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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. You can't. Enemies can cast Essence Orbs, but not you. It's one of the changes I hated the most in 5.
  2. Try turning on the Fast Graphics option. That might speed it up a bit.
  3. Originally Posted By: Triumph It's fascinating to see which places in the world don't observe Daylight Savings Time. I know that the Amish don't. Then again, the Amish don't observe much of anything. Fun fact: The Amish are allowed to have and use cell phones and laptops, but cannot own or use landlines or desktops. Go figure.
  4. Dantius

    Hot Dogs

    Originally Posted By: Monroe I think America's master plan involves one day converting everything into a corn product. If that's America's master plan, then Illinois' master plan is to convert everything into a soy product.
  5. Originally Posted By: Ephesos The party has now reached level 17-ish, which is still kind of in MA's range. Will you play E:R to get the massively overpowered armor? I usually manage to slip that in somewhere before DwtD and after either the ZKR or A Small Rebellion. A +10 to ME and Magery makes my mage unstoppable.
  6. Ahhh. I was trying to search the lever, not just walk into it. Thanks!
  7. In other news, I also can't seem to figure out how to kill the Nephil Luthair in Mad Ambition. Since they're kind of sequelsish, I figured that it'd be easier to ask for help here than to go to all the trouble of creating a new thread. I'd image that there's some trick with he runes and steps, but I can't seem to figure it out... I'm playing a singleton, if that helps.
  8. Originally Posted By: Nioca 58 minutes to Brigandage. 0 minutes to redirect. Okay, yeah, I won't be able to make it today. Sorry for the late notice, but I completely forgot about it being today and scheduled something else in my real life. Anyone care to sub?
  9. Originally Posted By: Running Hot Probably won't make it. ...But you're in Blood Marsh.
  10. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Fighting unstable creations will be a pain as well, though at least they're generally low health and so easier to plink away at. Wait, what? Since when are there unstable creations in A6?
  11. Originally Posted By: Who the heck is Tracey J? TM says to "set_flag(23,1,1);" So I just go into the character editor, open the Set Stuff Done menu, and type 23,1,1?
  12. So, I just finished up my fight with the Immortal after chatting with Dr. Yu a bit (that fight in the round tower) and I seem to be stuck. There's no dialogue nodes, nothing to do, nothing to examine, nothing to talk to, and all I can seem to do is wander around the room casting Far Sight for my own amusement. I'm fairly sure I've done something wrong, and any help in getting me on the right path (preferably SDF's or something that does not require me to exit the scenario and try again) would be much appreciated.
  13. Dantius

    Fortune Cookies

    I still think that the best fortune I got was "You will be successful in anything you do," and that was the same one that the other dozen people at the table got. On a related note, I think the writers are starting to get lazy.
  14. Dantius

    Hot Dogs

    Hot dogs? Bah! Clearly pizza (especially Chicago-style) is the superior food!
  15. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Yes, back then we had epic conclusions to epic RPs*, but then we also had Postcount November. Man, I'm getting a big nostalgia trip just reading these archives. I think my first post was in the wonderful I Want to Crush Your Dreams thread. I had this scenario trilogy set up with this great plot** and everything. Four years later, the first ones still sitting on my hard drive***. Ah yes, the days of yore. In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.
  16. Originally Posted By: Andraste If there's anything I've learned in my travels around the interwebs, it's that things were always better in the past. 100% true in every community I've ever observed. This is actually a occurance in real life, too. Ever heard someone reminisce about the "good old days"?
  17. Originally Posted By: Lilith Well, we can always revive the plan to dam the Yukon River. Sure, it'd create an enormous inland sea in the Arctic Circle with unpredictable effects on global climate, and the power generated would be in a frigid, marshy wasteland thousands of kilometres from where it would actually be needed, but... Nooo, that's just the Army Corps of Engineers being cooler than you ever will be. They've come up with plans to drain the Mediterranean Sea, just for the hell of it.
  18. I think that you can explode dry ice (solid nitrogen),m and you can do all kinds of cool stuff with liquid nitrogen, but standard H20 ice is pretty boring.
  19. I know that the Avernum day counters have effect, but do the Geneforge day counters do anything at all? I'm pretty sure that they don't, but it would be good to check.
  20. Dantius

    Jeff's New Game

    Originally Posted By: cfgauss Turn based games are nice because they let you think more strategically than real time ones, which often evolve into wildly attacking until everything's dead. I mean, how do you think real-time chess would work out? Not well. (Non-Euclidean chess, on the other hand, is awesome. On the other other hand, Euclidean time chess is oddly confusing...) ALL CHESS VARIANTS MUST DIE!!!!!
  21. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Niemand Why wouldn't it be? The software claims that there are more than 134000 posts still extant; and it seems plausible that there have been around 70000 posts deleted in past cleanings. Well, when you consider that Jeff just nuked about 20000 posts in General a few months ago, it might even seem that that number would be higher.
  22. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Taslim Wahoo. We're so spammy. Case in point.
  23. Parry is GREAT for singletons, as it helps avoid the constant stunning that, frankly, is a real pain (or lethal). Magical Efficiency is really good now, and my singleton mage finds it very useful.
  24. Since someone recently brought up the surprisingly large numbers of people on this site with scientific background, I just thought I'd pop in and share this (pdf) fascinating (albeit somewhat dated) study I recently found on energy sources, and our dependency on them/the dangers of continuing their use. I especially liked the part comparing potential power generation at current consumption, with the dramatic difference between oil (50 years), coal (200 years), uranium dioxide breeder reactors (3000 years), and fusion reactors (150 billion years), which is about 100 time longer than the postulated life of the sun! All in all, it does seem to support the conclusion that deuterium/tritium reactors are the best, cheapest, and cleanest method of power generation that could ever become available. Just throwing this out there to see what you all think.
  25. Originally Posted By: The Mystic I never wanted a chemistry set when I was younger. Don't worry, it should have little influence. After all, I played with Legos when I was younger, it had no influence on my career whatsoever! ...wait a second...
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