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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. A lone citizen with a gun doesn't stand a chance snowball's chance in hell against a drug cartel. Well, it means they can't get a gun by stealing it from a law-abiding citizen. It means they can't borrow or take a gun from a law-abiding friend or family member. It means a law-abiding citizen can't commit a crime while in a temporary non-law-abiding state (like being drunk or angry or jealous). And, who knows, maybe stricter gun control will lead to less guns available on the black market, making them harder and/or more expensive to obtain. Or to put it another way, people determined to have guns will have guns whether gun control is in place or not. Using guns for self-defense is almost entirely useless whether gun control is in place or not. But gun control can keep guns out of the hands out of the less determined or impulsive lawbreakers. And that's where a multitude of lives will be saved. Dikiyoba.
  2. If someone is only after your stuff, you give them your stuff. Yes, getting stuff stolen is awful, especially if the perpetrator is never caught and/or your stuff is never recovered. However, it's better to lose your stuff than to give the criminal a reason to harm you, or to end up charged with murder because you killed someone you didn't have to. Scaring someone with a gun is a good way to get yourself killed, especially if the other person also has a gun. Dikiyoba.
  3. By that logic, honey bees turn nectar into nectar... Dikiyoba.
  4. Probably because if one side argues that guns are useful for self-defense while the other side argues that guns are not useful for self-defense and most of the evidence points toward guns not being useful for self-defense, then logically only the second side is worth supporting. Dikiyoba.
  5. Blades of Exile had to have been enough of a success for Jeff to think that Blades of Avernum was worthwhile. However, due to the engine differences between Avernum and Exile, the BoE editor is fairly simple to use while the BoA editor is just... not. Dikiyoba is speculating here, but the market BoE and BoA entered into are probably very different as well. BoE probably didn't have to face the competition or expectations that BoA did (or that any hypothetical future Blades game would). Actually, it's certain that BoA had to face more competition and higher expectations, because it had to go up against the BoE community, and BoA just wasn't good enough to win enough BoE people over or to attract enough of a new audience.
  6. The problem is all ecosytems are unique, fragile, and intrinsically valuable. A desert isn't a bad place to put something that requires lots of sun, lots of space, and not a lot of water or (presumably) workers. It makes more sense to put photovoltaics in the desert than to plough up a prairie or tear down a forest for them, or to build megalopolises and industrial farms in the desert. Dikiyoba has found that a sufficiently inclusive and long-term anthropocentric view of nature is almost indistinguishable from a biocentric view of nature. What's good for the majority of people is good for the environement, and vice versa.
  7. Clicking on the little shape to the left of the thread title takes you to the first unread post. It's not the easiest feature to notice, but it's there. Dikiyoba.
  8. Wouldn't preventing cops with "a bone to pick" from abusing their power of arrest be more efficient then changing the multitude of laws a cop could use as an excuse to arrest people on? Dikiyoba will save you some time. Nothing Ghaldring said about the article is true (except that it happened in the United States), and there's a decent case to be made that the health inspector acted correctly.
  9. Those of you using the default Spiderlicious skin have probably noticed that it's undergone some changes. (If you aren't using the default skin, go check it out.) It's still not entirely perfect, but it should be a lot better than the old skin. So enjoy! Dikiyoba hopes to make at least one other change to the skins available on this message board in the near future.
  10. Dikiyoba is afraid Dikiyoba doesn't get it. Stars-into-people seems like a rarity, not an inevitability. Space seems too large to allow for any universe-wide cycle comparable to the carbon or oxygen cycle on Earth, and people are just too rare and brief to be anything but a blip in the lifespan of a few lucky stars. Life as we know it requires a very specific set of circumstances, and even when you've got a planet swarming with life the odds of generating a kind of life sapient enough to be considered a people are apparently very low, as are the odds of a kind of life living for more than a few million years before dying out. It all requires the exact right circumstances, and at some point those circumstances will change and everything will be wiped out. People aren't much in the timescale of the Earth, let alone the sun or the universe. The timescale of hydrogen doesn't seem to be anything different.
  11. The first couple times you do it, maybe. But when it's the easiest way to attack just about everything, it quickly becomes boring and unbalanced. How is that tactic in any way ruined by the AP change? If anything, it should be more effective because you can utilize cover a greater distance away and so be able to sneak up on turrets and suchlike in a more open area. Dikiyoba thinks the only ones with room to complain about the AP change are the glaahks, because now their stunning ability kind of sucks.
  12. You're spot on about leadership/mechanics and the necessity of playing both sides. Sadly, G5 is not nearly as good as G4, for various reasons. (On the plus side, it's the only game where battle creations can be awesome, so it's almost worth playing through once just for that.) Dikiyoba.
  13. It'd work a whole lot better if they'd actually destroy the forbidden shaping, or at least collapse several tons of rock on top of it. You know, what the Shaper workshops and research centers are supposedly designed to do. Dikiyoba.
  14. Heustess of G1 also indicates that the very first Shapers definitely shaped on humans, though. We don't know when the law against shaping humans was put into place. Serviles, or some other human-based creation, could have been created before the law was put into place. Dikiyoba.
  15. G4 somewhat divides the rebellion into a human/servile/drayk section and a drakon section (in terms of deeds and attitudes, not in terms of gameplay), so even if you hate the drakons you may find reasons to support the rebels and go for the rebel ending. G4 also has a hard-to-find third faction you can choose. Dikiyoba.
  16. Bye, Miramor. Dikiyoba will miss having you around.
  17. The G5 forum has *finally* been merged with this one. All topics that were in that forum can now be found here. The Geneforge series is finally complete! Dikiyoba doesn't expect any problems, but if you notice anything broken, be sure to mention it here.
  18. Animals from Puerto Rico: Spider Cattle egret Iguana Dikiyoba is caught up on photos now.
  19. Humongous fungus Bird's nest mushrooms It's practically a time lapse *Dikiyoba finishes sleep-posting and returns to bed*
  20. Dikiyoba thinks they look really cool, especially the Black Halberd.
  21. Send an email to spidweb (at) spiderwebsoftware (dot) com. The company is usually pretty good at customer service. If there's still no solution to your problem, maybe you can pick up a copy of Avadon for a different platform or something. Dikiyoba.
  22. You can get Avadon for Android, but that's the only one. Dikiyoba.
  23. Dikiyoba is afraid that the answer is no.
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