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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. So is Blood Marsh still scheduled for 6 CDT? Because It's looking more and more like I'll arrive at 6:30...
  2. Originally Posted By: Cthulhu Theres his Phone #, you might wanna try that. I'll email this person and pose as a needy student that requires those two works to assist in the creation of an important essay for my fictional senior year, or something like that. That might be a very bad idea. I'd recommend that you let VCH call.
  3. Originally Posted By: Rowen And part of that name is rather...unique. You've been spending too much time on the Internet, dear.
  4. Originally Posted By: Niemand Until the time does come to begin, we can engage in a cloak-and-dagger struggle to force enough others out to ensure that we get in. To get the ball rolling, I suggest attempting to get Nayld grounded again, and visiting the public libraries near Enraged Slith and pilfering all of their Asimov texts. Way ahead of you. I've already IP tracked Cthulhu and called in a favor with his boss to get him transferred to the London office. Then, I got *i to disable image posting so Monroe will be forced to abandon the boards. Originally Posted By: Encyclopedia Galactica Kyrt is one of the rarest and most sought-after materials in the galaxy. It is extracted from the fibers of a particular plant that only grows in the wavelength spectra of a star in the pre-nova stage. It is widley renown for its industrial an military applications, having a tensile strength greater than steel and mny times lighter than silk. It was first produced on the third moon...
  5. Sweet! We seem to have much more (and much more varied) interest in this than I original expected (I honest thought this would be a campaign of Eph, Triumph, Nikki, Diki, Nio; the usual suspects.) Anyways, here is a list of what seems to be the players so far. Correct me if I'm wrong. Lord Safey Cthulu Niemand Nioca INNI (possibly, time dependent) Monroe Enraged Slith(possibly, book dependent) Doom Nalyd Wow. That's a lot of people, and I'm NOT going to commit suicide by running two sessions. So I guess this means I'll be having a lottery, unless quite a lot of people suddenly have to drop out for scheduling reasons. If anyone else wants to join, thy'd better hurry up. Looking at what people say, it appears that the major inhibitor of the players right now is the timing/time zones. To get this issue out of the way, I'll say that the sessions are forced to be in the time window of 6 PM CDT to 12 PM CDT, although I'd really only like to stay up until midnight if the sessions are on Friday or Saturday(I have a job .) So with the time of day out of the way, it would be nice to nail down a consistent date, if possible. Since this RP will probably head from late May to July, I would think that most students on the boards will be out of school and have a much easier time making sessions (Again, I could be wrong.) So if this eliminates you right away, please just say so and save me the trouble of biting my nails until the last possible second wondering how I'm going to run a campaign with 12 people in it. Originally Posted By: Encyclopedia Galactica The Siwenna sector has experienced an unusually large amount of strife for a sector, beginning after the Fall. Initially, an Imperial fleet was sent to dislodge a corrupt viceroy, but after the populace rebelled against said viceroy, the admiral of the fleet simply had most of the population executed and declared himself the new Viceroy, contrary to his orders from the Emperor. Later, it was the principle staging grounds for General Bel Riose's invasion of the Foundation. Foundation control of the planet began with...
  6. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Dantius Actually, it's reaching the point where they have some of the highest HP of the campaigns. Interesting. And yet they spend so much time either almost dying or actively killing the other party members. You know who's fault that is? NPC's.
  7. Originally Posted By: Niemand The most important question to ask, I would argue, is whether you consider this a worthwhile use of your time. It can certainly be done, but is anyone ever going to use it? There's very little interest in the community in porting BoE scenarios (let's not delude ourselves: it's a very small community to begin with) I don't know about this. I certainly don't consider myself a member of the Blades community (and I don't think anyone else would, either ), but there are lots of scenarios for BoE that I can't play on my shiny 10000 exabye 4096x3072 pixel 512 bit windows that I would absolutely love to play, and porting to BoA might be enough to reawaken interest in BoE, because people might want to go back to and play the original scenarios. I would say that porting some of the more popular/better scenarios into BoA would be a good use of time. I just don't know what those scenarios could be. I suppose that once the scenario ratings system gets into full swing, you could just take the best rated scenarios from that and port them, but again, what do I know.
