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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Spidweb So you know it was a totally fun time. As far as I'm concerned, an evening out is a failure if it doesn't involve the word "psychosexual." Sigmund Freud would have a lot to say about that. Well, two words, to be precise. Although the whole psychosexual theme does certainly take on a whole new level of creepiness in Wagnerian operas. (Just the other day I realized how much of the interpersonal relationships in the original Star Wars trilogy were cribbed from the Ring cycle. Huh, basis of fantasy and science fiction classics.) Originally Posted By: Two Days at Rest And there's always the chance that Jeff will make good on his years-old comment about how starting off as a pathetic weakling is boring and have Avadon start you off as a seasoned veteran. From experience, starting out a level 1 character as a total badass just makes people upset. And by "upset", I mean "jealous"
  2. Originally Posted By: Nioca I first read this as "Welcome to the Amadan Forum" and thought, "Damn, didn't know he was such a popular character..." Don't worry, the Boregloaf forum will be up shortly. Although having forums named after members would be an excellent April Fool's joke...
  3. Dantius

    Odd weather...

    Originally Posted By: One Day in Motion —Alorael, who also lost his favorite umbrella when it became too heavy as the water filled it. You hold it the other way up, silly!
  4. According to the schedule, the first session is THIS SATURDAY at 6:00 CDT! If you have NOT submitted and finalized a character That I approved by then, you WILL be dropped. (Although I can and will run a campaign with 7, I am looking for an excuse to drop someone. If all seven make it to Saturday, I'll just run with it.)
  5. Fine, why not? Windows 7 emperordantius@gmail.com
  6. Dantius

    Odd weather...

    Originally Posted By: Lilith there's a carpark being built near here come on, why do carp need an ark, they can swim *ba-dum tish*
  7. Dantius

    Odd weather...

    Originally Posted By: Randomizer There's nothing wrong with the weather. I just wish the guy across the street would stop building that ark. He says it'll be done before the monsoon hits in a few months. But all those animals in his backyard are starting to stink. Just tell him he only needs to bring one of every "baramin" and he'll be fine!
  8. Originally Posted By: boggle Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Quote: If anything on Earth is its reproductive system, it's us. Yeah, beat me to it. Terraforming other planets in the distant future to be more Earth-like could be a form of reproduction. You sound like Asimov Nah, he'd sound like Asimov if he appended that with "...if it wasn't for this petty superstitious beliefs holding us back"
  9. Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu You might say that in the real world since spiders are antisocial, you cannot obtain large enough quantities of spider-silk. However, you miss the point that the world of Geneforge already has huge spider creatures (unless I am talking about Avernum). If not, then shapers would also have the ability to modify spider-silk production into ornks or what-not. Actually, I believe that spidersilk is mass produced by genetically engineering goats to produce it in their milk. Reality is stranger than fiction.
  10. Dantius


    (First off, I'm not quite sure if this topic is considered "kosher" [no pun intended] by the administration, so if I've crossed any lines here, feel free to lock the thread, I'll just cry for a few minutes instead of an hour.) So I saw that recently, an Israeli ship has just attacked an aid flotilla, in international waters headed for Gaza and taken prisoner/killed many of the peaceful occupants on boards, under the claim that it was in "self defense" against... something. I also saw that Obama refused to condemm Israel for the attacks. I'm very strongly conflicted on this topic. On the one hand, Israel gets quite a lot of leeway on pretty much anything, and rightly so, since they're trying to fight a war against an enemies that would willingly sacrifice itself and other and go to any means to destroy Israel. Also, being oppressed, tortured, murdered, and marginalized for the past four thousand years has got to get you a lot of goodwill. On the other hand, attacking an aid ship in international waters, fabricating an excuse, and then refusing to accept any responsibility or admit that you're wrong is just beyond reprehensible. I really can't come to a decision here, the whole thing is just a mess. That said, you all seem like you should have interesting opinions on this, and I'm curious to hear them.
  11. Well, keep in mind that some of the materials with the greatest tensile strength are organic, and the Shapers would thus be able to produce them. For example, a spidersilk fiber 2 inches in diameter would be able to suspend the entire golden bridge, and the uses of this material in bulletproof vests is a very modern and very interesting field- they could be able to stop a bullet if used properly.
  12. Dantius

    Odd weather...

