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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Those are the four Rod items. They are just nonoffensive Wands. Rod of Sucor: Heals the entire group Rad of Alarcity: Hastens entire group Rod of Defenses: Shields entire group Rod of Battle: Blesses entire group
  2. What part of the game are you at? I just hit Mertis, and still no entry, but it may be possible later in the game.
  3. Personally, I began to lose interest after Diki switched from play format to the actual novelesque style currently utilized. I found the plays a refreshing break from the standard style, and they did help to streamline the plot somewhat, if only by forcing you to think more about it. I personally think this was a much weaker story than 1-5, probably due to the villain switch from Ecksian to Dinitridian, especially when I was expecting Ecksian to return. I also found the ending far too abrupt, and the bit about *i just confused me. Criticism aside, I do feel that it is still very interesting, and I definitly enjoyed reading them. Most of your problems cound be solved like most of Ayn Rand's- you just need an editor to help prune the thing to keep it pretty.
  4. I don't recognize it specifically, but it kind of smacks of a Flash game, as opposed to a full game.
  5. Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES *snip* Well, Google says it's English, but I still can't make any sense of it.
  6. Dantius

    Number 1 .

    Originally Posted By: I need no introduction Originally Posted By: Dantius 4.Terror's Martyr would that be connected to nalyd (atheist martyr) in any way? No, TM is much more entertaining and writes BoA and BoE scenarios. Originally Posted By: I need no introduction btw lucky Krizan I think she's Jeff wife, isn't she?
  7. I'm very confused. What happened to Ecksian? Who was he? I though he was still alive...
  8. Dantius

    Number 1 .

    1.Jeff, aka Spiderweb 2.Krizan 3.Schroedinger 4.Terror's Martyr 5.Mysterious Man 6.*i 7.Drakefyre 8.Scorpius 9.Tie-my-shoe 10.Dubh Amakath
  9. Originally Posted By: Delicious Salmon Russians aren't too likely to look toward Jeff for advice. They seem stuck on taking advantage of him in other ways. In a brilliant brainwave, I've just come up with the most epic anti-russian piracy system ever: Sarah Palin!
  10. Originally Posted By: Shatter Originally Posted By: CRISIS on INFINITE SLARTIES people intentionally making empty posts to boost their postcount... and a contest about it to boot... It was the best of times, it was the worst of times Sounds like just the best of times to me...
  11. Originally Posted By: Monroe Originally Posted By: VCH Vancouver certainly didn't make money on the games. Nobody ever does. So what's the damage? Does it look like 30 years of darkness like you feared? To me, it seems more like 30,000 years of darkness.
  12. Originally Posted By: Nioca Monday, March 8th, 7:00 PM EST (6:00 CST). Sweet, now there's no way for me to mess up and come two hours later! Thanks!
  13. Originally Posted By: Ephesos I agree 100% with Jeff. It's interesting that Jeff writes that kind of stuff on his blog. If anyone tried to make that post in the forums, they would definitely be banned in an instant.
  14. Pressing shift and d, then typing "backtostart" (no quotes) in the dialouge box that appears will send you back to the Castle Food Depot.
  15. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity Think of postcount as XP. *cough*Mysterious Man*cough*
  16. I'm only at the Great Portal now, and I have a sneaking feeling that the archer adventurer will be the new Dionicio. I like him a lot. Click to reveal.. It's a pity that Nichols dies at the Great Portal, though.
  17. Did you use the exitzone cheat? That can mess up you game sometimes. I would recommend pressing shift and D at the same time, and then typing "backtostart" (no quotes) in the box that pops up.
  18. Originally Posted By: Phanes Originally Posted By: Dantius Quote: Name: Anthony Block Chess with death, anyone? Huh, that's nifty. I didn't even know that character's name. It's actually Antonius Block, but that was what I presumed the inspiration was from.
  19. Quote: Name: Anthony Block Chess with death, anyone?
  20. Originally Posted By: Nioca Click to reveal.. Name: Iliau Race: Lacewing Gender: Other Occupation: Rogue Druid Alignment: Misanthropic Strength - 3 Dexterity - 3 Intelligence - 4 Health - 10 Magic (Conjuration) - 4 Martial (Blunt Object) - 3 Nature - 2 Artifice - 1 Thievery - 1 (RB) History - 1 (RB) Click to reveal.. Name: Xuan Lu Occupation: Strategic Consultant Alignment: Malevolent Race: Human Deity: Atheist Strength - 4 Dexterity - 2 Intelligence - 5 Health - 8 Magic (Conjuration) - 4 Bluff - 2 Artifice - 2 Stealth - 2 (RB) History - 1 Streetwise - 1 Diplomacy - 1 Perception - 1 (RB) These characters look similar to the point where "coincidence" is no longer a viable explanation.
  21. Originally Posted By: Delicious Salmon There are places other than earth that have substrates of interest to a geologist. And places other than the Geneforge forum to practice month-old topic necromancy.
  22. Originally Posted By: Crisis on Exactly One Alorael Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there, giving you cancer at the end of the rainbow. QFT. Also, great PDN.
  23. I'm still puzzling over my backstory, but I'll try to get the sheet in sometime tonight.
  24. Originally Posted By: Fractal I must admit that when I first saw A4, I was scared. It is the worst Spiderweb game, but it's not completely bad. That dubious honor unfortunately belongs to G3, actually.
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