  8. Originally Posted By: Krylancelo What's worse is that creatures who should be hitting me at 1% seem to do so a LOT more than once every 100 tries. I don't know if the dice are just stacked against me[...] I think that means that either a. The random number generator works poorly, which is a definite possibility, or b. The display numbers are rounded down, and the actual dodge chance isn't- ie you could have a 4.99999% chance to get hit, which would display a 1%, but you would still be being hit 4.99999% of the time. I don't know if this is true or not, you might want to ask Randomizer or Slarty or someone who knows how the engine works better than me.
  9. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: Dantius Any rate, winner gets declared tomorrow. Soooo... Who won? There's only one answer to that question: Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Quote: Negotiations probably directly in anonymous subject aggregates the majority and woman' s he? Congratulations!
  10. Originally Posted By: cfgauss Did you know the guy who wrote the "standard" intro calculus book everyone uses bought a huge freakin mansion? With a god damned concert hall in it. It's disgusting. His book is overpriced and terrible. The man deserves a beating, not money. This is a little concept called "capitalism". Basically, it reasons that the consumer is the best judge of quality, not an expert, and that the consumer votes for the quality of a product by buying it. Thus, the people who write the best books as judged by the common people get to roll around in giant piles of flaming diamonds, while the people who write the best books as judged by the experts usually get nowhere near as much $$$ as people who can write books that people like and buy. Case in point, Dan Brown.
  11. Originally Posted By: Terpsichorean Fireflaught Level three spells can be hidden in dungeons or towns, they can be quest rewards, or they can be acquired a few other ways. In A1 I believe each level 3 spell appears in only one location. The good news is that they're not all reserved for the late game. If you keep your eyes open and bash into enough walls you can start finding them in the very first dungeons. —Alorael, who recommends having enough Arcane Lore. Without it you often can't read the spellbooks that the spells are in. I believe Smite L3 is in Fort Avernum itself, actually.
  12. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Thuryl made the same point, and it had occurred to me before, but I'm not sure the trade-off is as good as it seems. Having one or two party members with lower HP at the beginning is bearable, but an entire party made of glass is just asking for whatever happens to it. That's why all my mages have had 4 or 5 strength respectively- I dislike squishy characters. Actually, it's reaching the point where they have some of the highest HP of the campaigns. Interesting.
  13. Originally Posted By: Tango I'm awesome... I spent a few thousand gold... teaching that crap to Jay. On another note, I'm getting fairly high in level, but it's not going past level 2 of all of my healing spells. Is it a specific spell vendor that's got those spells? I figured Formello would have them. In particular, level 3 of curing. Level 3 spells are a secret, usually they're on a spellbook in a dungeon somewhere. You can't train them- you have to find them.
  14. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Niemand I don't think I'd want to try any game implementation of zero-g space-axe combat, though. I do not understand this sentence. How could that possibly not be awesome? If it were possible for me to easily represent 3-dimensional spaces in AIMhack, I would so be running things like this. (Scroll down for pics, generic warning about how Penny-Arcade contains some language at times.) That reminds me of my traumatic experience with 3D chess. I was beaten by one of my neighbors kids, who was 12 at the time. It was embarrassing because I had just broken a FIDE rating of 2100 at the time, and was basically playing the best chess of my life. I've never touched any sort of 3D board game since.