    The weather has no sense of timing. When I wanted to work in my garden for about ten hours total on Saturday and Sunday, it was nearly 90, humid, and the sun was beating down. And yet when I try to stage a Memorial day barbecue, it is of course pouring rain and thundering. *shakes fist at sky*
  13. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity I kind of like ",,,". It suggests a sort of double-take pause, in which you're about to go on, but then you pause again, before going on without mentioning what made you pause. A hesitation during which the mind slightly boggles, but then you shrug it off and go on. I guess ";;;" would be sort of similar only more dramatic. . So like the experience you get after reading one of Slarty's posts?
  14. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba You get a horrible ending if you use the Geneforge (for some definition of horrible), but there's no penalty for using canisters in the G1 ending. Dikiyoba. If by "horrible" you mean Click to reveal.. you become an nigh-immortal demigod , then yes, you do.
  15. Meet Nioca's character, Jonathon Dark! Click to reveal.. (Johnathon Dark (Nioca)) Level 1 Hotshot Fighter Pilot STATISTICS: Strength- 3 Dexterity - 4 Coordination - 1 Intelligence - 4 Endurance - 3 SKILLS: Pilot - 5 Turret (Atomic Blaster) - 3 Weapon (Nuclear Blade) - 2 Knowledge (Spacecraft) - 2 Diplomacy - 1 Computers - 1 Perception - 1 ATTRIBUTES: Health - 13 Stamina - 9 Energy - 2 Speed - 3 Dodge - 14% Originally Posted By: Nioca Character submitted. But I have to ask... isn't it a bit soon to decide who gets the mental powers? Only three characters have been posted thusfar. Not that I'm complaining, it just seems a bit premature. See, on the one hand, I was going to do it as a perk to whoever had the greatest backstory, but then I realized that doing that would require them to change that very backstory, which seemed kinda pointless to me. So I simply rolled dice (and by "dice" I mean "the random function on Excel"), and whoever got the highest ones got first shot at powers. In the interest of full disclosure, here is the list I rolled up: 1. Monroe 2. Niemand 3. Safey 4. Nioca 5. Cthulu 6. DOOM 7. Nalyd
  16. Originally Posted By: Sarachim, but really Thuryl Click to reveal.. Alchemy: Alchemical reagents are divided into four classes based on the elements. Within each class, some reagents may be more powerful than others. Earth reagents embody principles of stability and protection. A great mountain range filled with mineral wealth may bring prosperity to an entire civilisation, while even the humblest rock may serve as shelter for worms and insects. Earth reagents include crystalline minerals and animal bones. Fire reagents embody principles of destruction and change. Fire by its nature is short-lived, but for the time it exists its effects can be immense. Its power is not purely destructive: carefully controlled fire can purge impurities, or convert a substance from one form to another. Fire reagents include caustic chemicals and animals' natural weapons, such as claws, teeth and venom glands. Air reagents embody principles of motion and creativity. Gusts of wind come and go capriciously, and may either fill a ship's sails or blow down a house, but the air which gives birth to them is a constant life-giving presence. Air reagents include meteorites and animals' sensory organs. Water reagents embody principles of restoration and persistence. A river may dry up, but when the rains come it will resume flowing along its old course, and its steady work will gradually erode any obstacles in its path. Water reagents include fossils and animals' vital organs. Primary potions (one reagent, requires 1 point in Crafting (Alchemy)): Stamina Potion. Requires Earth reagents only. This drink relieves minor aches and pains and banishes exhaustion, restoring some of the drinker's Stamina. Alchemical Fire. Requires Fire reagents only. This sticky liquid bursts into flame on contact with air, causing fire damage to anything it splashes on. Stimulant. Requires Air reagents only. A tonic that temporarily increases the drinker's physical and mental agility, giving increased Speed and a bonus on the next few rolls, although at the cost of reduced Stamina once its effects wear off. Healing Salve. Requires Water reagents only. A balm that can be used to treat wounds, recovering lost hit points. Secondary potions (two reagents, requires 3 points in Crafting (Alchemy)): Contact Poison. Requires Earth and Fire reagents. A toxic liquid that can be absorbed through an open wound or less efficiently through unbroken skin, causing gradual loss of Hit Points and Stamina and a penalty to all statistics. Featherfall Brew. Requires Earth and Air reagents. A mysterious fluid that lightens the drinker's body, allowing them to glide down gently from great heights without injury. Protective Oil. Requires Earth and Water reagents. A soothing oil that protects the user's skin from extreme conditions such as heat, cold and acids. Toxic Gas. Requires Fire and Air reagents. This unstable mixture rapidly becomes a noxious gas on exposure to air, causing eye irritation and violent coughing. While it does not usually cause serious damage, its effects can be highly incapacitating in the short term. Purgative. Requires Fire and Water reagents. A potent brew that purges the body of poisons and diseases, although it