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Everything posted by TriRodent

  1. Originally Posted By: Lilith jeff, possibly My thought too... Hopefully some A3 things will make their way back to the new A2 (1 as well but from the various threads it doesn't sound like it did). The biggest thing is having the various job dispatchers. It was very nice, if I needed cash or knew that I was going to be passing by one of the towns to pick up a job, fill it & bank a little cash (to buy the house if nothing else). One thing I have noticed (& yes I realize that it is intentional but still...) is that money is very tight in the past couple of games. It would be nice to have a way to supplement my income without having to steal everyone blind (although as long as we're talking about stealing blind, the barrels that you could push around the corner before breaking into them would be great to have back...). Perhaps even work in discounted training if you buy in bulk all at once ("Look, I've got 4 guys here who each want to take three classes from you. What kind of discount are you willing to give me?). Funny little things like that that happen all the time in real life but you almost never see in any type of game.
  2. Originally Posted By: Antione Villia I'm quite sure the fleece thing was a joke about how some game companies operate *cough*bioware Ah, that very well could be. I made the mistake of sitting down at the computer before the coffee was done brewing & I wasn't firing on all cylinders/still grumpy. Length of playtime/replayability may not be something real high on your list of criteria (nor should it be), however it is something that should be considered. Being on an extremely strict budget for many years caused me to value those games that came with a big story that you could easily lose yourself in for hours (Spiderweb's offerings is a good example) or something that was enjoyable but the world changed every game (such as the Civilization series). I think I'd be frightened (& my wife would kill me) if I added up the weeks/months of my life that Jeff Vogel & Sid Meier have taken up.... not that I regret it just that it's been a lot. Ah well, time to refill the coffee & go ponder other worldly events...
  3. And the ever popular (among the disgusting crowd) Avernum:Escape from the Zit, where you're trying to get out of a cave that is slowly filling with a thick yellow substance, all the while the internal pressure is building & building.... or Avernum:Escape from the _ _ it. Your troop of explorers must reach not only the surface but escape from the bowl like depression the scenario is set in. Can they make it before all their dreams are flushed away.... Yeah, I can see how typos can be bad....
  4. Originally Posted By: Xoanon I'm surprised he didn't leave this feature in for the Mac & PC versions. He would have had an excuse to fleece another extra $10 out of his customers. Fleece? Really? If you're that unhappy about things there is always the 100% money back guarantee. A survey of the rest of us though will probably come to the conclusion that we're the ones doing the fleecing here. Leaving out the intangible of knowing that SW is a 1 (3) person operation & knowing who your money is going directly to & focusing on a dollar:entertainment time ratio. Looking over the years at how much I've spend on SW games (since E2) compared with the hours spent playing/replaying & it probably works out to less than $0.10/hour (that's not counting the hours my kids have spent on my computer playing too...). Ten cents an hour for good entertainment. How much did you spend on a recent movie ticket that had you in & out the door in less that two hours? Just who is being fleeced there? (Good lord, I'm white knighting a somewhat pudgy, older, furry faced dude from Seattle. I never thought that would show up on the list of things to do today.... )
  5. It could also have something to do with the date.... (funny though, certainly funny...)
  6. Originally Posted By: jcdenton Still would love a 'rest' feature to regen vitality like previous Spiderweb games have had. If you want a "free" vitality refill, just go back to the transportation pylon & touch it (you have the option of NOT going back to Avadon). I'll sometimes do that after clearing an area but before entering the main dungeon/quest for that section. However vitality potions generally are fine & plentiful enough to get you through most any area.
  7. (sorry to bump this, I'm just browsing topics & trying to avoid spoilers while waiting for the Windows version to arrive) The simple solution is to just get into the habit of hitting the quick save button before doing anything that might need to be reversed (while saving at regular intervals in the 'slots'). In this case changing inventory around, selling items (& selling the wrong one, not checking the junk bag before selling), leveling up, etc. If you drink a potion by accident, a double tap on the 'quick load' button takes you back in time a minute or so & you can do it again. (all of this assumes that there is a quick save, junk bag, etc incorporated into AEFTP as they are in other Spiderweb games)
  8. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. If you have any left waiting for a Windows game release. It's shouldn't be more than two weeks based upon comments from testers. At this point it's mostly making sure the game installer and registration system both work. Thanks for the welcome although actually it really isn't needed. I've been hanging out here (well, the old boards...) on an occasional basis since about '03 (with a long forgotten login & an even longer out of business ISP/email). I don't think that anyone had over 2500 posts when I first found you guys. Sadly much of that time was (& probably will remain) lurking as I really don't have the time to do more than pop in for a few minutes every few weeks (more when I'm stuck somewhere ). And I know that the windows version is very close, it was just a combination of actually having time this week to some serious spelunking & the pent up frustration over many games of not being able to participate in the pre/early release buildup/excitement. Ah well, in a couple dozen days at the most Jeff will have a few more of my ha'pennies, Mrs TR will again be grumbling over my time spent mentally underground, I will once more be happily sleep deprived, & the world will be right again....
  9. It isn't so much the months & months of waiting, it the always missing out on the new release excitement. I've been a faithful follower of Jeff's since the E2 days & loved every minute of playing in his universe (Mrs TR isn't quite so happy about all that time but...) playing & replaying his games. In the pre-forum/online community days it really didn't matter what time frame the games came out in. Unless you happened to be friends with a Mac user who also liked Spiderweb's spelunking expeditions, it was just you & your computer. Then came the internet & the discovery that no matter how obscure your personal obsession was, there were others out there just like you. Suddenly everything changed. Regarding Jeff's/Spiderweb's policy of Mac first & then work on the Windows, from a practical standpoint it makes sense (do what you know best/are most comfortable with first & then go to the others) however it still sucks. For years now whenever Jeff announces a new game there is a tremendous amount of discussion & excitement building up & building up, finally reaching a crescendo on release day when people giddily race to their computers to download the demo (& hopefully immediately call Seattle to register/pay for the game). The message boards explode with threads upon threads & pages & pages of comments, criticisms, stories of lizards vanquished & maidens rescued, towns looted (don't those people ever put two & two together to realize that the gems hidden in their dresser probably left with the pack of adventurers suddenly wandering around their house?), roads cleared of bandits, & dungeon upon dungeon cleared of beasties making room for more of the Empire's rejects being tossed into the pits. It's like a flood of adventurers washing through the cave system & through the boards talking about it (a quick & dirty count today showed about 250 threads in the AEftP area). Most are progressing at roughly the same rate & are talking/typing their way through problems right as they are happening. It's a great time to be a Mac user & part of the excitement. Windows users get none of that. By the time we're able to join the party, the tidal wave of excitement is long past. People on the boards don't want to talk about/help solve issues that they've worked their way through months ago (not everyone to be sure, but it's nothing like it was a few months past). Down in the caves merchants are giving every new face the stink eye trying to figure out who's going to loot them next. Townspeople are locking their daughters up at night. The mayor is wondering who the joker was who tied her cat to the ceiling fan. The local priest has given away all of his goodies except for a couple of +1 ace bandages of renewal. Etc, etc, etc. It really isn't much fun knowing that there is a big celebration going on but also knowing that you can't participate until much later. You don't want to read the threads for fear of too many spoilers being given out. You can't join in the discussions on how to solve a certain puzzle/way around an area. You really can't do much more than stare in the window at the party going on in full swing & know that, while you may be welcomed in, you really don't belong. I love Spiderweb/Jeff's games & will always buy whatever he puts out, but it really does suck not being able to participate in the initial fun of a new release.
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