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Everything posted by TriRodent

  1. I know that it's not four because I've finished the game before without doing all of the golem one. Usually by the time I'm strong enough to head that far north to see her I've done/wrapped up the troglo/giant so that would make three. Maybe, if I remember, in a year or two when I decide to play again I'll try to see if I can get in to see the princess with only two plagues solved.
  2. I wouldn't lock yourself into that theory for the entire run of however many chapters there are moving forward. The premise of the story is that it was the Queen's wish for you to get off your royal butt & get out of her castle & be productive for once. That sets the stage for your biography moving forward, and thus the title of the story. There's nothing to say that background events can/can't have/or not have an impact on what 'you' are off doing at any one particular moment/chapter in the story. Nor is there any indication that the line of succession is matriarchal rather than 1st born (which iirc was leaning towards Sutter to begin with as he was the oldest (been a while since I've played QW)). So long way of saying ... don't worry about it for now as 1) we just don't know what Jeff has planned for the future & 2) the line of succession probably won't have much story impact ... yet. Who knows, Chapter 3/QW3 may be you returning from your adventures, be disgusted with what happened to the kingdom in your absence (after the death of your mother) & you start in insurrection against your brother and/or sister ... only to find yourself tossed into a magical portal with your faithful sidekicks Erika, Patrick, Rone, etc & sent to a deep cave system... Probably not, but at this point we just don't know.
  3. If you get in the habit of typing 'u' on a fairly regular basis it will pay great dividends. 'u' is 'use' and typing it will put a letter (a, b, c, etc) on anything on the screen that can be 'used' ... such as secret passage switches... (and other mundane things like chests, boxes, etc). For those that really blend in with the walls it's a big help in finding them
  4. You should be able to push on the switch/button that opened up the passage the first time & it should open up once again. Now if you leave the area/dungeon, doors will close/passages will seal up/etc, but you should be able to open them back up when you return. If I have time later/before someone else comes along with a better answer, I'll load up the game & check, but things shouldn't work (or not work as the case may be) that way. /welcome to the forums. You're supposed to leave your sanity in a box over by the door. However given the amount of insanity around here normally, the box is probably full. In which case just stack it on the floor underneath the box & someone will collect it soon enough...
  5. Consecutively? If you can remember, is there any sort of regularity to that? Tied to the phase of the moon (seriously - I've known people who's moods have been affected by if it's a full or new moon)? If you can't remember then write the dates down when it does happen & maybe in a few months there will be evidence one way or the other. If nothing else it may give you advance warning that "next week the 'malaise' might show up..." & give you a chance to be proactive about minimizing the impact. You obviously have internet access. Talk to the doc about it & maybe he will give you directions/avenues to search in (or even access to medical sites that require a subscription once you really get into it). From there it's a matter of sorting the wheat from the chaff, but that's relatively easy to do as long as you aren't out there looking for conformation bias. It may not lead to anything but it's a project that will keep you busy if nothing else (along with learning more about the/your brain which in turn will let you have more productive sessions/appointments with the docs as you both will be speaking the same, more detailed language) Given how messed up this timeline has been recently, it's probably going to merge with C-19 & we'll all be screwed...
  6. Yes, all the words need to be removed. It usually took 3-5 min of randomly pushing the buttons/chasing the names around before it cleared for me. (I know that there is a certain sequence that would do it right from the start but I don't know it - maybe up in Strategy Central somewhere?)
