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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. The resistances of an element are factored in only when you are hit with that element. For example, if you are coated with acid, and are taking 40 damage per round with the above armors, you would take 40x.75 for 30, 30x.90 for 27, and 27x.95 for about 25.5. Then, just factor in the resistances as a whole- say, a acid resistance total of 50, and then the 25.5 becomes about 13 damage. Total resistances are viewable on you character info screen. Defense and Resistance just add 2 or 3 points respectively to ALL elemental resistances, and diminishes damage does the same thing, too. There ya go.
  2. No, you do. As your skills with a weapon increase, a d11 sword will easily do three times the damage of a d3 sword. Even with just 2 strength (what you start with on a custom IIRC), a 3d11 sword will now be doing 30 damage and a 11d3 sword will now do 26, meaning that the higher damage dies sword is better.
  3. No, they do not, they just do more damage, period. IIRC, the damage goes like this: Stone (now defunct) Bronze Iron Steel Blessed
  4. It is the way that Jeff determines damage for the series. Basically, to calculate the damage, divide the second number by the first, in this case getting 3. That meand that for every attack, you have the chance of doing 1-3 damage. Then, the first number, 11, means that you will draw a random number from 1-3 11 times, and add them all up to get the tatal damage. For each level of weapon skill, you get an extra 1-3 damage. So, if that 11-33 is on a pole weapon, you would do an extra 1-3 damage for every level of Strength, Blademaster, and Pole Weapons. If it was a bow, then every level of Sharpshooter, Dexterity, and Bows would give you an extra die. There is another topic discussing that here
  5. Where are the "choice quotes" from this session, like Ephesoss does? My personal favorite: Quote: Child: Its erection month- no school, no Timmy. I wanna go home. Spaki (. . . Erection month?) Spaki (Election? Still.)
  6. I prefer number 2, as it seems more interesting for my character, who Ephesos hasn't posted yet.
  7. Ah. I was getting confused on the Kelvin conversions.
  8. Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity LIES!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what you are talking about, Goldstein. We have always been at war with Eastasia.
  9. It's like the Slith's inherent fire resistance, only with cold. Plus, it also scales with level, so a KGB colonel could, for example, be immersed in a vat of liquid nitrogen with no adverse effects.
  10. I'm Russian, and this is only Chicago. Get over the cold, it can't kill you or anything.
  11. Originally Posted By: The Mystic Originally Posted By: Dantius Torment is only there for crazy people. No normal people play it. We're all crazy, because we all have to hand over our sanity to the fluffy turtles. Also, "normal people" is an oxymoron, so we all must be crazy, since there's no such thing as "normal." Only crazy people play on Torment, meaning everyone else plays at all other difficulties. Therefore, since we're all crazy, we all play on Torment. (I knew that Intro to Logic class I took in college would come in handy someday! ) I find your lack of logic disturbing. If we work backwards, beginning with the assumption that all Jeff's customers are crazy, we can see that that is clearly false, as we would all play on Torment, which we don't. Therefore, we must alter it to "all forum members", which is also false. The narrowest range that we can come up with, then, is "all established and respected forum members" are crazy, and thus play on torment. However, even Alorael, the poster septuagenarian for crazed psychopaths established and respected members, does not play on Torment. Therefore, he is either not crazy, or your argument is false. Since he is, I win, as this would be consistent with my postulate, which, being posted by me, is, by definition, inerrant.
  12. Nioca should probably take the healing ability, too.
  13. Binding. I'll leave summoning to Nalyd.
  14. I will be on time (starts now, right?), but I am expecting urgent news. If I drop out, oh well, you'll know why. And I still have to create a screen name.
  15. Go with Litalia, yo get the high-level spells faster, and you can train Shaping from the Drakon in Dera South Shore.
  16. Torment is only there for crazy people. No normal people play it.
  17. I might be a tad late, but I should be able to make the majority of it.
  18. Originally Posted By: Alcritas But it feels like rooting for the Cubs to win the World Series. Sometimes, they look like they have a good team, and get off to a real good start. But there's that history to overcome... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- you said it as if you believed it would happen...
  19. I thought that he door was still locked at that point, and if the Drakon spots you, game over. Regen aura and essence armor work fine.
  20. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Originally Posted By: Dantius That's what I meant. What was the last game you played that posed any philosophical or ethical questions that it didn't simultaneously answer? I dislike the implications of this. As Alorael said, sometimes it's just fun to throw your lot in with the good guys. Or, if you're a powergamer, Gladwell. I'm not saying that that's necessarily a bad thing, just that I find it is so ubiquitous that now the whole "good guy" has become so cliche that I now have no fun playing a one-dimensional hero who kills bad guys and rescues helpless maidens imprisoned by evil necromancers. I do play good guys sometimes, and even enjoy it- most BoA scenarios are set up in this manner. I just have more fun in more complex situations. That's why Canopy was my favorite scenario.
  21. Originally Posted By: Slarty The plot definitely presents a lot more ethical questions than Avernum's does That's what I meant. What was the last game you played that posed any philosophical or ethical questions that it didn't simultaneously answer? Game designers don't usually leave you hanging, which is what makes Jeff special.
  22. Originally Posted By: llloyd I keep feeling more and more like i'm the only person who really likes Geneforge. Geneforge is a much deeper and more complex game than Avernum. A lot of people want their games to be a mindless diversion, not a philosophical exercise.
  23. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Code: (round 1)-*-A__B__C__D__E__F__G__H__I__J__K__L_01[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]02[ ][ ][ ][ ][T][ ][ ][ ][ ][T][ ][ ]03[ ][ ][T][ ][ ][ ][*][ ][a][ ][T][ ]04[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][b][ ][T][ ][ ][ ][*]05[T][ ][ ][T][ ][ ][c][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]06[ ][ ][T][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][T][ ]07[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]08[ ][ ][ ][*][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]09[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]10[ ][T][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][*][ ][W]11[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][3][ ][ ][T][ ][ ][W]12[ ][ ][ ][1][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W][W]13[ ][ ][ ][ ][2][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][W][W]14[ ][ ][*][ ][ ][ ][ ][T][ ][W][W][W]15[ ][ ][ ][ ][4][ ][ ][ ][W][W][W][W] Hmm. Nd8xc6+!!?(+=). Of course grid-based combat is possible.
  24. I might be in, depending on how much ET's thing disrupts my life.
  25. See the number listed as damage? Let's use 6-30. 1. Divide both by the smaller, so we would then get 1-5. This is the Base Damage- it represents a random die that the computer rolls, generating a number for the damage. 2. The first number is the multiplier- it represents how much strenght the weapon adds. In this case, it is the first number, so 6. 3. Many members here write in DND notation, so 6-30 would be written a (multiplier)d(base), so a 6d5 sword. It's like measuring in degrees or radian- the same thing said different ways.
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