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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: The Mystic I wonder what they were (or, more accurately, weren't) drinking & smoking when they made that site I'm sure what hapenned was that he actually discovered the secret of the univers, but it drove him insane, and he can't communicate it to anyone, but then the Internet came along.
  2. Dantius

    Pet Peeves

    Or just pull a Nostradamus and guess 1500, 2000, 2222, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 7777, and 10000. You should be safe then.
  3. Originally Posted By: Randomizer Boats are available, but you're in the army so the paperwork is a mess. You are better off making one on your own. So be sure to collect wood, rope, tools, hammers, saws, and bolts of cloth for sails. Be sure to get access to the Enchanted Anvil in X's Tower by doing the quest for the Agent in Green Hill.
  4. I didn't link because of a few racist and anti-semetic comments. I just excerpted the crazier parts. What is it about the Internet that makes any crank who can get a website believe that they have uncovered the grand unified theory of everything EVER that will win the the Nobel Prize and accolades of the masses? I could never figure this out.
  5. So you would prefer to rather have a cure for a disease than a house, a building to work in, a church, a bridge, a ? Oh, and if I use the real definition of a structure, "that which bears a load", then there goes your chair, desk, bed, car, sofa, table, and so much more. Yeah, I'll stick with engineering. Originally Posted By: Lazarus.[/quote Seriously though, ranking the importance of sciences is pointless. Would you rather be having a Mac/PC or Geneforge/Avernum flamewar? (PC and Geneforge, BTW)
  6. Re Mystic: Yeah, what's your point? There are many things in that book of interest and relevance to the discussion. Re Nikki: And until then? What will we do?
  7. That's the whole point- if there was a prize for least-aesthetically designed webpage ever, Timecube wins hands down. It would also win the "incomprehensible", "insane", and "unintentionally hilarious" awards, too.
  8. Yes, correspondence chess. Trust me, I know. I prefer speed chess, though. I find it more interesting than a slow game.
  9. Doubtful. No, wait, impossible.
  10. I'm sorry. I really am. Your discussion of arcane physics, relativity, advanced scientific knowledge, and other things laymen were not wont to know, has brought the only possible punishment upon yourself. This must be done. It is divine retribution. TIMECUBE!!!!! I am wiser than any god or scientist, for I have squared the circle and cubed Earth's sphere, thus I have created 4 simultaneous separate 24 hour days within a 4-corner (as in a 4-corner classroom) rotation of Earth. ******************************************************************************* When the Sun shines upon Earth, 2 - major Time points are created on opposite sides of Earth - known as Midday and Midnight. Where the 2 major Time forces join, synergy creates 2 new minor Time points we recognize as Sunup and Sundown. The 4-equidistant Time points can be considered as Time Square imprinted upon the circle of Earth. In a single rotation of the Earth sphere, each Time corner point rotates through the other 3-corner Time points, thus creating 16 corners, 96 hours and 4-simultaneous 24 hour Days within a single rotation of Earth - equated to a Higher Order of Life Time Cube. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -1 x -1= +1 is WRONG, it is academic stupidity and is evil. The educated stupid should acknowledge the natural antipodes of +1 x +1 = +1 and -1 x -1 = -1 exist as plus and minus values of opposite creation - depicted by opposite sexes and opposite hemispheres.
  11. As a structural engineer, I would like to point out that my field is second only to farming in terms of importance for the human race. Y'all can take your genetics and go work in the forest, I'll stick to my nice high-rise.
  12. The thing is, Geneforge has an entirely different spell system, entirely different spells, and the whole Shaping thing. It's much easier to learn a new game if you only have to deal with 12 spells and 18 creations than like 45 spells and 30 creations. Also, the plot was much more engaging than any other of the series.
  13. Originally Posted By: Thuryl this is important because le guin has more talent in her left ovary than card has in his entire body and that's even after menopause This. I loathe Card with a burning passion. I love Heinlein, though. Go figure.
  14. How could I play chess online??!?!??!!
  15. Space station, maybe, especially if it is a gigantic steel orb capable of destroying a planet. Mars, no. Definitely not.
  16. Start with G1 is the only advice I have. It is much more conducive to converts from Avernum.
  17. Oh. My bad. And now, returning to you regularly scheduled RP.
  18. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Calm Under Pressure - You gain a +3 to all skill checks during combat. Broken much?
  19. Bah. Read Stranger in a Strange Land or Moon is a Harsh Mistress (both by Heinlein) instead of junk by Clarke.
  20. In Avernum, if you got enough of two normal skills, you could train in the hidden skills. For example, if you got 8 Intelligence and 8 Spellcraft, you could train Magery. If you got 8 Magery and 8 Endurance, you could train Magical Efficiency, and so on. Geneforge didn't have this, much to its benefit.
  21. Wrong forcefield. Letting him escape will cause a secret passage to open up. Behind it is a tunic that gives, IIRC +1 to Spellcraft. It's in the north north east of the bottom level. To dispel the forcefield you are talking about (north of the top level, you need to come back later with a Piercing Crystal. I think there's an okay shield behind it. Also, 500th post. EDIT: The items are as follows: In the secret area: Blessed Silk Tunic (6% Armor, +1 Spellcraft) Rubies (3) Focusing Crystal Lightning Spray Scroll Behind the barrier: Focusing Crystal Shield of Warmth (6% Armor, 5% Cold Resistance)
  22. As has been said before, the regular Puresteel Blade is by far the best weapon in the game. Get it, and use it. You will see a vast improvement in you melee abilities.
  23. Originally Posted By: Excalibur Huh, just noticed that there's a star over Silvar. So does the game start there or something? Jeff has stated that the game will begin in the Castle, for once.
  24. The art of character building look intimidating, given the hundreds of threads on the subject here in various subforums, but really it's very easy. That's a nice build, though.
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