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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Basically, since the forums have gone pretty quiet lately, I've assumed that people are busy and aren't quite ready to start yet. It's quiet. Too quiet.
  2. Originally Posted By: That Spiffykid You can have cities that generate plenty of cash without them being the goverment capital. cough New Youk cough Washington DC cough
  3. You can collapse the roster and minimap, you know. Just hit the little red orb in the corner, and then drag it to an inconspicuous place on the scree.
  4. Dantius

    Just realized.

    Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh Splotila naveki velikaya Rus! Da zdravstvuyet sozdanny voley narodov Yediny, moguchy Sovetsky Soyuz! PRIPEV: Slavsya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye, Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot, Znamya sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye Pust' ot pobedy k pobede vedyot! Skvoz' grozy siyalo nam solntse svobody, I Lenin veliky nam put' ozaril, Nas vyrastil Stalin — na vernost' narodu, Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil! PRIPEV: Slavsya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye, Schast'ya narodov nadyozhny oplot, Znamya sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye Pust' ot pobedy k pobede vedyot! My armiyu nashu rastili v srazhen'yakh, Zakhvatchikov podlykh s dorogi smetyom! My v bitvakh reshayem sud'bu pokoleniy, My k slave Otchiznu svoyu povedyom! PRIPEV: Slavsya Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye, Slavy narodov nadyozhny oplot, Znamya sovetskoye, znamya narodnoye Pust' ot pobedy k pobede vedyot!
  5. Originally Posted By: elchipeo Originally Posted By: BrownieMix Anyone know how high they got when they finished? uhhh... Moderately funny. I used Skribbane, and I got really high!
  6. No. We talked about this! You want to be strawberry!
  7. It's a shoutout to Terry Prachett, a British author and most renown satirist currently alive (*%^*@&%$*&!@%^*&^*(@*)@#*!@^&$*@!$*&!@)*$#@&^!*@&$ing Alzheimer's).
  8. Originally Posted By: Thuryl Originally Posted By: VCH Thanks guys. I'm not so sure about turning the furnace down at night though. I suppose it depends on how far and how cold it is outside. If it was turned down too far it might take more fuel to warm the house back up the next morning than to maintain that temperature through the night. For example if you turned it down to 1C and then back up to 20C the furnace would likely run longer to get back up to 20C than it would to maintain 20C. Again, this is not how physics works. It will always, always, always take more energy to maintain your house at a higher temperature than at a lower temperature, because your house is losing heat energy at a greater rate when it's a higher temperature, and that energy has to be replaced somehow. However much fuel it takes to warm the house up the next morning when you let it get cold, it will take more fuel to stop it from getting cold in the first place. Consider two possibilities: 1) You let the house cool down to 1 degree. Your heater then uses energy to heat the house up by 19 degrees, to 20 degrees, when you turn it back up. 2) You keep the thermostat at 20 degrees. This means that every time the temperature falls to 19 degrees, your heater has to use energy to heat it up by 1 degree. But this will happen more than 20 times throughout the night. (If it doesn't, then in scenario 1 the house would never have cooled down to 1 degree in the first place.) So the furnace has to effectively heat up the house by 30 or 40 degrees throughout the night, because the house is constantly losing energy. Not quite correct, since I believe that most furnaces work in a different manner. It will rarely reach the temperature you set- if you heat it to 20 degrees Celsius, it will initially heat up to about 22ish, and then shut off until it hits 18ish, leaving to a relatively narrow range of time where it is actually active. However, wthis does not really happen at night, since your houses are so incredibly well insulate that even if you shut off your thermostat entirely, it would probably take at least a day to get unbearably cold (presuming that you have windows close, blinds and curtains drawn, and decent windows and insulation. So, I just have my thermostat shut off entirely at 10, and then turn on at 5, giving it a whole hour to raise the temperature maybe, maybe 20 degrees (I'm mixing my metaphors here, I'm in Fahrenheit now), and making the house nice and toasty when I wake up. Plus, the fact that you are not running the furnace at all for 1/3 the day also cuts down drastically.
  9. Originally Posted By: Pray for New Flesh From Unamuno to Twilight... tear. I hate the fact that the only way to convey sarcasm on the 'net is to add a [sarcasm] tag, but I find that that rather ruins the effect. Also, if you were being sarcastic, and I could not tell,that only serves to prove my point even further.
