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Everything posted by Dantius

  1. Sorry for the triple post, but the session's been going on for the past three hours, and it looks like some players are online. I fixed the redirect above, come on and play!
  2. What room is it in? spiderwebRP2? EDIT: Yeah, it's in spiderwebrp2. Here's a redirect, past it into your URL bar: Code: aim:GoChat?RoomName=spidwebrp2
  3. Originally Posted By: Triumph One the plus side, Selos had no characters who repeatedly attack their fellow party members. Yeah, Sawbones!
  4. Should be able to make it, if nothing comes up.
  5. Originally Posted By: Joseph Kerstein Personally, I'd love it if there was an Exile game where you were the undead. Not the mindless, "rawr, I will keelz u an eet yor braans" kind, but have like spectres and vampires, and other things. Naturally, a zombie warrior or whoever would have low intelligence (at least until you gave him/her more) but they would be a strong fighter. I don't know, but I'd find it to be quite fun. Until then, the best I can do is use the editor and swap out the PC graphics with others I find online of undead/spirits and goof around aimlessly. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Is there already one made and out? If so, I'll definitely give it a look. Thanks in advance for any comments or questions. I would totally play a scenario in which you played as a Lich, even if it were BoE.
  6. Originally Posted By: Triumph Stuff about Selos I didn't follow Selos too heavily after they got to the Oracle, but here's what I would have done had I been DM'ing it. After the Oracle basically tells Zarusa that she's going to become the next ruler of the city, I'd have had her thank the party for their services, pay them, and then teleport back to the city by herself. Then, as the party and the pilgrims made their way back, they'd hear rumors along the way (maybe they'd travel along the coast) that Zarusa had installed herself as the virtual dictator of the city, executing all who opposed, crushing the populace, under the boot, etc. Then, the final boss would be her, and the PC's would have to fight through the city, the palace, and then confront her in an epic duel for freedom. And don't tell me she's too high a level to dispose of. the Bloodmarsh players made short work of the second most powerful necromancer in all of history, so clearly one high-level wizard wouldn't be too difficult.
  7. I think that the final session of BM really taught the necessity of some things. Like, for instance, healing. Also, I did not know that my HP was that high. I thought it was at 25. Ah well, a pleasant surprise. Click to reveal.. Name: Kurex Occupation: Travelling Mage Alignment: Magnificent Bastard Race: Human Deity: Imaunte Strength: 5 Dexterity: 3 Intelligence: 5 HP: 35/35 (+5) Magic (Evocation): 10 Magic (Conjuration): 1 Martial (Sword): 2 Artifice: 2 Diplomacy: 2 Streetwise: 1 Stealth: 1 Perception: 1 Click to reveal.. (spells) Light (evocation): Creates a small hovering orb of light, or causes an object to glow softly Ice Spray (evocation): Shoots a cloud of sharp ice particles at a target. Somewhat better than Magic Missile. Magic Missile (evocation): Fires a bolt of energy at the target Stun (evocation): Fires a powerful energy pulse at the target, knocking them off balance and stunning them. No damage. Burning Hand(evocation): Projects a sheet of flame from the casters hand. Relatively short range attack.
  8. I have an oldoldoldold MS DOS in a closet somewhere. It had a 20 MB memory, if I recall correctly.
  9. The first of the characters arrives! Click to reveal.. (Numerinus Domitus Publicolus (Nalyd)) Level 1 Combat Engineer STATISTICS: Strength - 1 Dexterity - 4 Coordination - 4 Intelligence - 4 Endurance - 2 SKILLS: Weapon (Atom Blaster) - 3 Engineering - 4 Computers - 4 Artifice - 2 Medic - 1 ATTRIBUTES: Health - 12 Speed - 4 Stamina - 5 Energy - 2 Dodge - 14%
  10. Originally Posted By: Nioca 27 minutes to the Blood Marsh Finale. Now coming in Original Room Flavor! Haha, beaten by 21 seconds.
  11. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Tristram looks like he's about to get his swerve on. Beware ladies and enemies alike. He looks to me like he's about to saunter up and say something along the lines of "Have I got a deal for you..." Basically, like CMOT Dibbler.
