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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity This is the back story to National Socialism in Germany, for instance. Hitler was the last in a series of Chancellors who had all struggled to govern with a deadlocked legislature. Godwin's law.
  2. Originally Posted By: Nioca Session #7 - Sunday the 16th 7:00 PM EDT (6:00 CDT) Session #8 - Tuesday the 18th 7:00 PM EDT (6:00 CDT) Sunday, no, can't make it. Tuesday, I'll be there.
  3. Originally Posted By: ShortBus Variations are always welcome as well: I removed the lightning aspect of the Kyshakk and figured why would serviles push all those carts you see in the mines, if a kyshakk could pull one ten times larger? Because serviles are smaller, cheaper, easier to control, and can breed? And because they can't shoot lightning at you?
  4. Dantius

    Tesla Coils

    Originally Posted By: Ephesos Dangit Diki, I barely saved myself from getting sucked into the site again. That was mean. Lucky you. I only saved myself by switching to Cracked before I got to the second sentence... Ooh, top 6 haircuts of the late 18th century Ottoman Empire... *clicks*
  5. Anybody following this? I'm watching it on BBC America, or BBC World, or whatever BBC my television is giving me. I'm very surprised at the results so far- I would have expected the Lib Dems to have gained a much smaller segment than it says thy're getting, as I presumed that the internet polls, like all internet polls, were skewed in their favor as the young, tech-savvy, pro-science type that frequents the internet would be the type that would actually vote for the LD. At least the BNP isn't winning, though they did say they got a few percent of the vote. Scary. Also, I found this image funny: (I decided to omit the obligatory Union jack. I guess I'll just have to have a picture of the Sydney Opera House when the Australian election comes around)
  6. Dantius

    Tesla Coils

    Originally Posted By: Lord Safey afraid time travel is a tad bit beyond me at the moment Not beyond Stephen Hawing, though! I'm sure SOT will wander over and explain it in terms we can understand, though.
  7. Originally Posted By: Øther Keep in mind that by doing this, you will affect all the battle alphas in the entire game. ANd this goes with all the creations you are editing. If the base creation is affected, it will be changed anytime it appears in the game. I think you could just alter the PC import template for battle alphas and you should be fine. Alternately, just pick a creature that's unused, like eyebeasts.
  8. Dantius

