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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Originally Posted By: Ephesos Everybody survived. Barely.
  2. I am positive that there was a demon somewhere later in the series. I think it was in the final complex for G3, then. Give me a moment to check. EDIT: Yep, a demon golem lurks in Beneeri-Eo in G3. Close enough.
  3. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith No one would have cared if they looked like bugs. *snip*
  4. Originally Posted By: Master1 Originally Posted By: Thuryl was fully expecting this thread to be about giant blue aliens That was a trite rehash of Dances with Wolves hybridized with Starship Troopers. Beautiful visuals, though. FYT
  5. Originally Posted By: Thuryl was fully expecting this thread to be about giant blue aliens We already have an Avatar thread, but it might have been locked.
  6. Yeas, I have control of Burwood, the Greyghosts, and the Fens of Aziraph. Goldenking's areas were defeated by ET's forces. Sleeping Dragon was banned, but apparently he will still be playing, so that leaves Nioca, who was 86'd by Safey. So, yeah, that means that there is pretty much no place that's unclaimed.
  7. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: A Figment Of Your Imagination You find him somewhere around Elrah's tomb, I believe. It's a demon trapped inside a golem that lives in a series of caves with a bunch of other golem-minions. Someone please confirm this. This is one of the three, yes. Another is hidden in the Magus Complex. The third is in the Taker lands. Dikiyoba. Actually, one is north of Ellrah's tomb, one is just outside the final Taker complex, and one is inside the final taker complex. None are in the Magus complex.
  8. Originally Posted By: Svelte Prince Penoir Are there two users named Thuryl here? No, there is just one who is schizophrenic. You can tell which one you are dealing with by checking if he uses capital letters. If you encounter a Thuryl post containing only lowercase letters, back away slowly and do not make eye contact
  9. AAAAANNNNND... The first of the conflicts come up. I might be anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour late.
  10. Originally Posted By: Slarty "The Five" are now "The Five to Seven" -- A4 sort of halfway retconned Linda in and A6 has now retconned X in. I prefer "The Fiveish" Originally Posted By: Slarty And in the straight-up fight, it should be noted, Erika had the upper hand against Rentar. It should also be noted that Rentar was not even originally described as the strongest mage of the Olgai tribe -- she was described, quite specifically, as the strongest ihrno "currently awake," which implies she was not the strongest if you count the Resting ones. Plus, there are other tribes, as well. That said, being the inventor of Quickfire does say something about your powers.
  11. But you don't manage to kill Rentar in A3, and not even Erika can manage it straight-up, you have to do it the long way.
  12. Dantius

    Happy Holidays!

    One of the gifts that I received was a USB powered coffee mug(really! I even tried it out!). Greatest gag gift ever.
  13. Isn't it specifically stated in A5 that Gladwell gets his power by artificially inflating it through consumption of magical artifacts? Therefore, if he got enough of said artifacts, he could in theory inflate his power to the point where he would, in fact, be on par with the Big Three. The problem would be getting them, which explains why he would be put down easily without the PC's fetching them for hem, because he couldn't grow powerful.
  14. Just pick NM, there's no conceivable reason not to, what with the free spell levels, ME, and not having to worry about armor.
  15. Dantius

    Happy Holidays!

    I am offended that I was not specifically wished a happy Festivus! I'm suing for discrimination!!!11@1!@1!
  16. 1. No. You can apply to betatest, though. 2. It's an in-game drug. If you turn it in, you are rewarded with exp, allowing for easy grinding. 3. Use Dual Wield. Try a DW tank, an archer, a pries, and a mage/priest.
  17. Originally Posted By: Attalkable Count Jeff really needs to put in more than two Vulcan PC graphics sets. I'm getting tired of having a party of two Spocks and two Obamas. That joke is overused and underfunny. Better than a Hitler comparison, but just barely.
  18. Originally Posted By: jlsgaladriel Ah, but isn't it G5 that has the lovely multiple-target acid spell, much like A6's corrupting baton? I loved that spell. It saved me when I realized that I didn't have enough living tools going into the Ghaldring endgame to turn off the Shaper's machines.
  19. Originally Posted By: Attalkable Count I'm an editor, Jim, not a genetic engineer. I find you lack of party optimization disturbing!
  20. Dantius

    Just realized.

    Originally Posted By: Thuryl do you also enjoy telling small children that santa claus is really just their parents I also enjoy telling large children that God does not exist. It gets me about as far.
  21. Dantius

    Just realized.

    Originally Posted By: The Backstory Always Lies —Alorael, who only needs one random digit: 4. Guaranteed random! I only get 11 billion results for Googling "4" (with quotes). Surely you can do better.
  22. Dantius

    Just realized.

    It is. I have an etext of War and Peace. Post?
  23. You can kill him in the end. But (in A5 at least), you had to leave a certain person alive in order to do so.
  24. There are what, 15 people playing? Over 2/3 of them are dead already!
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