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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. I halt in front of Actaeon. "No, it's too late for that. I've forgotten how to talk!" "But you're talking right now..." "Properly! I've forgotten how to talk properly." "You mean using first-person pronouns? But you use them all the time in posts." "In posts! Not in direct dialogue! Oh, if any citizen of Dikiyobia were to hear me now..." Excalibur rubs his chin. "You know, I've always wondered. Where is Dikiyobia, anyway?" "That's not important right now. We have to find a way to transform me back. Right away! That has to be our first priority." "Can't we at least eat first? Before we starve to death?" Tyranicus asks. Dikiyoba's stomach growls. "Well... okay."
  2. I regain consciousness as Actaeon shakes my shoulder. "Come on, Diki, wake up. Please don't be dead, or in a coma." "I'm awake." I look around the bus at all the sleeping and comatose Spiderwebbers. "What happened? Where are we?" "At SW, I think." "Oh. Good." I catch sight of Sylae. "What... what happened to her?" Actaeon shrugs. I stumble off the bus, almost tripping over Excalibur in the process. I head around to the back of the bus, hoping for a quiet, peaceful place to review the my photographs. Maybe one of these photos will reveal what happened while we were on the bus. Something feels terribly wrong. Instead of peace and quiet, I find a gazer. "Who... who are you?" "We are Students of Trinity." "You mean... you turned into... a gazer? But... but..." I try to process the unexpected transformation. "I mean, with Sylae it was only a matter of time, but you? Well, at least I didn't... didn't..." I stop, horrified. Actaeon and everyone else headed toward the new forum stops at the sound of screaming. Dikiyoba is running up the road towards them as though on fire, arms flailing and camera strap tangled around Dikiyoba's neck. "Aaaaahhhhhhh! Aaaaahhhhhhh! Aaaaaahhhhhh! I'm doomed! I'm doomed! Someone help me!"
  3. That's sarcasm, right? Catoblepas: Yeah, the amnesia storyline and Jeff's design aesthetic for player control over the history and motivation of the PC(s) doesn't mesh very well. Gradually uncovering the PC's history is very important to the amnesia storyline, while player control over the PC history calls for any background information being given at the very beginning of the game. Dikiyoba.
  4. Shapers are intolerant, paranoid, and obsessive. They've been paranoid and obsessive since G1, and intolerant since G2. They want complete control of and authority over anything related to Shaping and creations, including the treatment of serviles. That doesn't start to change until they get worried that they might lose the war in G4 and G5. Dikiyoba.
  5. Happy Diwali! Dikiyoba doesn't celebrate it (obviously), but it looks like a lot of fun.
  6. Given the amount of times Dikiyoba was nearly struck by a car while living down there, it's definitely not the roads.
  7. It should be at the bottom right above the "save changes" button in the in-post editor and over to the right when in the full editor. Dikiyoba.
  8. This. If it's not directly relevant to the topic at hand, take it to the pun thread. --- Another issue with modifying graphics in more recent games is that the sprites are different sizes and character graphics usually have multiple files for all the animations. This can mean having to change the scripts before a game can run with the edited graphics. Dikiyoba.
  9. Indeed. Shame it cuts off your feet, it always looks a bit silly when photographs do that. Dikiyoba, on the other hand, is obscured in one photo and looks about ready to dash headfirst into a file in the other. Dikiyoba just does not photograph well.
  10. Bah, Dikiyoba's town voted overwhelminingly against the income tax to maintain the town's emergency medical services. Talk about cutting off one's nose to spite the face.
  11. Be nice to the newbies, Sylae. They haven't been around long enough to have figured out all of SW's etiquette yet. (Also, if you're going to correct people, you'd better make sure you are correct first. The content of those two posts are totally relevent to the topic, and the thread really isn't that old.) Dikiyoba.
  12. Some time has passed since the last desktop thread. So step right up, take a picture of your desktop, and post away. (Preferably in a link or spoiler tags to avoid stretching the board.) Dikiyoba will start. (Original source of the wallpaper here.)
  13. That would be nice. In Oregon (and I'm assuming Washington too) the ballot comes with a special envelope with a return address and space for a signature to make it official, but not prepaid. Dikiyoba doesn't know why the return ballots aren't prepaid. Maybe the state(s) can't justify the cost with so many registered voters either not voting or using the drop boxes instead of the mail?
  14. It appears that moderator signatures can't be ignored on an individual basis. Weird, but there you go. Dikiyoba.
  15. Also, Christians don't agree on what the Bible says. There are plenty of Christian people and churches who welcome LGBT people as equals based on their reading of the Bible. Any secular law based on the Bible unfairly privileges certain Christian viewpoints above other, equally valid Christian viewpoints as well as above all equally valid non-Christian viewpoints. Dikiyoba.
  16. The ballots are mailed to people. There are provisions for homeless people, although Dikiyoba doesn't know how effective those provisions are.
  17. No, it is not. If your beliefs contribute to the suffering, harm, and death of a specific group of people, your beliefs are bigoted. Sorry. If you don't like people pointing out that your beliefs are bigoted, find some way to turn your beliefs into something that doesn't harm said group of people. Dikiyoba.
  18. Oregon does all voting through mail-in ballots, so Dikiyoba voted that way. It's a really great system, and more states should adopt it.
  19. Dikiyoba

