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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. I have had this happen to me, too. What I did was spam clicks so it skips through every slide before the text loaded. it seemed to work, even though I haven't the faintest reason why.
  2. Originally Posted By: Øther -6.38 -3.90 Originally Posted By: Nikki. Economic Left/Right: -9.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -9.03 Originally Posted By: Cthulhu Economic Left/Right: -3.62 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.15 Originally Posted By: Nalyd Economic Left/Right: -7.25 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.62 Haha, you're all commies. Dirty, dirty commes. Probably fluoridating my water, too. Here's my political compass: Originally Posted By: Political Compass test Your political compass: Economic Left/Right: 1.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 6.46 Now, allow me to quantify that with an image: Yeah, that's right. Hitler. I'll let you think about that for a bit.
  3. Oh come on. I had about eighteen hundred "roc" and "junk" puns prepared for the next enemy that could understand us. Pity I only managed to unleash one of them, and apparently rocs can't hear
  4. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan I wouldn't know. I only ever did two. Since you've already done three though, your ending has been decided, so you may as well do the other one. Can't you just kill Melanchion and eliminate him from the endgame? You can do that with Gladwell- you can complete his quests and kill him at Erika's tower.
  5. Originally Posted By: Lilith honestly by the time muslims become a major demographic group in any western country, the driving force behind any kind of radicalisation in that country will mostly have died off You know who disagrees with you? Jack Chick!
  6. Originally Posted By: SkeleTony "Fred Phelps is an entertainer, not a Christian preacher." Well, there is a sort of perverse fascination you get out of wondering what exactly goes through his head. But honestly, I don't think I want to know.
  7. I find the best way to deal with Beck is Black. I give you the Lewis Black video on Glenn beck. Funniest thing I saw all week. Originally Posted By: Lewis Black It's like six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, except there's just one degree, and Kevin Bacon is Hitler!
  8. Originally Posted By: boggle what is this Great Pumpkin of which you speak? PHILISTINE!
  9. It is DEFINITELY worth training your spellcasters up until the point where they have the Adrenaline rush battle dicipline. After that, there's really no point in advancing their battle skills further. IIRC, Adrenaline rush requires 14 battle skill points- every point in swords/poles counts as 1 point, and every point in bows/thrown counts as 1/2 a point.
  10. Originally Posted By: Lilith Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Another possibility is splitting up combat and non-combat skills, and making every character level up in both for each level. This way no character is over or under powered in combat, and every character is useful outside of it. I think part of the problem is simply that levelling up doesn't get you very much, so players feel obliged to put every point into what will make them most effective. For example, it's almost never worthwhile to forgo raising your current skills to put a point in a new skill, especially when that means you only get 1 skill point instead of 2. Suggested revision to the levelling-up mechanics: On levelling up, a character raises one of his/her three primary stats by 1 point. They also gain two skill points, which must be put into two different skills. Neither of the skills raised may key off the stat that was raised. This forces characters to be a little bit more well-rounded, although maybe it goes a bit too far. The way to get around that for mages would be to simply dump points into STR and your magic skill. Sure, it would create a mage tank, but I could see that as a viable way of munchkining.
  11. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Also, watch out Blood Marsh. Gulp. I'll probably come back and edit this post later after I finish up BM. I'm unwilling to speak my piece quite right now.
  12. Originally Posted By: Niemand Wrong pond. Australia? The climate would be somewhat similar to the southwest and California's, which would explain the plants...
  13. Originally Posted By: Lilith That's not a backyard. That's like a courtyard. Do you live in the southwest/California? The rocks and sand and plants seem to fit with their landscaping style. (This is all just because I am envious of your awesome house. I want a house like that! My house is old and boring)
  14. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Teach me thy ways, O Master. Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: Nikki. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Yay Mystic! You have successfully sought the meaningless approbation of your peers! (+1) Look at me, I can't even be bothered to write my own message! I am truly the more optimal spammer!
  15. Alright! Let's get down to business! I have finished a practice run of the system with Nioca, and it seems that, with a few minor tweaks, the system is good-to-go. The log will be posted shortly [and by "shortly", I mean it is available HERE], and in the next week or so, I'll work on wrapping up any other loose ends that remain untied. Please note that the events, places, and people int he log will NOT be appearing later in the campaign. Hunting worms in the desert is easy for me to mindlessly come up with in a practice session, not an actual run of the RP. I might also want to run a space combat test run with multiple people. PM me if you are interested. You may or may not be piloting Z-wings to rescue Princess Be-ia from the Dark Star battlestation. Second, sometime in the next few weeks, I'll hold a lottery to figure out who gets in and who... does not get in. I'd image that those people will be crushed, or something. This is the LAST CHANCE to get a entry if you haven't signed up already! To reiterate, the people who have signed up are: Lord Safey Cthulu Niemand Nioca Monroe Doom Nalyd Not all of them will get slots. Finally, a preview of one of the planets that you may be visiting: Originally Posted By: Encyclopedia Galactica Dakkor was one of the largest and most prosperous systems in the Periphery. A world of heavy industry, its shipyards and foundries were responsible for a good deal of the might of the Empire. In addition, the massive industrial plants and sweeping megapolis meant that this was the only other planet in the galaxy aside from Trantor that could lay claim to the coveted status of "ecuminopolis". Alas, the massive population began to experience severe social friction towards the Fall, and after the planet was lost, a horrific civil war broke out which reduced the planet to little more than a charred ruin, a shadow of its former glory...
  16. Originally Posted By: Nikki. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Yay Mystic! You have successfully sought the meaningless approbation of your peers! (+1) Look at me, I can't even be bothered to write my own message! I am truly the more optimal spammer!
  17. Originally Posted By: The Mystic I can almost hear the first minute or two of Richard Strauss's tone poem Thus Spake Zarathustra. The other day, I heard somebody pronounce the name "Straub". I couldn't figure out why for the life of me, so I simply locked myself in the toilet stall and cried at the death of classical music for a few minutes.
  18. Originally Posted By: Triumph ...As! Long! As! Nioca! Posts! The! Link! He should just include a redirect in his signature. SO much easier and more convenient.
  19. Originally Posted By: Nioca Man, I wish I had thought of a practice session. Would have made things easier. Then again, the only one who really needed practice was me, so it may have been moot in any case. Still, a practice session or unofficial test run sounds intriguing. The one who needs a practice session is me, to test how the system works, but I don't want to schedule one. Should I buckle down and have one anyways?
  20. Originally Posted By: Nioca At any rate (and I know this is going to sound callous), I'd recommend using an earlier date. Yes, the entire party should be there, but the problem is, setting a date that far ahead runs the risk of things popping up in the interim. Meaning we could end up approaching the 28th, only to find out that no, the entire party won't be able to make that date. Ridiculous. You're proposing that we select a date where we know party members will be absent in exchange for a date where party members might possibly in the future eventually have conflicts? Makes no sense.
  21. Originally Posted By: Nioca I do! It's nice for small files, or for computers that have difficulty with flash drives (or don't have USB ports). I use those mini CD's for that purpose. Because they're awesome, that's why!
  22. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Avernum 5 has the smallest and can be done in about 15 hours. Enjoy exploring. G5 has the smallest- only about 9 zones.
  23. I should be about two and a half hours late. My life is becoming a lot more hectic than I though it would be...
  24. Originally Posted By: Nioca ...See, if you had voted in the calendar, that wouldn't be a problem. All these calenders confuse me. I thought I did. Maybe it was the Selos calender and I wasn't paying attention.
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