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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Dakkanor (I can't believe you just posted that) Protip: Whenever someone who has shown that they are not off-the-wall insane uses the word "commie" or some variation, there is an extremely high chance that they are not being serious. I actually use metric quite often, but can't get used to celsius. So, in casual conversation, I will use meters and degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Originally Posted By: rickcr I LOVE that for once I see a game out for my Mac before Windows:) As a greedy Windows user, I am disappointed that Jeff comes out with Mac versions before Windows. I am also disappointed that I am seriously considering buying a Mac for the sole purpose of playing Jeff's games. I must resist.
  3. Originally Posted By: Poached Salmon Originally Posted By: Slarty Did you just say there are no problems in the world? Do we have a problem here? These are not the problems you are looking for. Move along.
  4. Jeff is in Seattle, so I would presume that the server would be there, as well.
  5. Fine, so 100 degrees below room temperature, that's what, slightly over -20? Siberia and Russia and northern Alaska reach that, and people can survive that. 100 degrees over is almost boiling, you couldn't survive that. Oh, and I use Farenheit, because only commies in Europe use Celsius. THIS IS AMERICA! Well, actually, it's the Internet, but still.
  6. It's possible to survive at 100 degrees below body temperature by wearing heavy clothes. It's definitley not possible to survive at 100 degrees above body temperature by wearing "clothes that are loose, light-colored, and of a lighter material".
  7. You've been posting for two weeks, that averages out to 32 posts per week. Alorael averages to about 42.5 posts per week. I average out to 45 posts per week, making me more awesome than Alorael (Allow me this moment of hubris, please, since it will be the only time that I'll be better than Alorael). If you'd like, I could work out calculations for the entire board.
  8. Any more info? That's a sketchy description.
  9. Right. Sorry. I will now vanish from this topic.
  10. Missile support is nice, esp. submission batons, and a bit of magic is good, too. Since there are nowhere near as many buffs in G1, only 3 attack magic spells, and MM frankly sucks without daze, you don't need nearly as much magic investment as, say, G5.
  11. The only attributable fact I can put down Nikki's response is that (s)he is jealous of my skills at anagram solving. And don't call me D, Nalyd.
  12. Originally Posted By: Nikki I never said that in an anagram game you shouldn't be adding in letters Let's see what Diki has to say about this: Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba 03 Celtic Minstrel (I'm assuming this is right and Excalibur accidentally included an extra S somewhere along the line) Originally Posted By: Nikki Furthermore, I never concluded by saying that you are an ass. And I did not conclude by saying you are an Originally Posted By: Excalibur 15. Ass Snookers
  13. Yes, but Pasta-Man (who may or may not be an actual member) bears no resemblace to A Hair of Teak, no K, no P, no O, no F, etc. Acaeton contains all the letters in At Ocean. Scorpia, scorpius, whoops, typo, and as for Ishad Nha, he seems to hang out in the BoE and BoA forums, and I don't, so a misspelling of his name is, in my opinion, acceptable. Actually, you caught me, Nikki. Everything above is lies. You see, I obtained the correct answer, posted before anyone else got it, by physically accessing the Spiderweb server ( I'm actually a cunning sock of Jeff), hacking Excalibur's account, getting his personal data, going to his house, and torturing him Jack-Bauer style until he gave me the answers for an online anagram contest. True story.
  14. Originally Posted By: Nikki Acaeton" (who is a real member) isn't a particularly common word Au contraire. Ever painted, and got paint on your hands? Or maybe super glue? Well, if you did, you probably went to your basement, and poured some paint thinner on it get it off. Paint thinner is also known as acetone. Now, seeing as I was using it just the other day, when I got glue on my hands, I immediately thought "Acetone", and then modified it until I got a decent-sounding word. Voila. I got Scorpia because of Scorpion, obviously, and the fact that it sounded cool. Stillness jumped out, and I didn't bother to look further.
  15. Agents never have any points in Fire shaping in the beginning, IIRC. In some games, I believe they start with points in Battle and Magic shaping.
  16. It's less crucial to have Int in G1, since you can just drop points into it whenever you feel the need. I had about 12 at the end of my last playthrough, with items. Investing in shaping skills has a much better return in G1, since they gain a +1 to all primary stat for every point you put into Shaping stats, unlike in the later games, where you only get the +1 every other level. I would recommend also dropping some points into missile weapons- they provide great support in G1.
  17. 1.Goldenking 2.Marlenny 3.Celtic Minstrel 4.Ash Lael 5.Arancaytar 6.Stew Boy 7.Aceaton? I'm not aware of any members with a name like this 8.The Mystic 9.Scorpius? See number 7 10.I can't think of any members besides Ssharxx that have two X's. 11.Infernal Flaming Muffin (difficult one, I wasn't looking for the full name, just Iffy) 12.Randomizer 14.Doom Warrior 16.Dinitraidian 17. Fluffy Turtles? This is too long, I won't bother. 18.Enraged Slith 19.Zephyr Tempest (I call foul on the inclusion of a comma. That threw me off) 22.Magma Dragoon 23.Stillness? See number 7 and 9 25.Island Nah I missed 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21,and 24. Still pretty good.
  18. Right. (rubs hands together). This should take me a little while. I should be able to get all of them.
  19. IMATMHO In My ??????????????? Humble Opinion? Acronyms are good, but only within reason. This is not within reason.
  20. How else do you think he got 999999999999 posts?
  21. A "drain health" spell is a staple of necromancy/dark magic circles. As for the others, some seem far-fetched (Divination? Really?), but some are good ideas.
  22. The thing is, if it's cold, you can always put on another coat. If it's hot, however, there's really nothing you can do. I prefer the cold.
  23. Can't help you in the tech issues, but I always go for 8 leadership and 12 mech. The highest leadership encounter requires 12, and you can just get stat-boosts to get it.
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