    200 Score

    That depends. Are we counting the expansion packs, or only the full games? Dikiyoba.
  20. Dikiyoba

    Forty-Nine Days

    Bridal Gossip: Zecora is a zebra who wears stereotypical tribal African jewlery and has stereotypical tribal African masks and gourds in her house. All of the ponies in Ponyville think she's scary and creepy while she is doing ordinary things (or attempting to do so; no one would actually help her). Then Rarity actually faints at the sight of Zecora because zebras are just that ugly. When one of the younger ponies follows Zecora to her home, the main ponies are afraid that Zecora will hurt the child. In the process, they stumble into some poisonous plants. Zecora tries to warn them about the danger, but because she talks differently than the ponies, they percieve it as a threat, not a warning. The main ponies then reiterate that Zecora is creepy, scary, and dangerous before smashing up her house. Then they have the audacity to ask her to make the cure for the poisonous plants they came into contact with even though Twilight Sparkle had access to the exact same recipe and could have done it herself. Oh, and we also get treated to Fluttershy being embarrassed because the plant deepened her voice and a woman with a man's voice is hilarious, amirite? Over a Barrel: People more qualified than I have already weighed in, so I'll let them talk. Dog and Pony Show: Rarity gets kidnapped and enslaved. Her friends are worried for her. They go to save her, only to discover that she got the kidnappers to let her go by whining a lot. The others realize they were silly to think that Rarity couldn't take care of herself and praise her for her "wit". The episode is supposed to be a subversion of the "damsel in distress" trope, except that acting like a spoiled brat is exactly what damsels in distress do. Rarity didn't attempt to come up with an escape plan or make a break for it or anything. The only reason she got away was because the villians were too nice to use any sort of violence and too dumb to think of gagging her. Luna Eclipsed: Princess Luna was evil. Then she returned to good. That doesn't stop the ponies from continuing to hold a holiday that demonizes her. Princess Luna comes to Ponyville because she is lonely and wants to make friends. Everyone is frightened of her because she only knows outdated customs. Because Princess Celestia, who has all the time in the world for the main characters, hasn't bothered to help her own sister find friends or adjust to modern social etiquette. Princess Luna is hurt and confused, but only Twilight Sparkle worries about her feelings. Everyone else is only concerned about their own fun and enjoyment. In the end, we learn that sometimes it's fun to be scared and that Princess Luna just has to live with being the outcast and scapegoat. Again. Dragon Quest: Spike kidnaps a baby phoenix. He knows exactly where the parents are and exactly how horrible it is to be an orphan without others of your kind around, but he kidnaps the pheonix egg anyway. Dikiyoba.
  21. G4 has the creation type restriction removed, but G5 brings it back, because G5 is more graphically intensive than G4 and having too many different types of character graphics caused problems. Dikiyoba.
  22. Dikiyoba

    Forty-Nine Days

    Quick, someone make a comprehensive beverage poll! Or at least an incredibly comprehensive booze poll. Dikiyoba could also derail this thread by complaining about all the decidedly non-friendly stuff in MLP:FIM, but that probably not go over as well.
  23. Dikiyoba is pretty sure that all "full moon cases more X" are myths. At best, the results are inconclusive.
  24. Also, because you're a filthy, filthy spammer. Dikiyoba hopes that Dantius will return to SW before too long.
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