  15. Originally Posted By: Cthulhu Dantius, my local library has tons of Asimov novels, and I'd like your recommendation on a starter novel for his universe, mind assisting me? The original Foundation novel is the best and the first and requires the least amount of context to understand. Originally Posted By: Niemand I'm definitely rather curious to see the handling of an Asimov based setting, particularly since Asimov's own stories in that setting had (or at least depicted directly) relatively small amounts of the sort of mayhem that roleplaying game characters seem to generate and thrive on. I'm setting it in an area of the universe that contains tons of mayhem, even in the novels, and at a time where mayhem would be the order of the day in the galaxy- I would think that the Siwenna sector during the fall of the Empire would see plenty of mayhem. Originally Posted By: Encyclopedia Galactica The Imperial Grand Fleet (ca. 9045 IE)was the largest and most powerful spacegoing military ever assembled. Initially commissioned as an expeditionary fleet to the Andromeda galaxy, the political and technological impossibility of such a venture lead the fleet to be used simply as a police force within the Imperium itself. The quality and power of the ships was so great that their influence lasted well into the Foundation era, rendered obsolete only by the invention of gravatics..
  16. You need to train you mage spell skill high enough to cast them, otherwise they don't show up.
  17. Originally Posted By: Hypnotic Since there is no Day/Night in Geneforge, how do we now hours arn't passing while training? There is some kind of arbitrary day counter on the map. I've never been able to figure out how it worked, though. I think it has something to do with the number of times you switch zones...
  18. And now, I give you... the site! Originally Posted By: Encyclopedia Galactica Emperor Cleon II of the Divart dynasty is widely regarded as the last of the strong Emperor of the First Empire. Under his reign, culture and the arts flourished, and he managed to expand the empire a good deal back into the Periphery for a short time period until he died. He is most famous to the Foundation for his recall and execution of General Bel Riose due to his suspicious of treason. During his later years he suffered from a painful and undiagnosed ailment, widely regarded by doctors as...
  19. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Thats kinda the point. He's been using you to get control of Avernum. The idea is that you won't really care, since you can use his rewards for the greater good of Avernum. Or just kill him, which you can only do after completing the last quest.
  20. Originally Posted By: Lord Safey I'm interested but I haven't read the book can I still play? Absolutely. You should be able to get along just fine. Remember, I probably won't start until June, so if you do decide to read it, you'll have plenty of time. Originally Posted By: Encyclopedia Galactica Emperor Franken I of the Kamble dynasty was the first ruler of the Galactic Empire. His reign saw the codification of all Imperial laws and the reorganization of the Imperial bureaucracy into the style it resembled for the next five thousand years. It was also under his reign that the construction of the ecuminopolis on Trantor was finally completed, and it became the city-planet covered in steel that it remained for the next twelve thousand years...
  21. Based on the recent successes of the idea of an AIM based Dungeons and Dragons style roleplay under Ephesos, ET, and Nioca (with one by Sarachim in the works!), I decided that there was nothing stopping me from running one. So, at sometime about two months ago, I made up my mind to run one. I’ve been polishing, redesigning, and working out the kinks in my system for the past eight week, and now at last it’s time to reveal my Frankenstein Monster to the world, Here’s the background: Click to reveal.. (Universe background) The Galactic Empire has reigned supreme over all of humanity for the past twelve thousand years. Now, it is dying. Bit by bit, the Periphery began to secede from the Empire one kingdom at a time. At first it was peaceful-treaties were signed, diplomats shook hands and posed for the tridimensional ‘corders, and embassies were set up. Then, it became hostile. Wars broke out, and the Empire realized that it would need to recoup its losses the way it always had: with force. And so, of the hundred thousand trillion humans in the galaxy, almost ten percent were in the military, higher than any pervious point in history. There were constant skirmishes and hedge wars between the Empire in the core, and the fractious and numerous kingdoms of the Periphery. Under the leadership of various generals, admirals, and emperors, the Empire has manged to produce a stalemate of sorts, with the territorial size remaining roughly the same, and the glory of the Spaceship-and-sun still ascendant (for