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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. I don't recall any Rat Kings in the game. Are you sure you mean in A5? EDIT: Oh, yeah, the Rat Lord NE of New Harston. No, you aren't supposed to kill him that early. Well, you could, but I didn't. I usually start off with Hickriks in the NW, then the goblins in the SE, and then the Rat Lord, so I'm a little higher when I fight him. Of course, before doing any of this, I do some quests and kill all the roving monsters. There are many ways of playing A5, so yeah, I guess you could do that.
  2. Me too. I would rather that they just release another expansion pack, Brood-war style, with a couple of new units to continue the story, than make a new game.
  3. I always back up Preferences, in addition to any script I edit, since if Prefs becomes somehow corrupted, the game becomes unregistered.
  4. Dantius

    Pet Peeves

    The more important question not being asked here is: When is it too early to begin to celebrate Festivus?
  5. But we're not talking about other games, we're talking about G4. Hence "Stealth in G4?". Therefore, the canister of speed would have been found in G4, before it was nerfed. Also, movement speed outside of combat means almost nothing- things generally (couple of exceptions) get the same number of action points.
  6. Originally Posted By: Goldenking Lastly, I joined my high school policy debate team at the end of summer. Policy debate, to me, is extremely fun; I've competed and won awards in two tournaments so far, as a novice, and each round is a wonderful battle of wits. For those of you who have a chance, I would definitely recommend joining up. I remember back in high school, I did speech team. Our school had just got one, but our debate team had been around for a while. I was one of the first competitors ever there- I did pretty good, considering the circumstances. The ability to convey your ideas quickly and effectively cannot be overvalued in the real world. As an aside, I attended the final rounds for nationals in debate and speech when I found out that they were in the same city I was serendipitously attending a seminar at. Good stuff.
  7. Speed is a spell, casting it multiplies your action points by 1.5.
  8. What was the roguelike scenario? I like NH and rogue, maybe I'll play it.
  9. Now we will kill you. Nothing personal.
  10. Ohh, good idea. But how would Shanti have given her the cloak? She was killed in Drypeak. Unless she gave him the cloak prior to leaving... I'm confused.
  11. It was Jeff's pitiful excuse to use the "creator" creature template one final time.
  12. On the other hand, your health was increased, too. It is feasible for a Shaper to have over 600 health with only 3 endurance.
  13. I have never met anyone who uses the Internet in a recreational fashion. True story.
  14. The most powerful attack is the flailing mass in the challenge area- on Torment it has an aura attack that does 1400 damage. Yeah, some things can really ruin you day if you aren't careful.
  15. Dantius

    Pet Peeves

    I would think Diki would know better than to be a topic necromancer . I just wasted ten minutes of my life.
  16. You're welcome. As an aside, why would you join Taygen anyways?
  17. IIRC, it's really good, like +1 str and dex, and an essence charm, too. Just be careful not to get his goto council quest, or agree to join him.
  18. Dantius


    I'd imagine it would go something like this: ERICA: I'm the most powerful mage who ever lived! CANISTER FIEND:(blasts her into pieces) We're done here.
  19. Grammar discussion thread hijack ends now. Let's get back to the RP now.
  20. Star wars had a very good plot for the first movies, and fair actors. The prequels had a horrific plot and not a single good actor aside from Ian McDiaramind.
  21. No. Tagyen will get mad if you kill Platano or are detected by the guards (not golems) in Kayar's spire or Kayar's cells.
  22. No apostrophe, Nalyd. And you forgot the period.
  23. Trust me, I've tried with Geneforge. I think Dahak actually got all the ones for G5 on his website, maybe we could ask him?
  24. Go for it. Hijack the topic, we have enough canister debates and not enough rants.
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