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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Domar I see people all over the boards saying Avernum 6 is the end of Avernum, is it actually the last game in the Avernum story? I noticed that on the site it didn't have anything in bold saying the final game of the series like it did with Geneforge, so are these people just saying its like the end of Avernum as we know it, or what? Yep, it is the last game for the Avernum series. Jeff may remake the series like he did to Exile in the far far future, but for now, it's the last game.
  2. Dantius

    WC 2010

    The real winners are America. If we lose, nobody cares about soccer anyways. But if we win, it'd because clearly our superpower status allowed us to crush the opposition because 'murrika is the best. Also Reagan figures in there somewhere. No matter what happens, we come out on top! Code: _ajjaa _Q???4Qf _,...,_ ) a/]QQb .'@/~~~\@'. jQQba //~~\___/~~\\ _, .?QQ#[ _ |@\__/@@@\__/@| ]m _.7 "asLaas_a/ |@/ \@@@/ \@| , ,\J#L -!4Wba \\__/~~~\__// [aL[ \ \jmm jP '.@\___/@.' ,b#'"[ \jmmmmm _P. `"""""` a##' "4P#mmm# _ya _P !4####m ?]aa/ /' aaJ#U###m# 4QP' ' aa,/4!44! ' jf _'jQQQQyb7b / '. '.QQQQ4QQPb )? QQQ'QQP?' jg/ f _yQP']QQb aa a#W?'..QQQQ?)? ?' "##' _jQQP' .j? [ jQQ' aJ jmaaX#L??? ? am' _QjQQQ/ )QQQP? 4QQQ/ (in case you couldn't tell, this post was sarcastic)
  3. Originally Posted By: Rowen And how in the world would Kurex know who Nixak is? He is both killable and flammable, therefore Kurex is of course familiar with him.
  4. I have lots of favorite quotes. The only one that sticks out right now is this one: "Pity is treason" It was said by Maximilien Robespierre, one of (if not the) most important figures in the French Revolution. He guillotined thousands of people during the Reign of Terror before his revolution consumed himself, despite once being an ardent pacifist and opposing the death penalty. He's a shining example of how if you give a good person unlimited power, they become a tyrant in no time at all. He's one of the most compelling and darkly fascinating people in history, and despite thorough analysis by historians for hundreds of years, noone really knows whether he did what he did because he loved France and the Revolution, or because he was a bloodthirsty and sadistic dictator. It's unlikely we will ever know, either.
  5. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Dantius, look what you made me do. Click to reveal.. I hope you're satisfied. You forgot "Burn down the city" and "Kill the general populace of Selos". Still, that picture is FULL OF WIN. I'd sig it, but I don't think we can have pictures in our signature...
  6. Originally Posted By: Triumph Line also dropped. I would love to see Lanrezac investigate Kurex, as I explained in the line. Why is it I'm sure that the final quest list will wind up looking like this? Click to reveal.. Quest Log: Investigate: Lanzerac, a lacewing historian, wants information ona a mysterios man in the port by the name of "Kurex" Find: Lord Elgracenstein the elf lord wants you to collect 15 trinkets from passing merchants. Capture: Boreogloaf the goblin guard, wants you to capture the bandit leader plaguing the city. Find: Harosh, a lacewing druid, wants you to find his lost puppy. Kill: Kurex the mage wants you to find and kill Boreogloaf the guard Kill: Kurex the mage wants you to find and kill Lanzerac the historian Kill: Kurex the mage wants you to find and kill Vizte the con artist Kill: Kurex the mage wants you to find and kill Nikax the mind mage Kill: Kurex the mage wants you to find and kill Zarusa the Pyromancer. He warns that she is extremley dangerous. Kill: Kurex the mage wants you to find and kill the Oracle. Kill: Kurex the mage wants you to find and kill the entire population of Selos Kill: Kurex the mage wants you to find and kill any five archmages I have a good idea for a quest that Kurex can give the party. I'll drop Eph a line.
  7. Originally Posted By: Monroe Could you post the log maybe to hold us over? Yeah, yeah, I'm working on it. I'm kind of swamped by real work now. Maybe I'll finish editing and post it by tomorrow, if I'm lucky.
  8. Originally Posted By: Cthulhu Isn't the next one on Saturday? No. There's a hiatus, I'll be out of town for the next week and thus unable to run a session. I'll post a calender when I get back.
  9. Fighter: BM, do you see a redirect anywhere? Black Mage: REDIRECTDOKEN!
  10. Originally Posted By: Triumph Ooh, another excellent epilogue! Kurex develops in an unexpected direction! Good stuff. Yep, that's me. I'm all about powe... character development. Yes, that's right. I just love me some character development. Can't get enough. *whistles innocently*
  11. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES I have not previously heard the statement that it affects the Crescent Stone drop but not other drops -- I thought it affected all of them. I'm fairly sure that there are just 2 crescent stones in the game, and they drop regardless of luck. IIRC, one's in the Western Wastes and the other is in the zone with Heustess.
