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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. maybe they will make avadon3 have a harvest moon part....hope i pick the right girl!
  2. more things to steal. everyone knows the best part of all spiderweb games is STEALING. STEAL STEAL STEAL!
  3. screw that. i buy all my games direct. every so often people lose thier stem account and stuff like that. then BAM its gone. One time i moved and lost my exile 3 cd, i emailed one guy and he sent me a new key like the same week!
  4. yeah i plaied blades of exile when it 1st came out, custom maps and stuff was fun :3
  5. just beat avernum : escape from the pit last night/this morning, all the endings + quests...i need a new fix :3 so far ive beaten: geneforge 1-5, avernum 1-6, exile 3 @_@
  6. long time ago, when the earth was still flat. i use to spend my time on exil III. one of the things i loved about it, was on the PC version. the character and monster avatars were bmp files you could edit in paint . And ofcourse i made my group all super special. was wondering if this could be added in. i'm not saying the character avatars arent cool already, i just like to customize more
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