  10. Originally Posted By: VCH Thanks guys. I'm not so sure about turning the furnace down at night though. I suppose it depends on how far and how cold it is outside. If it was turned down too far it might take more fuel to warm the house back up the next morning than to maintain that temperature through the night. For example if you turned it down to 1C and then back up to 20C the furnace would likely run longer to get back up to 20C than it would to maintain 20C. I like sleeping in a cold house, especially with like a foot of blankets. It feels good, but I don;t want to wake up in the morning.
  11. I love Pratchett. How could they kill the Luggage, though!?!?!??!
  12. At least you had the sense to make my trenchcoat black.
  13. Originally Posted By: VCH The Twilight Book series Damn, I was going to say that. Beat me to the punch.
  14. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba At least Kyxzxy has shown improvement recently... Dikiyoba. Who? EDIT: Ah, yeah. Google reveals that it used to be his PDN.
  15. The goal was to encourage him to flee his current location and stop posting for a while.
  16. I'm really not sure anymore. It has evolved to the point that it has dropped all pretenses, and now caters to the sole aim of most Spiderwebbers- to spam as much as possible in as short of a time as possible.
  17. Originally Posted By: llloyd super bland nihilist flavored Congratulations sir, you have just won one (1) Internet. m00t will be arriving at your doorstep to deliver your prize shortly.
  18. There are only four. Better than G4, which had only 2, making item crafting a real pain if you were in the Fens, but hadn't reached Valeya yet.
  19. Originally Posted By: Unmazer There are some other food-generators, notably the nephil in Fort Remote who gives you pricey meat strips, so you could even, were you so inclined, use this to generate infinite cash, and use that to generate infinite skribbane and hence infinite XP. Incredibly, incredibly slow, but it does mean that at least in absurd and obnoxious theory, a party of four can buy all trainer skills and still reach level 61 regardless of XP penalty. So we now finally have justification to cheat at will? Great!
  20. Originally Posted By: Like Meaning in All Seasons As to the possible question of when elemental resistances are applied versus armor, or whatever else, all the effects are multiplied and therefore commutative. —Alorael, who actually isn't sure why spells don't work more like weapons. Doing all damage by dice seems to make more sense than throwing in a constant. I'm fairly sure Jeff now tries to make the damage formulas as incomprehensible as possible, in an attempt to befuddle us clueless forumgoes. I'm sure his next game will include some weapon that does ln(3-13+pi) damage, but will always do 1 or two damage, just to have make Slarty go insane
  21. Originally Posted By: Goldenking However, I'd like to challenge the notion that reading books shapes your personality more than anything else. Your upraising with the family is clearly the base off of which everything else is structured, challenged then by societal peer pressures. Beyond that, thought is the force that changes personality, and that can be motivated independently or by any form of communication, book or not. Plus, not everyone is literate, yet they clearly still have personalities. I did say "just about". While your family may influence your early development, you do begin to formulate your own ideas at a certain point, and that is where literature comes in. While parents do play a large role, you play an even larger role, and since most people simply pick and choose their ideas from others, books do have an enormously large influence. Originally Posted By: Thuryl mein kampf lololololololol*sigh*lololololololol This must be the legendary Thuryl snark we hear of.
  22. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Spddin I quickly type without double checking. You aren't even reading over your chapters before posting them? Good grief. Please do that. Dikiyoba. Gee, maybe all this talk about fanfics will encourage Diki to FINISH EPISODE SIX. What a brilliant idea.
  23. What book or piece of literature do you feel has most influenced you in your worldview/outlook on life? I was discussing this with a RL friend, and we came to the agreement that what you read manages to shape your personality more than just about anything else. I, for one, think that this is a rather interesting, and am curious to see what influences others.
  24. Luckily, I always use proper grammar and spelling, except when criticizing others'(did you see what I did there?). Google Chrome is awesome for including spellcheck standard. Seriously, at least type it in Word and spellcheck it there. If it's a story, then there should be no excuses.
  25. I agree with Ephesos, all this talk about dual wield omits the fact that they can only hit one target at a time, while Arcane blow can easily hit a half-dozen or more, and Retribution can hit, well, everyone. I, for one, will still run my Mage/Priest singleton, and not get pulled into the dual-wield paradigm.
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