  12. Originally Posted By: Triumph I'm sure Slarty would facepalm anyone and everyone to death trying to affirm that Luck does not affect item drops. I've seen him say it lots of times in various games, after extensive investigations. Yet for some reason this heresy keeps arising. Slarty has facepalmed his way into our hearts
  13. The trick I used was batons for the difficult enemies and only use combat magic for the weak enemies. You can get a frigging SUBMISSION BATON inside of the first dozen zones if you sneak into the Junkyard early and aviod the vlish. Buy some ammunition from Penta and one other place it's hidden (forgot where, maybe Darian's Grove?), you have effectively 18 oneshots for the first half of the game. Bosses are toast, and you can easily manage to reach Kazg and grab more ammo. After cruising the first section, you should have enough EXP to manage the Wastes and reach Gottesch. Once you loot his treasure, you're set for the game. Easy.
  14. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Triumph Chitrach infestions? There are no chitrachs on Mote. If it wasn't clear before, let me say that definitively now. No chitrachs. Anywhere. Ever. Whatever you say, Slarty. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on... you get the point INFINITE CHITRACHES? NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
  15. Originally Posted By: Micawber Strong Daze. F. The correct answer was "Parry".
  16. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Although I admit it would be pretty cool if you started glowing after using a certain number of canisters. Come to think of it, if memory serves, someone once mentioned how to script your character so you could glow. Some of the G1 NPC's, like Trajokov and Gottesch, glow. I think Barzhal glows, too, but I'm not sure.
  17. Originally Posted By: Triumph Geneforge certainly offered opportunities in this area, with many instances throughout the series where the use of diplomacy (Leadership skill) would allow one to avoid a fight (and still receive experience and sometimes even other reward). In Geneforge, there were multiple ways to achieve a goal0 you could talk you ways through a guard, battle in, sneak in with mechanics, join a faction to get in and then backstab them, or even do a quest for an NPC who'd clue you in on an alternate way in. The later Avernums would maybe give you two of the other options, and I guess that just kind of turned me off to them. Ah well.
  18. Originally Posted By: *Logan* Originally Posted By: Namine Haha, I believe it is possible to do it, but you would be basically remaking all the game's graphics, so I don't recommend doing it unless your as good as the creators of the game xD. Also, Logan, you should look around, you may be surprised with the number of "patches" that are available to you here. Someone did some unofficial patches for Arcanum, another game similar to these ones. (PC style RPG) They gave you more resolution options, high res images, new images, etc. and they have updated this patch many times over the years. I have looked around for patches on this website, and the patches are nothing like what I am looking for... Unless I'm missing something? Either way, It would be great if someone worked on a patch like this and helped bring these games into modern times. Jeff may completely rewrite the Geneforge series with new graphics, new gameplay, new dungeons, and new engines, ala Exile, at some point in the distant future. Think like 2013-2015 distant future, though.
  19. Originally Posted By: tridash Alright...anyone else interested in either judging[...] I'd like to judge. Of course, if you need, y'know, qualifications or something (like have released a scenario), I'd obviously get passed up, but still.
  20. Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel *wonders what on earth this has to do with Alan Turing* I heard a story about how the Apple logo (the apple with a bite taken out of it) was supposed to represent Turing suicide by poison apple. This seems a little too Snow-White esque to be true. Is it?
  21. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Seiðmaðr I meant that we play our old characters, but they're not really the actual players in the campaign. Maybe show up for a session or two or something. I am also open to doing this. So like as shopkeepers or sages or questgivers? Like, Boregloaf could dispense quests and Kurex could train in spells or Amadan could sell herbs? That's... interesting.
  22. Originally Posted By: *Logan* Originally Posted By: Randomizer Everyone else has more experience with Shaping than you so they can do it during combat. Does that change later when you get stronger, or is that just a story thing? Tvtropes has something to say about that. Basically, since your character always runs around with 7 creations all the time, even the highest level shaper could be easily crushed by sheer numbers, since they don't run around with that many creations. Incidentally, is there a limit to the number of creations that NPC's can have?
  23. Originally Posted By: *Logan* Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba As usual, G1 for having the best atmosphere. I don't quite understand what you mean by this statement. This game has no music, and minor sound effects. How could it possibly have the "best" atmosphere? Music and sound are very important to establishing atmosphere... Not really. The point is the aura of mystery that the game has- you don't know what's going on, everyone has an agenda, everyone is lying to you, everyone has secrets, and everyone is a potential enemy.
  24. Originally Posted By: Lilith (on a good roll) What, in AIMhack? Surely you jest, good sir!
  25. Originally Posted By: Seiðmaðr Actually, who says we couldn't return to play as an NPC? That'd be kinda neat. But then we wouldn't get to play them, since, by definition, NPC's are non player characters. So there'd be no incentive to do that. I'm looking forward to a higher level campaign, like maybe level 10-ish.
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