  7. No, I read it. I just didn't know of a word that you were asking for (probably a German one, they seem to have a word for every situation). However, while it may have been the main spoken (written) question, it wasn't the main issue. 'Knowing' the very little about you that I do over several years here, & some of the issues you have/face (& face them reasonably well from what I can tell), having you/your mind sit around with nothing to do/focus on isn't a good thing for more than an occasional little while. Thus the suggestions for you to find something new & interesting (to you) to both take away the boredom of not wanting to do the same things that you do do to occupy your time, & to give your mind something new to focus on so that it doesn't overclock itself thinking about things off in an odd direction. Not to your extent certainly, but I have been there (at least in the general neighborhood anyway) myself. Mainly when I first got seriously hurt & not being able to do much more than sit here/on the couch most of the time. I had to find something to focus on rather than sitting there thinking about how life really sucked after everything from the accident shook out. So I found new hobbies/things to occupy my time just to keep my brain occupied & focused on so that it didn't drift further into a negative direction. So, having sort of been in a similar situation, I ignored the spoken question & tried to provide a warning (that you've probably heard before) that you should find 'x' to give yourself something new to focus on. Big or small, doing/learning something new is good for anyone's mental health, let alone one who's mind can drift off into really dark places.
  8. While all the people here are certainly the finest people in the world ... ok, for the most part they're alright... well, maybe one or two of them wouldn't fart on your pillow if you invited them over.... constantly hitting F5 to see if there's a new pearl of wisdom shared with the rest of humanity really doesn't sound like a good use of your time (or good for your mental health...). There's a whole world out there (real or online), what do you like to do/what do you want to learn more about/etc? Regardless of what you enjoy, there's probably an online community/forums out there where you can interact with those people (probably even one if you are interested in going to other's houses & farting on their pillows...) to learn more about subject 'x'. Always wanted to learn how to cook better or learn to play a musical instrument? Hundreds & hundreds of hours on most any subject available over on YT. The other day you mentioned listening to music. How about a deep dive into the band's history/meaning behind some of the songs. As one who's often stuck sitting in a chair due to physical limitations, if you've got an internet connection, there's no reason to be bored. TvTropes alone is a rabbit hole that can take a day or three to climb out of (for instance). Most anything would be better than sitting around waiting on the 1-3 new posts/day here. Maybe learn how to spin your belly button lint into yarn & make a sweater out of it.
  9. You should be fine, most people walk at 3-4mph on average. 2mph is 'really' slow (I could probably go a mile in 30 min even with my frequent rests/breaks). Do you have a high school nearby that you could go do four laps around their track at your mosey pace & time it? That should give you a good baseline & things will improve as you walk more/the weight comes off. Do this at a 'normal' walking pace (not stepping out or slowing down to what you think you might exercise at). Perhaps some sort of pedometer would help too (or an app for your phone). Getting your thyroid right should help a bunch also, both with energy levels & weight loss (MrsTR has thyroid issues so I've seen the changes over the years when it needs adjusting). Again, good luck.
  10. (Sincerely not trying to be argumentative here) It may not be getting your heart rate up for the cardio benefit, but you burn essentially the same calories either power walking or moseying along (it's the distance that counts there and for dropping the weight it's the calories burned that matters). Is your apartment layout such that you could do a big loop down one hall, up the stairs to another floor, down that floor's hallway & then back down the stairs (or if there are enough floors, up several flights & then back down the elevator)? Doing the stairs should get a bit of cardio going. Is sticking an exercise bike in your apartment a possibility? That would give you the cardio (& calories burned) without the severe stress on your joints (still some but not as bad). I hate to keep harping on your joints but mine are so bad now (from excesses of various sorts earlier in life) that even walking 1-200 yards at a time is a bit challenging. Take care of them please...
  11. Can you get out & stroll around the block a time or three instead (I realize this may be a problem in the winter)? Jogging while carrying that much weight is 'really' rough on your knees/ankles/hips. You may not notice it now, but later in life it can really add up to painful problems. Any exercise is far better than none, but until you (& I) can drop a lot of weight, low impact is far better long term. I'm roughly your weight (having been far higher due to medical problems a decade ago), 1#/week is a good & reasonable goal (with exercise & eating a little less than 'normal'). It's sustainable & unlike the 'diet of the month' you aren't likely to gain it all back in a hurry when you quit/get tired of the DotM. The big problem is that it takes months to notice any real gains (or losses as the case may be). Good luck, it isn't easy but it can be done.
