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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: MrRoivas It seems the instant that I become parallel with the first two detectors, they go off, and bye bye. Does the stealth stat help? No, but with tons and tons of armor boosting items, endurance boosting items, shielding, Essence Armor, and other buffs, and it's possible that you can survive the blast of one mine (you'd disarm the other one).
  2. Originally Posted By: Seven Days and Activity —Alorael, who isn't sure why Jeff leaves it to the customers to deduce his calculations, sometimes by extensive observation and analysis. Enjoyment at watching Slarty/Randomizer run a thousand tests on a spell and then analyse the data and then argue for days over whether or not the damage done is 6d4 or 3d9?
  3. Originally Posted By: Triumph Actually, with the setting-on-fire reference, I was thinking more about the jungle of Selos (which I know technically Zarusa set on fire, but it was, practically, an action of the party). Kurex...well, his ability to set things on fire is certainly not in doubt. His choice of targets... Run, my pretty little chunks of XP! Run! Although Kurex does strikes me as more of a Black Mage than as a Belkar...
  4. Originally Posted By: Triumph Personally, I LIKE it when the party gets to experience to the adventure and explore the dangers of Mote, rather than creating dangers for themselves by lying ineptly, stealing ineptly, talking ineptly, setting things on fire ineptly, and breathing ineptly. Please. Kurex is not inept at setting things on fire. Social skills, perhaps. But never at setting things on fire.
  5. Originally Posted By: Rowen Okay,I just want to make sure that I understand the level up. 4 points per level up. Skill up any stat costs 2 points. Train up a known skill costs 1 point. Train a new skill costs 2 points for first level. Is this right? Wait, are you sure you've thought this through enough? If you don't scale the cost, people could ostensibly dump 4 points into a skill per level! They could become incredibly powerful at something in 2-3 levels. It would break your game so much!
  6. Originally Posted By: Nikki. [...]the most recent SW newsletter[...] what. why was i not informed of this?
  7. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Dikiyoba has avoided playing elves and dwarves because Dikiyoba doesn't really like elves and would end up relying too much on Discworld ideas for the dwarves. Brilliant! My next character can be Captain Carrot and get both the racial bonuses for human AND the bonuses for dwarf! Plus, you can't call him a munchkin because he's 6'6''!
  8. Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: Ephesos (Or we can come to some agreement about Harosh disappearing.) Perhaps Harosh can have an unfortunate encounter with a mysterious type of portal of known as a "Plothole" and vanish from the campaign... Although...I'm halfway hoping I get to substitute as Harosh, and also Xuan, so that I can claim to have played as every character in Brigandage (so far I've done Casper, Iliau, Erika, and even the now-defunct Anthony). Here, you can borrow the Nullifier I took from Reed Richards. He tells me it's a remarkable stopgap measure against gaping plotholes.
  9. Originally Posted By: RuySan Hi, i just received Avernum second trilogy in the mail. I just want to know if there's any DRM on the games. I ask this because the Gamersgate versions have securom and i don't want that in my computer. Aside from the access code required to unlock the full content, none of Jeff's game have DRM. I've never used the CD's, but I presume they're the same deal as the downloads. Originally Posted By: RuySan Another question, where are the manuals for the games? Not that i'm having difficulty in playing, but i would like to know what are the requisites for the special abilities like Blademaster or Magery because that isn't explained in the game. Poke around in the Avernum Series, Avernum 5, and Avernum 6 forums, and check out the links that say AVERNUM 4/5/6- STRATEGY CENTRAL. They should have all the info you need.
  10. Originally Posted By: Triumph And Sylak leaked information to them to orchestrate the whole thing! We can't trust anyone, can we!?
  11. Originally Posted By: Earth Empires Steve Jobs or Jeff? Nah, it's the indie game designer who wrote Eschalon: Book II. Honestly, I don't care for the opinions of random people on the internet (unless they're mine or people I internet-know).
  12. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Averforgegate the unholy blending of what has gone before. Igor, it's... ALLLIIIIIIVVVEEEE!
  13. Originally Posted By: K_I_L_E_R I think Jeff should have called his game something along the lines of "Geneavum". I prefer "Netheforge"
  14. Originally Posted By: Cthulhu It doesn't open for me. QQ Do you have an AIM client installed and a screenname?
  15. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba The session doesn't start for another 45 minutes. The redirect should work now, but there's no reason to use it until closer to the start of the session. Dikiyoba. Unless you want to hang with all the cool kids and chat before the session starts.
