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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Triumph Hey, that gives me a great idea... DRAKONS IN F-14s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be so cool! / silliness Kudos to anyone who gets the reference. Calvinball, anyone?
  2. Originally Posted By: VCH Starcraft 2 will save blizzard. It will outsell anything ever released, guaranteed. Yeah, but I'm sure that when it is released in 2173, the computer gaming industry will already be extinct.
  3. Originally Posted By: Rowen Originally Posted By: Dantius What is there to discuss? Your thread title is absolutely correct in every way. Jeff should start selling posters of himself on the site store that say "Jeff Vogel Is Awesome." What I want is a shirt with a line portrait of his face like the one of Che, but with "Vogel" below it.
  4. Originally Posted By: Triumph Originally Posted By: Cthulhu Don't tell that to Hollywood, they apparently hate innovation in terms of story. All films are these days are recycles from a while ago in shiny new clothing. Ehh...there are only so many stories to tell, methinks. I forgot who, but somebody said "There have only been fourteen plots for all movies that Hollywood ever produced, and Shakespeare was the screenwriter for all of them" In other news, have you heard of Roland Emmerich's new epic film 20120, in which the great psychowoohistorian and Mayan scholar Hari Seldon predicts the downfall of the Galactic Empire when the quantum harmonic feedback off the spacetinme quantum continuum of quantum dx aligns with the astrostellar harmonic plane in the year 20120, and manages to head the fall of the empire off by destroying the great landmarks of the galaxy like when he destroys the the Imperial Palace on Trantor by crashing an interstellar battlecruiser into it? Yeah, I'm a little bitter over that.
  5. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Discuss. What is there to discuss? Your thread title is absolutely correct in every way.
  6. Originally Posted By: Ephesos and Portugese... just does nothing helpful. QFT
  7. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity I think Taslim, who appears to be wdueck, just thought we were all bringing our own quotes. Given how different they all come out, this is somewhat understandable. Maybe we can use that one later, though I think it may be a bit too long. With long quotes the chances become too high that everyone ends up with a few good words but nobody's even looks as though it's trying to make sense, so it's too hard for anyone to clearly win. I have a shorter (and very similar) one if that's the case. I withheld it because I felt it might be too short, but here you go: Originally Posted By: Virginia Wolfe "For most of history, Anonymous was a woman"
  8. Originally Posted By: My newspaper "According to a recent survey, men say the first thing they notice about a woman is their eyes, and women say the first thing they notice about men is they're a bunch of liars."
  9. Can I do the next one? I have a great quote all ready.
  10. Dantius


    Fine. It's from (skip to 3:00), and it's a piece of text lifter from 1 Peter 24 in (Germany's second most famous man) Martin Luther's vernacular bible. I just changed "man" to "topics" and "mankind" to "spiderweb", because a funeral mass for this topic is in order.
  11. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Unbound Draykon oh yes there is. is it Jeff Vogel? and this time i used a different translator it is "It's all topics, it is like grass. And all the glory of The spidernet. the grass and the flower verdorret fallen..." or is it Dantius? Originally Posted By: Dantius No. There is also literally no chance of you guessing and getting it correct.
  12. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Unbound Draykon was it Adolf Hitler? No. There is also literally no chance of you guessing and getting it correct. Also, why do people presume that anything German was said by Hitler? Is it just because he's like the most famous German ever?
  13. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Unbound Draykon the answer is Because is all topics, like grass. and all glory Spinnennetz.Das grass is dries up and the flower sloping… now where's my lollipop? wait are asking for the meaning or who spoke it? Not what it translates to, but where it is from/where it is used. I don't want a babelfish murdering of it, we already have a topic for those.
  14. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Nikki. P.S. In before the Blitzkrieg? Denn alles Themen, es ist wie Gras. und alle Herrlichkeit des Spinnennetz. Das Gras ist verdorret und die Blume abgefallen... EDIT: A correct guess as to where that comes from (other than the tortured recesses of my mind) gets a lollipop.
  15. Dantius


    I am most certainly celebrating L. Ron Hubbard day! All hail Galactic Overlord Xenu! He shall rise again!
  16. The two threads discussing the new game: http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=198200 and http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=199728
  17. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Triumph Number 3 I'll guess has to do with political party/machine bosses, not mob bosses. Maybe Tammany Hall? Also, am I the only one who thinks #2 is reminiscent of Robin Williams?
  18. Originally Posted By: Master1 (at least that's what the high school texts say) High school texts are prone to oversimplify things, because high schoolers are notorious for not understanding advanced concepts. To paraphrase Terry Prachett, it's one of those things where the analogy is excellent for making you understand, but is actually completely wrong. Or something.
  19. Dantius


    I'll guess only on the first and third one. The first one is about the slave trade and the dangers of it, most notably how any spilt between the north and the south on the donkey would also have to cause a split in democracy itself. Is the third one a fifteen puzzle with mob bosses?
  20. Originally Posted By: cfgauss Fimmvörðuháls! Okay, now I'm starting to think you're making up these names. Even Icelanders can't be that crazy.
  21. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: cfgauss So if you dumped huge amounts of bacteria onto Venus you may terraform it in a few billion years! (Well, a bit too late for much interesting to evolve, considering how long our solar system has left, but still.) That's assuming we can find a suitably large deposit of suitable archaebacteria, because nothing else is really going to be able to cope with the current situation on Venus. Still, an interesting thought experiment. I suppose we could always engineer a specific bacteria to perfectly suit the conditions. After all, we've already managed to crate an entire synthetic genome, so in perhaps 10-20 years, we could have terraforming bacteria!
  22. Originally Posted By: Nioca Click to reveal.. (QUOTES!!!) Casper: "Where to then mighty leader sent by the gods named Xuan?" Xuan: "HEIL!" Iliau: "...we need to kill Xuan and get a sage in our group." Harosh: "By admitting that you are untrustworthy, you invalidate your own argument." Erika: "The customer is always right." What, only four of the quotes are about me? I must try harder!
  23. Originally Posted By: Randomizer I got an engineering degree too, does that count? Tesla build a death ray so he beats Edison in coolness. Depends. What kind of degree is is? Aerospace, mechanical, structural, and the like? Or is it like "computer engineering" which isn't actually engineering.
  24. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith comic That's pretty good.
  25. Originally Posted By: Nioca Lolwut? No, seriously. It seemed to me like a small joke and a confirmation to Randomizer that he'd try the strategy he suggested. Where, exactly, was this so-called rudeness? I think he was talking about the first bump after only an hour.
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