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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Ephesos You want goaltending? The women's gold medal match tonight was fantastic... at any given point, no less than three Canadian defenders were always present in front of the goal, in front of the goalie. The Americans never stood a chance, but played well anyway. Isn't the Canadian Women's team combined scores from all games something like 120 to 17, or some other ridiculous number?
  2. Originally Posted By: Nioca MOAR AIMhack! GRAHHHHH! That's one for ET, one for Eph, one of you, one possibly for Will... will it ever end, for the love of god??!2!@!??~!!2 That said, I'm in.
  3. Originally Posted By: Jeff Lots of stuff about the new game Yay! Sounds awesome Originally Posted By: Jeff It'll be pretty straight fantasy, but with a very detailed world. There's a lot of history and cool stuff to discover. This sounds familiar...
  4. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan *snip* Is that Canterbury Tales? It looks kind of familiar.
  5. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES Some constructive fallout will occur over the next few days. I'm already designing the concrete blast shell to protect the rest of Spiderweb from the Chernobyl-esque fallout from your no doubt impending explosion of spam.
  6. Originally Posted By: Matanbuchus I have a bad feeling about this. See! More Star Wars quotes! Fine. Just remember, you forced me to do this. I'm sorry. HELP! HELP! I'M BEING OPPRESSED!
  7. Originally Posted By: Triumph These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along. How dare you beat me to posting a Star Wars quote. This is blasphemy, sirrah, blasphemy of the highest order.
  8. Originally Posted By: Karacan In my line of industry, we're looking forward to maximize monetization and impact of a new game on the first week - to do that, we build up hype, and to do that, waving around a release date works best. Oh, so you work on the Starcraft II development team, then?
  9. And here I was expecting a demographics poll. We need another one of those.
  10. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Sedate and Serious. (!Slarty) —Alorael, who suggests lending cheap and trivial items that you nonetheless want returned only if you get a quarter as collateral. They're more likely to return your stuff, or you get a quarter. Win-win! My trick to do this is that I keep the cap. Capless pens are pretty much useless, so it insures that it is either returned, or the thief goes insane looking for the cap.
  11. Originally Posted By: Ephesos (whistles innocently) What? This was always in the Editor forum. We were always at war with Eastasia moved topics.
  12. Originally Posted By: Flying Death Cuttlefish The plot of Avernum 2 holds up through your visit with the vahnatai. Then you teleport to the surface and plot is discarded for open world. You have to defeat the Empire and bring the vahnatai in as allies. That's it; everything else is just tiny quests. I don't mean to disparage the game at all. It's one of my favorites, and I don't think its plot is a flaw. I just don't think plot is what drives the game forward, and trying to sell it as such is unhelpful. —Alorael, who will keep on arguing that Spiderweb runs its games on atmosphere more than on plot. Nethergate has plot as well as atmosphere, and some Geneforges do too. The later Avernums are becoming more plot-heavy. But plot isn't the point. And as a side note, plot seems to inversely with world openness. Both are considered selling points. Yes. It's almost as if Jeff wrote a beautiful, coherent plot all the way through chapters 1-3, but at 4 just got lazy and said "Screw it, I'll just remake Avernum from here on out, change up some dialogue, and mess with monsters. "
  13. Originally Posted By: Ephesos ...you know, you really don't want the perk Arrogance, but if you keep trying for it... I would have thought that the would have made the sarcasm obvious... Also, now I really want to know what the Arrogance perk is.
  14. Clearly you should instead kick ET over to Sunday, so I can attend it, and also reshape the entire RP schedule around my desires and whims .
  15. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Kurex, who can't seem to stop taunting his enemies (or heckling me, for that matter), receives Smug. Any time he hits an enemy in combat, he gets a +1 to Intimidate checks against that enemy until the end of his next turn. Like all intimidation, however, it runs the risk of simply enraging the enemy. Clearly I need to heckle you more until I get infinite free casts of Aura of Flames and Arcane Blow.
  16. I had this problem with Geneforge 1-3 before. I figured out that the difference was that those were stored in my Program Files, while 4 and 5 were located in My Documents. You mifht want to move the files for your game from PF to My Documents, it worked for me. I just copied my copy of G5 from my laptop. I lost my progress, but it worked nonetheless. You might be better off mailing Jeff.
  17. Originally Posted By: Randomizer There is a gruesome charm in the southwest room that gives +2 intelligence with -1 dexterity and -1 endurance. Actually, it's much better than that. +2 INT, +2 DEX, and -2 END. That way, you net two points instead of zero.
  18. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Garzahd -- Peter Sellers Isn't he dead? Or am I thinking of Peter O'Toole?
  19. I worked this out once, for the RP. If you drew a square with one side on Gazaki Uss and the other on Bonepeak Ruins, then Drypeak should be on the vertex opposite Gazaki Uss, as B.R. is somewhere in what would be Barzite lands. We know Gazaki-Uss is built on Gazak-Uss, the challenge area in G2. Ghaldring mentions that he was born "a few days walk north of here", meaning Benerii-Uss. Simple, really. It just barley manages to fit on the map.
  20. How about the retconning of the number of Councillors, or being of on the timeline by an order of magnitude (200 vs. 2000 years)?
  21. It has the highest base damage aside from the Puresteel Blade, and does poison damage as well. With the Acid enchantment, it's probably my favorite weapon.
  22. Originally Posted By: Phanes Your obsession with Star Wars is bordering on gimmicky. no its not --Dantius, who has never had a gimmick. He never steals anyone else's, either.
  23. The Viper's Touch is also a great weapon, but you can only get it if you are a rebel.
  24. Well, clearly Iam Mcdiarmid is a shoo-in for Garzhad, but who else? Maybe John Malkovich for the king, but after that I'm drawing a blank.
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