  16. Originally Posted By: Nioca Originally Posted By: Rowen I might be wrong but I think that Nioca just gives a -5 to every roll for untrained skills. I'm thinking of when i played Casper and tried to use a sword and also when I played as Erika and tried to use a sword. Both don't have skill in it and It seemed that I was unable to do anything useful with the sword because it. Actually, I basically removed the character's base attribute bonus for untrained checks. The idea being that it doesn't really matter how strong/dextrous/intelligent the character is if they don't have a clue what they're doing. Wow, that's exactly what I'm doing. For every check you get the statistic+the skill as a bonus towards the DC of the check. But if you're untrained, you just get a bonus of 0. Great minds think alike, I guess...
  17. Originally Posted By: Rowen 8bit Theater? I think they had to cross a canyon and deiced to kill everyone in a village and use their bodies to full in the canyon and cross. That's pretty impressive. It was a guest comic done by the creator of OOTS, Rich Burlew.
  18. Originally Posted By: Ephesos And when it comes to learning new skills, just be reasonable. If your character takes a rank in Composure, that's not a huge leap. History, sure. Crafting (Zeppelins), no. In-character justification is great, but not always necessary (though if you start pumping Composure while your character still acts impulsive and twitchy at every opportunity, I might call shenanigans). Can I switch out my 8 ranks in Knowledge(Decorative Cake Frosting) for Knowledge(Suspension Bridge Engineering), then? Major kudos if you get the joke.
  19. It starts in three hours and forty five minutes exactly, if that helps.
  20. Okay, so I have three things to run down before today's session begins. Firstly, Safey has informed me that he will be dropping out of the campaign. Our party size is down to 6 now, so that's good. Second, the last character, our demoman Frank Pulver, has arrived. Click to reveal.. (Frank Pulver(Niemand)) Level 1 Demolitions Specialist STATISTICS: Strength - 3 Dexterity - 2 Coordination - 4 Intelligence - 2 Endurance - 4 SKILLS: Weapon (Needlegun) - 3 Weapon (Atom Blaster) - 3 Artifice - 2 Survival - 3 Armor - 2 Knowledge(Explosives) - 3 ATTRIBUTES: Health - 14 Dodge - 8% Stamina - 9 Energy - 1 Speed - 4 Finally, and on a more serious not, my internet connection was down this morning for about 8 hours, and it only got back up through an act of god (and by "god", I mean "comcast"). This, combined with storm warnings for my area, could mean trouble. If I don't show up or suddenly leave the chat halfway through the session, presume that my internet is down and the session is rescheduled for 6 PM CDT tomorrow, where the calender says everyone can still make it, and we'll just pick up where we left off.
  21. Originally Posted By: Shaper Tristan Dantius surely when you say Greta you mean Miranda? Yeah, I meant Miranda. I don't think whether Greta lives or dies has an effect on the Rebel endgame.
  22. Originally Posted By: waterplant Like the A-Team in magical trousers. We can play as Mr. T in Avadon? Sweet!
  23. Why do you even need a mouse anyways? I can get by just fine with keyboard shortcuts for extended periods of time.
  24. The ending permutations work like this Click to reveal.. (Not responsible for the veracity of anything contained within this box...) The rebel ending is pretty much the same, so long as you kill Alwan and Greta and release the Unbound without modifying the power settings (independent of canister use). The Trakovite ending depends on what power level you use. Putting the power on High creates incredibly powerful Unbound but destroys the vats so they can;t create more. The war rages on, and noone wins. Also, you get executed for treason. If you put it on low power, you get thrown in jail for a lifetime, but you also stop the drakon's mad plans and are revered by the human side of the revolution. The Shapers endgame is split three ways. If you save Alwan and Greta's life, and use less than 7 canisters, you get the best ending. If you do one but not the other, you are sent into exile on the Isle of Spears. If you do neither, you still save them, but they imprison you, experiment on you, and then kill you. I think that's all, and there are some other minor effected based on whether you killed Monarch, whether you saved the Illya safehouse, etc.
  25. The fifth character has arrived! Only two more to go! Click to reveal.. (Sebastian (Cthulhu)) Level 1 Combat Medic STATISTICS: Strength - 2 Dexterity - 3 Coordination - 5 Intelligence - 3 Endurance - 2 SKILLS: Stun Pistol - 2 Medic - 5 Knowledge(Medicine) - 3 Perception - 2 Diplomacy - 2 ATTRIBUTES: Health - 12 Dodge - 11% Stamina - 7 Energy - 2 Speed - 5 EDIT: Also, backstories would be nice, if you haven't submitted one already.
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