may have unpleasant side effects, causing a loss of Stamina points. Sleeping Draught. Requires Air and Water reagents. A potion that quickly brings restful sleep to anyone who drinks it. While the drinker experiences the restorative effects of a full night's sleep in only a few hours, nothing short of violent shaking is likely to awaken them before that time. Tertiary potions (three reagents, requires 5 points in Crafting (Alchemy)): Explosive. Requires Earth, Fire and Air reagents. A thick greasy paste that explodes when struck violently, producing little heat but immense concussive force. Freezing Salts. Requires Earth, Fire and Water reagents. A fine crystalline dust that rapidly cools on contact with liquid. A dose can freeze the surface of a body of water or inflict cold damage if scattered over a living target. Potion of Clarity. Requires Earth, Air and Water reagents. A drink that enhances mental faculties, giving a temporary bonus to Intelligence and reducing the drinker's susceptibility to illusions and enchantments. Acid. Requires Fire, Air and Water reagents. A dangerous liquid that can corrode flesh, metal and stone. Impressive. Most impressive. I like this better than Nioca's list, though that floored me, too. I'm guessing that epic brews are classified at the discretion of the DM, or do you have a list of those, too?
  17. I have merely two things to say on this matter: 1. (this is nitpicking, really) America, as a republic holds popular election to decide who will run the country. You could have strong central government and still have a republic, indeed, you could have a virtually autocratic state that still had free and fair elections and the leader stepped down if he was ever voted out of office. Of course, the problem with this would be that the temptation to seize power would increase to the point where a dictatorship would be inevitable if a Robespierre got power. This would be able to effectively deal with problems while still fitting conventional images of a "democracy" perfectly well. 2. (this is the important bit) Why the hell should I care what a drugged-up ex-hippie who spouts pseudoscientific nonsense about "Gaia" has to say on anything, much less governmental authority?
  18. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES *faceshell* CRISIS on INFINITE MOLLUSCS?
  19. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Question: will this and other side-quest-ish stuff be posted as well? What about stuff the GM only tells players privately, like the voice that Nixak and Amadan heard in their heads? Completely understandable if this stuff isn't made public, for several reasons, but I'm still curious. I think my side session and Nioca's were posted somewhere on Eph's website, but not linked to in the main thread.
  20. Originally Posted By: Triumph Friday, huh? Well, I'll miss the first session, then, but I will look forward to a log. You know, a TPK in the first session WOULD be pretty amazing. I don't think there's ever even been a fatality in AIMhack, much less a TPK. Clearly our DM's aren't trying hard enough to kill us!
  21. Another one arrives! It's Zak Xaine, Doom's stealthy computer user! Click to reveal.. (Zak Xaine (Doom)) Level 1 Covert Hacker STATISTICS: Strength - 1 Dexterity - 4 Coordination - 2 Intelligence - 4 Endurance - 4 SKILLS: Turret (Anion laser) - 3 Stealth - 4 Artifice - 2 Computers - 4 Armor - 1 ATTRIBUTES: Health - 14 Speed - 3 Stamina - 5 Energy - 2 Dodge - 14%
  22. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba There is one drayk canister [...] you can only get as part of a Trakovite initiation quest with sufficient leadership. You don't need the leadership if you aren't going to join the Trakovites.
  23. Originally Posted By: Monroe At this point, it looks like we still need a Pilot/Gunner type, otherwise space battle will probably own us hard. Someone with Diplomacy or City/Survival skills would be useful as well. A well balanced party is a happy party! Also, a medic. Like, you need a medic reeealll bad.
  24. Another character emerges, and this one won the Mentalist Lotto! Meet Dana Templeton, Monroe's fighter/Second Foundation agent. Click to reveal.. (Dana Templeton (Monroe)) Level 1 Second Foundation Agent STATISTICS Strength - 4 Dexterity - 2 Coordination - 3 Intelligence - 4 Endurance - 2 SKILLS: Weapon (Nuclear Blade) - 4 Weapon (Needlegun) - 3 Mental - 3 Bluff - 3 Stealth - 1 Armor - 1 ATTRIBUTES: Health - 12 Speed - 4 Stamina - 11 Energy - 2 Dodge - 8%
  25. Originally Posted By: Nioca Question regarding weapons. It seems you have to specify a type of weapon for weapon class (Handheld, Turret, Pilot). Does that mean you still have some proficiency in other weapons in that class (e.g. someone with skill in a Needlegun could also handle a Stunner, though maybe not as well), or are they ONLY proficient in that specific weapon? I just bring it up because it could make Artifact-level weapons a little awkward since no one will be able to use them in the latter case. Also, is "Hand-to-Hand" a viable hand-held weapon class? 1. Yes. If you attempt to use a weapon in it's class you are not proficient with, just take half of your highest weapon skill and use that instead. The exception is melee weapons, those are pretty much a separate category. 2. Yes, it is. But it wouldn't do as much damage as a melee weapon.
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