric audio and sound effects.


This is exactly what I was looking for when I complained earlier.


1-3 are obviously on a lower scale of audio quality.



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