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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Dantius

    Edit my title

    To paraphrase Thuryl, "was fully expecting a thread on alorael"
  2. Originally Posted By: Ephesos I mean seriously, I should stop splitting the party, guys! FYT
  3. Originally Posted By: Master Shaper1 Originally Posted By: Geneforgeisformeyukkyu It sure has been a long time since the last post in this thread, hopefully Drakon gets some slack, so he can start making up more chapters . Very true,where is Drakon these days? He's in college, so maybe finals?
  4. Don't forget the Eyebeast. Another case where the luster of Ghaldring's faction diminishes by a lot.
  5. Leveled up. More HP, points in Evocation, and switching out Burning Hand for Ice Spray. Click to reveal.. Name: Kurex Occupation: Travelling Mage Alignment: Magnificent Bastard Race: Human Deity: Imaunte Strength: 4 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 4 HP: 12/12 (+4) Magic (Evocation): 6 (+2) Martial (Sword): 2 Artifice: 2 Diplomacy: 2 Streetwise: 1 Stealth: 1 Perception: 1 Spells: Light (evocation): Creates a small hovering orb of light, or causes an object to glow softly Ice Spray (evocation): Shoots a cloud of sharp ice particles at a target. Somewhat better than Magic Missile. Magic Missile (evocation): Fires a bolt of energy at the target Stun (evocation): Fires a powerful energy pulse at the target, knocking them off balance and stunning them. No damage. Also, quick mechanics question. If, say, I have 15 HP, and 4 Str. If I level up, and add a point to Str, would I receive +4 HP or +5? In other words, is newly added strength factored into calculations of HP?
  6. Originally Posted By: Fractal This sounds very intriguing. It would be fun to look up what operas are playing in the Seattle area. Any one might turn into a game. All I can say is, I kind of hope this opera he saw was not the Ring Cycle. That would be...well...I'm not sure...but I don't think I'd like it. It would be too destined to be like Lord of The Rings, since that's what it's based on, more or less. Well, with Jeff's talent, you never know. I'll wait and see. Whatever this new game will be, I'm pretty much certain that it will be great. The lack of operatic knowledge makes my head wince. Wagner's Ring cycle was based on Norse mythology, and written during the 1800's. LOTR was totally not based on WWII, not in the slightest, at all. Period. Ever. And it was written a century later. So no, there is no correlation between the two whatsoever.
  7. You have to draw the gazer out of the room where it summons stuff.
  8. Originally Posted By: Fall of the Misunderstood Empire 2011? Does that mean Jeff is actually going to release no new games in all of 2010?. Well, for Windows users he wll release A6
  9. Originally Posted By: jlsgaladriel Planned release is early 2011. For mac, or Windows?
  10. Dantius


    Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith I had to do this for my Introduction to Engineering class. There are better ways to spend one's time. Why on earth would you need to take personality tests in an engineeing class?
  11. I've never tested it by accessing it work, I just edit via iphone/itouch when I want to check it at work. Because I'm paranoid like that.
  12. Dantius


    Your Type is ENTJ Extroverted 33 Intuitive 75 Thinking 88 Judging 33 These personality test are ********, just for your future reference.
  13. Originally Posted By: I need no introduction the next game will be interesting, not sure how jeff will fit a story-line into it. He's quite good at that, actually. In case you haven't noticed.
  14. Originally Posted By: Lilith that's still essentially a skill-based system, any class can do anything it's just some classes are pretty bad at doing some things Isn't the whole point of a class system that you are better at some skills than others?
  15. Originally Posted By: Lilith i too am surprised that jeff would move to more of a class-based system given that one of his explicit goals when making exile 1 was to not do that but i guess it's been a while since exile 1 *cough*Geneforge*cough*
  16. Eugh. Why is it that you all (vouz) will never cease to use abominable French when the opportunity presents itself? Okay, fine. G1 est le meilleur. (I think what Slarty said was "It is G1 the best", as opposed to "G1 is the best". Then again, I have two decades of dust on my French skills)
  17. Originally Posted By: Lilith hey, you, unblock me on AIM already, i forgive you for bein' a jerk Wait, what?
  18. Originally Posted By: Gothfaerie I think you're our best hope, jlsgaladriel. I BELIEVE IN YOU. Get your allusions in order(ie referring to the correct movie). That should read: Help me, jlsgaladriel; you're my only hope!
  19. Originally Posted By: Lilith although a levelled-up cryoa is on par with a cryodrayk. FYT
  20. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Think about early Avernum... who would've used First Aid over Priest Spells? A singleton without Priest spells?
  21. Originally Posted By: Thuryl small gods is awesome and requires no prior knowledge of other books, you will not regret reading it seriously, read it now now what are you still doing here, why are you not reading small gods yet This. I would recommend starting with Mort, as the first few books in the Rincewind series, COM, LF, and Sourcery, are not really reflective of his current writing style, which began with Mort. That said, his Death miniseries (Mort, Reaper Man, Soul Music, Hogfather, and Thief of Time) are his best.
  22. Originally Posted By: Barzhal Originally Posted By: Shaper Tristan Originally Posted By: goblindolf I'm reminded of some shopkeeper in geneforge who wouldnt deal with me after i looted his storeroom. I saved after looting it thinking everything would be ok since i didnt set off any traps and nobody saw me steal. some shop keepers dont like you running thru there store and unlocking doors, they see you enter, get pissed off.... i imagine thats what happend. To which store owner(s) are you referring? I don't remember any in the Geneforge series that wouldn't sell to me because of stealing or unlocking doors in their shop. I would guess the owner(s) in question wouldn't deal with you because you were a part of or sympathized with an opposing faction. I could be remembering incorrectly though. That's Avernum 5, there is a shopkeeper who will not buy your mined crystals if you rob his store. He's in the Drake Pillars, IIRC.
  23. Originally Posted By: Niemand I've also been working on reading The Fountainhead, which is a stunningly pointless book. This is true. There have been complaints it was a stunningly plagiarized book, too.
  24. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Legends say that one of Chamulsep's unholy vassals took up residence in the swamps of Risia. So much blood was shed by the heroes who deposed him that the marshlands were dyed red. Thus they are known today as the Blood Marsh, and are forever unhallowed. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Risis's claim to fame is that the infamous necromancer Chamulsep installed one of his more powerful underlings in a complex at the center of the swamp. I figure if one of those guys set up the Temple, it might be to our advantage to know which one did, and thus plan accordingly. Besides, who says that the snippets can't be itty bitty spoilers?
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