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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Litalia. She's the awesomestestestest faction leader ever.
  2. I didn't read them, just like I never read the TERMS OF AGREEMENT (in caps of course), when I install a piece of software. I just check the box and move on. This probably makes me a horrible person.
  3. Diamond Spray. It's like Searing Orbs, but with 5 instead of 3, and it does more damage. Too bad you never git it as a castable spell,just from items.
  4. Has anyone here ever had DI water? It's not tasty. Minerals is what makes water good, which is why I love Chicago water. Delicious.
  5. The term "diploma mill" would seem to be appropriate here. Most employers would laugh you off if you said that you were from the university of Phoenix. Better to attend a small college somewhere, and then they wouldn't know one way or the other.
  6. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Keep outside the area effect range of the Crypt Wight by sending creations in to keep it away. Wait, what? Do you mean summons?
  7. ? is scrolls, right? This must be a scroll of identify.
  8. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Quote: I'm indifferent. Something bothers me a little bit about the logo now being on a backdrop from one specific game, but everything looks fine. Jeff probably wants to promote A6 some more, since it seems to be doing really well. I'll put my Geneforge prejudice aside. Maybe. I won't. The Shaper in the G5 graphic would make a better background, especially with Jeff's face photoshopped (poorly of course) in, and a copy of A6 instead of a wingbolt.
  9. qqqqqqqqqqqqqqq Why won't it work?
  10. Parry's +5 bonus is freaking awesome. As a Guardian, nothing can hit you. Incredible. But yeah, invest some in parry, but stick with magic mainly. The wider variety of spells in G2 makes it easier to be a magic-only character.
  11. Originally Posted By: Warmaster Kahrikkis I'm playing the game with Evelyn and my prefered creature is Eyebeast. It is very powerful and with his Aura of Flame can burn anyone. Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes. This is the correct answer. Fools who claim that the Trall is better are just that, fools. Not only is the ability to hit everything on-screen awesome, the terror-ing Melee attack helps a lot. Also, gazers and Eyebeasts are much more badass that any other creations. GO EYEBEASTS!
  12. 1. I said best selling game, not series. 2. From The Bottom Feeder, March 17, 2009: Originally Posted By: Jeff Vogel The original Geneforge, for example, has sold jillions of copies, though we got far less cash for most of those. I have seen Geneforge 1 on many, many online gaming sites-RealArcade, WildTanget, and HP games, for example. I have never seen an Avernum game there. Sure, they only sell for like $10, but you have to figure that they have raked in a large amount of sales, as a loss leader to get gamers hooked. In fact, that was the way I got introduced to the game in the first place- 5 years ago. I would imagine that it's still going strong.
  13. By poor, I mean bad games, not necessarily selling badly. On the other hand, I do believe that he said G1 was his best-selling game, and IMO it's also his best (Haven't played A2, which seems to be the only competitor).
  14. Originally Posted By: Nikki Also, IRC is for geeks. We're too cool for that here. Ha. Ha. Ha.
  15. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Jeff had the forumla down to a science by the third game and it shows. Which is why only G3 and 4, the two poorest games in the series(3 definitly, 4 maybe), actually follow this pattern of forcing you to choose from 2 sides.
  16. I'm in. PM me and Ill tell you my email, I don't want to post it here.
  17. Originally Posted By: Hypnotic Greta only rebels against the rebels when the Drakons send everything not a drakon east. FYT
  18. No. The Sholai are pretty much ignored after G1. I think you also meet one in G3, though nothing interesting happens there, either.
  19. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Originally Posted By: Celtic Minstrel Really, you can use any symbol you want in math. You can even make up random squiggles if you need a new symbol. If you are successful then other people will use them too. I believe that this explains the entirety of modern mathematics. Good job.
  20. Originally Posted By: llloyd um...i don't know what you are thinking of but i was changing sicicly, the italian island, not whatever sicly is. also i would prefer if sickly was spelled sikly I know. It's pronounces SIS-ly. There is no "i" or "c" sound in it.
  21. It would be Sisly, there's no I sound.
  22. Dantius

    Avernum 0

    Oh dear. Another George Lucas in the making. *hem* MOVE ON TO A NEW GAME ALREADY!!!!! Let Avernum rest for a little while. Come back in 2012, fine, but until then, something new would be nice.
  23. This is ignoring our more important concern, ET. Will it be IRC or AIM? IRC would be more convenient for many people, as they do not have an AIM account.
  24. I actually rarely play anymore- I'm waiting to get A6 for Windows. I spend about 2 hours a day on the forums, though.
  25. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Wow, that guy is walking on water. Do engineers have superpowers? YES
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