  12. It could also just be Jeff screwing with us. Putting in random letters that mean absolutely nothing. On otherwise boring evenings he comes here, glass of carbonated adult beverage in hand, & cackles with evil glee over the various head scratching going on here trying to figure it out...
  13. Did you learn the secret handshake/recognition sign yet? (I have no idea/been too long, but someone with the real answer should be along soon)
  14. You do need to get past a barrier to get to Vahkos, I can't remember if a piercing crystal will work or not (I think it does - Level 1 barrier iirc) If your tool use is pretty good you may be able to get to the library (non Khoth) where the DB book is kept without doing the associated quest first. Look around for hidden switches on the nearby walls
  15. Yep, you're right (as far as point costs). Was replaying A4 a little while ago & that system was at the top of my mind. Buying the points (at least in things you don't plan on training in) is the way to go regardless.
  16. I would say the same (at even less a priority) for First Aid. Other than one person getting one point near the start (to get a little bit of recovery while out & about), if you really want the HP/mana recovery, wait until you can buy a few levels as skill points could be better applied elsewhere. **** Also, by spreading the points in 'x' around the party it will cost fewer skill points in total that it would if you just had one person stack the skill high. (the first couple of points generally only cost (from memory) 1-2 skill points each or 8 in total for the party. If you put them all in one character, by the time you get to 5-6 points, each additional one will cost you 4+ or closing in on 20 points in total to get to 8 for that character). Assuming of course that you're ignoring SL's advice about buying/training & using skill points...
  17. You mean other than thoroughly exploring GF1M? No not really. If I feel the need to change something in my life I try to do it right then rather than some assorted date off in the future. Need to lose weight? Taking smaller portions/fewer sweets over the next couple of weeks will do more than pigging out now because "Come the first of the year, 'then' I'll be good..." Shrug, works for me. YMMV
  18. The admin types know about it, it's a forum software issue. RIght click on the page you want & open it in a new tab for now.
  19. There's quite a few people here who are involved, thus the almost instantaneous Strategy Central threads as soon as Game 'x' comes out. However there is also an absolute prohibition on saying 'anything' about any upcoming game (even something so seemingly innocent as "it's great, you'll love it..."). So ... you'll have to wait & see like most everyone else.
  20. I noticed that yesterday. I was able to get around it by right clicking on the particular page # and opening it in a new tab. W10 system
  21. Welcome, glad that you're enjoying the game. The lack of experience for wandering monsters was by design (you get it for clearing dungeons & completing quests). You're supposed to be a prince of the realm charged with clearing out/fixing things on the continent. Strategic level thinking rather than tactical. Wandering monsters, while annoying, just aren't important to your overall goals (they do sometimes drop gold or other loot...). The lack of experience is just to remind you to keep you eye on the big picture rather than running hither & yon looking for any fight you can get into. (no idea why creatures get the proverbial boat hook when they die...)
  22. It's actually 'any' animal pen, not just horses. For instance I'm pretty sure that there's something in the Point Contemplation (? the dungeon/encounter between Southpoint LH & Shayder) 'stable'/animal pen. Huh, did we lose the spoiler tag? Anyway, don't read further unless you want a big spoiler... . . . . If you ever replay the game you don't have to talk to Geoffrey, just make one of your hobbies wandering around in assorted animal pens & "Hey, look at that..."
  23. Read the whole line... (may want to check out the first one too) ((as there's only 11 'R's, I'm going to assume nobody will waste two of them on my name...))
  24. There was a fun thread way back when that QW will eventually be a prequel to Avernum... and seeing as how I can't make a direct link...: https://spiderwebforums.ipbhost.com/topic/25065-theory-spoiler-feels-like-a-prequel-to-avernum/
  25. As apparently neither I nor anyone else can 'like' comments any longer, consider this a notification of a 'like' to your previous post & an acknowledgement that I saw it... sigh {shakes head sadly & wanders back to what I really should be doing instead of goofing off on the internet...}
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