    Tesla Coils

    Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Just remember that the coil's weakness is power; if the Allies black out the base, nothing will stop them. Honestly, I preferred MechWarrior to Red Alert.
  9. Originally Posted By: Thaluikhain For fusion weapons, maybe, but won't fission weapons work fine? Even, since fusion weapons contain fission weapons, the number of devices will remain the same, though the yield will massively decrease. Well, weapons-grade fissile uranium (U-235) has a half life of about 800 million years, so it's not that the material decays. I think it's just wear and tear on the machinery- nuclear weapons are precise and finicky device. It may have something to do with them decaying to the point where they begin to emit radiation? Not sure about this one. Originally Posted By: Thaluikhain Even if I'm wrong about that, a degraded fission bomb would still work fine as a dirty bomb. Well, yeah, but why on earth would you go to all the trouble of obtaining a fission (or god forbid fusion) weapon and then waste it by making a dirty bomb? Honestly, there's probably enough dangerous nuclear waste in a hospital to make a sufficiently deadly dirt bomb (I am NOT going to google "where can I get enough high-grade radioactive waste to make a dirty bomb". Not a chance. Although there is probably a good probability that Google Calculator will pop up "2.60345 metric tons" or something like that.) Here's a explanation I've used before IRL: Let's presume terrorists placed a dirty bomb at State and Madison. A few blocks of the city would be irradiated, the rest would probably get cancer in a couple of years, and I'd probably be able to drive away before the radioactive fallout hit the north suburbs. Casualties would probably barley push a thousand, plus another couple thousand if you included radiation poisoning and cancer later in life. Now, if a fission (A) bomb was placed, a very large chink of downtown would be smoking rubble. Tens of thousands dead, and the radiation would probably make it to the exurbs. I'd die of cancer in a couple months to years, depending on the power of the explosion. Now let's try a large fusion (H) bomb. Way above the ability of the terrorists to manufacture or steal, but a nuclear exchange between the US and USSR might have involved lots of these. I'd be killed outright, and my house would be in ruins. (THis presumes Tsar Bomba level explosion, which was 50 MT) I later found actual descriptions from the Homeland Security website. This one's for 25 MT: Click to reveal.. 25 Megaton Air Blast: Pressure Damage Radius of destructive circle: 6.5 miles 12 pounds per square inch The remains of some buildings’ foundations are visible. Some of the strongest buildings — those made of reinforced, poured concrete — are still standing. Ninety-eight percent of the population within this area are dead. Radius: 10.7 miles 5 psi Virtually everything is destroyed between the 12 and 5 psi rings. The walls of typical multi-story buildings, including apartment buildings, are completely blown out. As you move from the center toward the 5 psi ring there are more structural skeletons of buildings standing. Single-family residences within this this area have been completely blown away — only their foundations remain. Fifty percent of the population between the 12 and 5 psi rings are dead. Forty percent are injured. Radius: 20 miles 2 psi Any single-family residences that are not completely destroyed are heavily damaged. The windows of office buildings have been blown away, as have some of their walls. The contents of these buildings’ upper floors, including the people who were working there, are scattered on the street. A substantial amount of debris clutters the entire area. Five percent of the population between the 5 and 2 psi rings are dead. Forty-five percent are injured. Radius: 30.4 miles 1 psi Residences are moderately damaged. Commercial buildings have sustained minimal damage. Twenty-five percent of the population between the 2 and 1 psi rings are injured, mainly by flying glass and debris. Many others have been injured from thermal radiation — the heat generated by the blast. The remaining seventy-five percent are unhurt.
  10. Originally Posted By: Unbound Draykon The only thing that can start a nuclear war is if terrorists got one, launch it and make it look like a country was attacking another. Launching a nuclear weapon is a LOT more complex than it looks in James Bond movies, where it seems all you need is a Russian accent and facial scars to fire off a 10-megaton bomb. They have some of the most advanced security systems on the planet protecting them. The only glitch in this system was during the fall of the USSR, but no nukes were reported missing, nuclear weapons only function for about 15 years before the material needs to be recycled and the casing refurbished, and if the weapons haven't been used after nearly two decades, it's a safe bet that there are no loose nuclear weapons to be had. Frankly, a nuclear weapons doomsday scenario looks so unlikely that it can be pretty much safely ignored, especially since MAD actually, well, works. If the US was the target of a nuclear attack, you can bet large sums of money on the fact that every single other country on the planet, regardless of their prior attitude, would suddenly bend over backwards to help us in every way possible. Think like after September 11th, but multiplied by five or six orders of magnitude. If you're still interested, I would recommend the excellent book Seven Deadly Scenarios, which touches on unfeasible but deadly military situations for the US, like war with China, nuclear armed terrorists, and global pandemics originating from mexico that are actually deadly.
  11. Originally Posted By: Nioca Failure will cause the enemy to go berserk, decreasing attack and defense. The catch is that berserk enemies do more damage AND are more likely to target Xuan. I'm confused how my perk can both decrease the enemy attack and increase the enemy damage...
  12. +1 level Click to reveal.. Name: Xuan Lu (Dantius) Occupation: Strategic Consultant Alignment: Malevolent Race: Human Deity: Atheist Strength - 4 Dexterity - 2 Intelligence - 5 Health - 24 (+4) Magic (Conjuration) - 6 (+2) Bluff - 2 Artifice - 4 Stealth - 2 (RB) History - 1 Streetwise - 1 Diplomacy - 5 Perception - 1 (RB)
  13. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Okay, WOW. Does this mean I get an apology? Or would that be pushing it?
  14. Originally Posted By: Gilgamaln Itemgalore did often give me 5 coins often which is exactly what item 1 does.. I think that's because item 1 is "bronze coins" worth a default value of 5.
  15. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Onion link What's next? Cracked.com being considered as reliable a news source as FOX? The Daily show being more trusted than CNN? No, wait. I actually think both those are true... Wow. That's scary.
  16. Originally Posted By: boggle He is also very anti-social. I've been in to many inns with him, but never once has he ever shown the slightest desire to have a few beers and just chat about football. Even Frodo got drunk every once in a while. He doesn't even have a desire to make some coin from arm-wrestling, which I'm sure he'd do pretty well at. Pshhh. Everybody knows that inns are hackneyed plot devices used for story exposition and quest hooks, and not anything trivial like "food", "drink", or "rest.
  17. Originally Posted By: Cthulhu Not to nag, but are we still doing this? Of course. What would give you the impression otherwise? I'm just holding off until Mote finishes up. So is Sarachim.
  18. Originally Posted By: Cthulhu It seems to me that having knowledge regarding the placebo effect disallows for the effect itself to affect you. Incorrect. As knowledge of the placebo effect has spread amongst patients and those who would consume them, the effectiveness of the placebo has actually increased. Psychology works in funny ways.
  19. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: G1 walkthrough Mind Nutrients: Ellhrah's Keep, Hill of Jars, Kazg, Holding 2, South Workshop, Holding Cells. Note that you can't feed every mind in the game, since there are seven minds who need food and only six mind nutrients. Dikiyoba. That's fine, though, seeing as there's a quest to kill a mind for at all sects except the Obeyers, so you just don't feed that one.
  20. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Thank you. Given that we know these are not beta testing cheats and that they do not exist on the mac version either, and given how often Jeff adds entirely new game functions after beta testing (read: never), and given that it has been a good number of years since Jeff has added to the cheat list in any way, I think we can safely assume this is a fabrication. The screenshots above were presumably obtained by editing the item definitions file. So I'm orchestrating an elaborate hoax for... what purpose, again?
  21. Originally Posted By: Randomizer As Sheldon Cooper pointed out in The Big Bang Theory most major super villains have doctorates. Villainy could be reduced if the institutions had a better screening process. Hey, I didn't go to evil engineering school so I could be called "Mr. Dantius!" Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Wait a mo', here. It started out, I was going to write theme songs for weird cartoons, instead of being a superhero. Now somehow, over a few posts, it has garble-morphed into actually having superpowers. So now I'm a superhero, and my origin story is that I was bitten by a radioactive misunderstanding. Your origin story is that you were bitten by a radioactive Richard Feynman. Take it and run with it.
  22. Originally Posted By: Triumph Ooh, two very nice/fitting perks! And an intriguing penultimate session for Bloodmarsh. Now I'm pondering where the portal could have taken them... It took us back in time to the Bloodmarsh when it was the headquarters of Chamulsep's lieutenants, didn't it?
  23. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES De-de-de-de-de Inspector Trinity De-de-de-de-de-de-de hoo-hoo I begin to grow extremely suspicious that Slarty is simply a cunningly programmed spambot designed to promote Lady Gaga songs...
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