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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Sarachim Yes, but very few college students are minors, and generally for no more than the first four months or so of their first year. Yeah, but the point still stands. It really does apply more to high school censorship, which seemed to me to be what Will was talking about.
  2. Click to reveal.. Name: Food Player: Various enzymes Occupation: Food Race: Dachshund Alignment: Delicious Home: My stomach ATTRIBUTES Deliciousness: 3 Tenderness: 2 Nutritional value:3 Ease of cooking: 2 SKILLS Orange dog: 3 Peking dog: 3 Dog-stickers: 5 Dog tail soup:2 Dog satay: 2 Stir-fried dog: 3 FYT.
  3. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Your alma mater is not actually your mom. In theory, it actually is. In the US, there are laws that educational institutions must act in loco parentis for minors,at least.
  4. Internet filtering is appropriate when conducted by your employer. At my work, pretty much everything is blocked- forums, social networking, porn, shopping, FB, personal emails, proxys, etc. I'm perfectly OK with it, since they are paying me the $ for me to do a job, not wast time on the Internet. I do plenty of that at home and on Sundays. I would image the most of schools are blocked for much he same reasons- you are/were there to learn, and the taxpayers are not wasting billions of dollars a year to have you play flash games and browse Faceboook. However, under VERY few circumstances should any website be blocked to private access. Short of VERY illegal content (Child porn, torrents, planning of illegal activities, etc), blocking websites does amount to censoring free speech. While it may be OK for China to stifle reports about the devastation from the latest earthquake (in China), it is NOT OK to block content on a global scale (see: British Libel laws, for example) as that amounts to censorship of free speech.
  5. T-minus 2 hours to Brigandage. Bandwidth costs for a single post on the Spiderweb forums? Half a cent. Spy cameras? $99.99 plus tax at the local Best Buy. Private detective to track down Nioca's location and bug his house? About 3.5k. The look on Nioca's face when he sees I've beaten him to a chat redirect? Priceless.
  6. It is an indispitable fact the Rogue is the greatest video game of all time, and must be played immedatly, if not sooner. Alternatley, if you're not into ASCII graphics, you might want to give a look into Starcraft/Warcraft/Diablo/any Blizzard game ever.
  7. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES What brought you away from Australia? Wait, what? I've never been to Australia. I've never lived out of the United States. My home IP traces to my ISP in Chicago. My work IP traces to Chicago as well. I don't recall ever accessing this website through a proxy. I don't think any internet cafes in Chicago have Australian IP's. AFAIK, I've never even mentioned Australia in any of my posts (except this one). What on earth would give you the impression that I lived in Australia?
  8. I'm incredibly impressed with the quality of that work. It's fantastic!
  9. Nope. I checked, Chicago is 42 degrees north of the equator, so my estimate of 40 was very close, less than 5% error. Besides, the numbering system goes all the way up to 90 degrees north, which would be the north pole. So yeah, 40 degrees north is nowhere near the arctic.
  10. Originally Posted By: Triumph LIES! Oops.
  11. Originally Posted By: VCH Originally Posted By: Dantius Originally Posted By: VCH I think it's a Crocus. Yeah, that's a crocus. In a related news, my snowdrops are blooming, my witchhazel looks promising, and I can definitely see some serious action in my lilac buds. I'll take pictures if I can. What Latitude are you on in Canada? Nothing has even started to come to life where I am. I live in Chicago. So about 40 degrees north, but I'm closeish to the lake, so it's a bit more moderate here.
  12. Originally Posted By: Triumph I will NOT be around on Sunday to sub, so Duck better step up and play his character. Not gonna happen
  13. Originally Posted By: Lilith Also, X was pretty obviously one of his friends' D&D characters. I thought that that was Rone.
  14. Originally Posted By: VCH I think it's a Crocus. Yeah, that's a crocus. In a related news, my snowdrops are blooming, my witchhazel looks promising, and I can definitely see some serious action in my lilac buds. I'll take pictures if I can.
  15. Originally Posted By: Sarachim What if an NPC was responsible for his failure to blame an NPC? Blame the DM, of course.
  16. It doesn't happen to any other full screen apps. I used to have this problem with G5, but then it mysteriously went away.
  17. I recommend giving us a bunch of free levels, and then condensing the sessions into only those fights that are absolutely necessary in advancing the plot, i.e. no random encounters or side quests, and then only meeting when the entire part can attend, which may well be once every two weeks. It'll suck, but at least it will keep us on level footing with Selos, which IIRC is already a level ahead of us. Alternately, you could extend the sessions by tacking on an hour at the beginning and another thirty minutes at the end, but then that runs the risk of having a large number of people be late/forced to leave early.
  18. I've ran into a pretty serious problem with Avernum 6. The game will, on occasion, shut down my computer. After I boot it up and load my game, I will be able to play for oh, maybe anywhere from 2-5 minutes, until for no reason whatsoever, my computer will instantly shut down, almost as if I had unplugged it. This gets very frustrating, especially since I only began to experience it when I hit the Honeycomb, and I've basically given up now that it's so frustrating to play. I can power my computer up again, and even restart the game, but then I'll run into the exact same problem. I've found that if I switch out of A6 back to my desktop, this seems to buy me a bit of time, but it's really pointless, since if I don't do this every minute, the computer still shuts down. Help! Specifics: HP Pavilion Slimline s3100n PC, running Window Vista. A6 version 1.0, registered copy.
  19. Yay levels! (claps hands) Click to reveal.. Name: Xuan Lu (Dantius) Occupation: Strategic Consultant Alignment: Malevolent Race: Human Deity: Atheist Strength - 4 Dexterity - 2 Intelligence - 5 Health - 12 (+4) Magic (Conjuration) - 4 Bluff - 2 Artifice - 2 Stealth - 2 (RB) History - 1 Streetwise - 1 Diplomacy - 3 (+2) Perception - 1 (RB)
  21. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES *ducks* *ducks again* Ducking won't prevent you from a falling anvil, son.
  22. DON'T sell her the crystals one by one. Drop all of them on the floor by her and then sell them en masse, in which case she will give you some battle crystals, tinkers crystals, and wisdom crystals. It's well worth the twenty coin difference, but you've got to wholesale them to her.
  23. Dantius

    Jeff's New Game

    Originally Posted By: Locmaar Originally Posted By: cfgauss Although it is my job to notice details (and to be overly harsh about mistakes!) ... What's your job? IT supervisor in a nuclear power plant? Just wondering He could be an engineer, my superior is a lot like that too. Then again, that's what I'm like, too.
  24. X has the best quote in the entire series, though. "Truly glorious. Massive and stylish destruction."
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