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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Great! One minor quibble: Originally Posted By: ET Dantius: Catperson Magician. Can I be human, please?
  2. I got a +2, +7, putting me equally between the Takers, which I support, and Gottesch, who I don't like personally, but support his ideals.
  3. Party? Has ET posted the characters now?
  4. Originally Posted By: Slarty we all ought to stop before we create a Monster Too late. IT'S... AAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLIIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. However, your first assertion is contradicted by a later assertion, which my assertion contradicted... I give up.
  6. And yet my assertion predated your assertion, meaning that mine is inherently correct, which I am justified in asserting.
  7. Originally Posted By: Alorael Alorael, who never claimed it was easy. See: Originally Posted By: Alorael Actually, it's pretty easy.
  8. Yeah, but I have a windows, so I can't read .dmg files.
  9. And the other half are physicists.
  10. For all appearances and purposes, though, the endash and hyphen are the same, though. Or am I horribly wrong?
  11. Maybe because he's, well, Alorael.
  12. Has anyone yet photoshopped the minimaps together, like for A4 or 5?
  13. I know that Dahak has compiled the ending text for G and A 5 manually before. I was just wondering if he did it for A6, too.
  14. Why Ignis? You mentioned that Spddin was a combo of spider and dinosaur, but Ignis?
  15. I believe so, but there are better augmentations- the Golden Crystal is far and away the best, for weapons and armor.
  16. Does anyone have this? Where's Dahak when you need him?
  17. If someone got a 100, would you pick a good or bad effect? Just asking.
  18. Originally Posted By: Goldenking Try telling that to Thuryl when he's being snarky... Actually, it would probably be best if you didn't. Avoiding death is a good thing.
  19. Great, I'd love a -2 all stats memento to me. Why not give her something nice?
  20. Generally, playing with the time in the character editor is a bad idea. I tried once, and then never again. I would recommend you only do it if you know what you are doing (I certainly don't).
  21. I was about to post a single dash, but oh well. For comparison (mainly for me): ndash: - mdash: — I feel less confused already.
  22. I thought Puresteel canisters are only recyclable if they contain the same spell- isn't that what the one guy in the Rebel Safehouse in g4 says?
  23. That means that the disaster will randomly occur in between two set dates.
  24. Originally Posted By: Illoyd in conclusion he/she should change his/its name to dikyobia I hope you're not planning on getting married.
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