  12. Originally Posted By: eCool Oh, we can make characters now? Well, you could in theory have made a character at any point after me publishing the system, but I will be accepting characters now, yes.
  13. I was going to post this tommorrow, but why not now? The Calender! (Sessions will, as previously mentioned, take place somewhere between 6 to 12 CDT.) Also, last chance for new players/players who were on deck to confirm that they'll play. Originally Posted By: Encyclopedia Galactica Personal shielding is the epitome of Foundation minimization of technology. While the Empire could easily create shields large and strong enough to cover cities, ships, and even planets, they were never able to successfully minimize the technology enough to cover an area of less than 100,000 cubic meters due to their ignorance of the specifics of energy field manipulation. The Foundation stumbled upon this secret in approximatly 87 FE, when...
  14. Originally Posted By: Darth Ernie Originally Posted By: Fractal Someone told me that Intel strips their factories and sells them every two years because the technology is already too outdated to use. And what was that theorem that predicted the growth of technology in a linear pattern? MOORES LAW: memory size doubles every two years Moore's law states that the number of transistors that can be placed on a circuit doubles every two years. Here's a nice graph set to a logarithmic scale: Here. EDIT: Couldn't get the image to work.
  15. Originally Posted By: Nikki. When I first saw it I pronounced it like JV did. But but... there's neither an R nor a D in the name! How could you know to pronounce it like that?
  16. Originally Posted By: Lilith we're definitely approaching the quantum scale. with current designs, quantum effects are starting to become an issue in various ways. we're already working on ways to use them to our advantage, eg. the memristor Click to reveal.. (In case you can't read the pillars, one reads "Position" and the other reads "Momentum".)
  17. Originally Posted By: Spidweb Lynaeus - Linn-Hard A-Uss. Lynaeus has long been the continent name in my D&D campaigns. I just like the way it looks. - Jeff Vogel Really? Hmm, never would have seen that pronunciation coming. I just guessed that it would be phonetically similar to the more famous Linnaeus.
  18. Originally Posted By: Lilith fun fact: the spaces between circuit components in the latest generation of CPUs are a little over a hundred atoms across Aren't computers slated to start running into problems with the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle in under a decade? Like, we can't know if a switch is on or off because it's so small?
  19. Originally Posted By: Goldenking Lynaeus, though? I can only imagine all the weird ways people will pronounce that one. That's probably meant to be pronounced like Carolus Linnaeus.
  20. What amazes ne isn't so muchtye amount of memory that is an a desktop, but the amount of storage thAt can be on tine, tiny devices. I think that there 1TB SD cards out there. I can store more memory Ina chip that's smaller than a fifty-cent piece (bet most of you don't know what that is. Back in the day, we could get an ice cream for a nickel, after walking five miles to school uphill both ways) than there is in the entire Library of Congress.
  21. Was the subtitle really neccessary? Couldn't it just be called Avadon? I mean, you might as well call it Avadon: Fantasy cliche here. Still, the screenshots look really pretty. It uses a variant of the Geneforge engine, right?
  22. Originally Posted By: Cold-Drake Equations The best thing to do would be to strike a major private university with, say, smallpox right before a major vacation. You'd shut down the institution and spread your disease across the country and the world. —Alorael, who doesn't think the anthrax pandemic fears were about contagion so much as a mass anthrax spamming campaign. It never materialized. The terrorists never worked out how to email anthrax. In other news, my agents have just come up with this picture of Aloreal: Click to reveal.. No wonder he changes aliases so often!
  23. Popping in to level... Click to reveal.. Name: Xuan Lu (Dantius) Occupation: Strategic Consultant Alignment: Malevolent Race: Human Deity: Atheist Strength - 4 Dexterity - 2 Intelligence - 5 Health - 28 (+4) Magic (Conjuration) - 6 Bluff - 2 Artifice - 6 (+2) Stealth - 2 (RB) History - 1 Streetwise - 1 Diplomacy - 5 Perception - 1 (RB)
  24. Originally Posted By: Lilith anthrax bacilli don't read the news Yeah, but government scientists with a grudge do.
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