now). So, as some of you may have guesses from the backstory, this will be a scifi campaign set in Isaac Asimov’s foundation universe, chronologically right after Bel Riose's recall and execution (midway through Foundation and Empire). The system is all prepared, and I’m uploading it snippet by snippet from memory to my website (seeing as my old computer with all my notes AND SPIDERWEB GAMES had the courtesy to die on me two weeks ago). It’s a slow process, so consider this just your warning thread and signup thread for now. I’m a busy guy, and probably won’t have time to DM a campaign until Eph and Nioca finish up, which should be in a month or so, give or take a few weeks. By June, it should definitely be going. So, consider this your fair warning; Although it is by no means necessary (you could easily get by with the info on Wikipedia), it would be very good if you would read Foundation and Foundation and Empire in the time between now and then. It will be a campaign based on all the strong suits of Asimov: EPIC ADVENTURE! FANTASTIC CHARACTERS! FEARSOME TECHNOLOGY! INTRICATE PLANS! THE READILY AVAILABLE SUPPLY OF LARGE HAM!!!! That's where you come in: Click to reveal.. (Your backstory) As one of the five quadrillion humans going into military service for the Imperium, you six/five/seven/four were assigned on a unit together, and posted to the ISS Agis VI. The mission of the sip was simple: you were to head off the the Siwenna and reinforce the Imperial garrison fighting against rogue elements of Riose's command. However, no one is a worse gossip than a soldier stuck aboard a ship for months, and the rumors you've hears are too persistent to be denied. Some aboard your ship say that you were sent on some kind of "secret mission" under command of a member of the Imperial Special Services. It's interesting, but the trip passed largely without even, until you exited hyperspace in orbit over Indus II. You didn't even see the ship coming until you had already been boarded... If you'd like to participate, just sign up in the thread. I'll link the site in a couple of hours when I finish cleaning it up. Originally Posted By: Encyclopedia Galactica* Hyperspace travel has been the crowning jewels in the Imperial technological collection. It has of course been around since the species has been colonizing the stars, but the true military potential of it was only recognized with the development of the Galactic Empire. It remained one of the principal reasons for the Trantorian military juggernaut, along with the development of the Enclosure strategy. The first effective military use of hyperspace technology by the Trantorian Confederacy was in the Third Battle of Isk, where... *All quotations from the Encyclopedia Galactica here reproduced are taken from the 116th Edition, publish 1020 F.E. by the Encyclopedia Galactic Publishing Co., Terminus, with permission of the publishers.
  22. No, circle around to the east of the Tower and then poke around for a bit. Be sure to avoid the worms, they're a pain to kill.
  23. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity You didn't adapt the gender and number agreements when you switched in your new words, so as it stands what you have is ungrammatical, like writing 'For all topics is like grass' in English. Brahms might well have worked directly from a German NT translation, for all I know, but the Vulgate is itself a Latin translation from the original Greek. Hence the name 'Vulgate': a rendering into the common tongue, as it then was. And I'm sorry to keep on with this stupid nitpicking, and I promise I'll stop now, but this has been bugging me a bit every time I see it, so while I'm at it: wasn't the character named Salvor Hardin? No, it's General Bel Riose. I couldn't find a picture of Hardin. Which reminds me, Riose vanished now to be replaced by someone else. Presto chango... magnifico! EDIT:Oh, you were talking about my sig. Yeah, you're right (wow that's embarrassing). I blame the autocorrect on Chrome for changing it to "Salvador". EDIT EDIT: We were never at war with eastasia.
  24. Originally Posted By: Lilith you already know this but for formality's sake i'm in wait what? Since when has Thurylilith played RP's?
  25. Originally Posted By: Triumph My new theory on what is going to happen in the Bloodmarsh: Click to reveal.. Originally Posted By: Lerasti, the historian "The first of Chamulsep's lieutenants was a fiendish artificer, who wrought horrible creations of flesh and metal. His machines were responsible for unspeakable atrocities, and formed the base of the Lord of Pain's power." I don't suppose this fellow, the only one of Chamulsep's minions whose end isn't mentioned in Eph's series of blurbs on the subject, might be living in the Bloodmarsh? And that his name might be Yunelias? And the Bloodmarsh party might be meeting him soon? New theory? This was discussed like two sessions ago.
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