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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. There are definitely water drip effects, but the original poster is referring to a different effect. You can actually see both if you wander around the Eastern Gallery near Fort Avernum. Dikiyoba just has to assume the white fuzzy effects are bits of glowing lichen knocked off by whatever small creepy-crawlies that call cave ceilings their home. Avernum is too warm for snow, and why would magic so consistently float straight down?
  2. G3 is often people's least favorite game of the series, and the limited faction choice certainly has something to do with that. You can get a full refund from SW if you wish. Do give G4 a try, though. The two main factions suck, but you have more control over who to side with, which means you can go middle of the road for most of the game or doublecross both sides for loot and experience. There's also a sneaky third faction which you can take. Dikiyoba didn't finish G3 either.
  3. Coffee drinks by Starbucks are disgusting. The best coffee drinks come from drive-through stands (those seem to be mainly a Pacific Northwest phenomenon, though) and non-chain coffeehouses. They're certainly not inferior milkshakes. Coffee drinks and milkshakes are two distinct beverages. The only thing they share in common is being expensive when bought and hard to get just right when made at home. Dikiyoba believes most coffee cakes aren't made with coffee. They are meant to be eaten while drinking coffee, though, so the potential taste combo is clearly there.
  4. Perhaps, but with new Avadons and the Avernum:Subtitle remakes forthcoming, a Geneforge remake would be 2-3 years away at least. Dikiyoba.
  5. There's also the social aspect. Beer and coffee are often consumed in social situations. Since not everyone can or wants to consume alcohol or large amounts of caffeine, non-alcoholic beer and decaffeinated coffee can allow people to participate more naturally in social situations. Swish and spit? If it works for wine... Dikiyoba.
  6. Out of curiosity, where do you live, Mosquito Slayer? Dikiyoba.
  7. Yes, mangos are another fruit-related meme. Kumquats is another, much newer one. But don't despair! Not only will you not be tested on them, but you, too, can create a fruit-related meme. Just avoid apples and bananas, and you will be good to go. Dikiyoba suggests the pluot. Not only are they gorgeous, they are fun to say as well. Pluot!
  8. Now Dikiyoba is picturing Alorael as drinking copious amounts of bile from poached bear gallbladders. Ew.
  9. Yes, that's the point. To stop shaping serviles, free them all, and treat them as equal to humans in every way. Because the current Shaper social order is completely dependent on treating serviles as though they were animals. Serviles farm, transport goods, clean, and do all the other drudge work. What servile owner wants to give up their valuable property. What human wants to take on the difficult and boring work the serviles had before? Who wants to pay more for their goods because you suddenly have to pay for all the work that was previously done for free. And that's just economics. Imagine all the ideological barriers to free serviles. The Shapers defend their rule of Terrestia by maintaining an appearance of perfection and control (especially over their creations), and don't let anyone who disagrees with that into their order. They can't just admit that they were wrong and give up the idea that some creations can't be controlled. Dikiyoba.
  10. Put on Halloween pics, he said. It's gonna be fun, he said. (Sorry.) Dikiyoba is going as a wizard this year. Unfortunately, the look is ruined by the fact that the hat looks less wizardly and more like some hideous deep sea squid attempting to suck out Dikiyoba's brains. Oh, well. There's always next year.
  11. Kittygazer, please don't post in a thread if it has not been posted in for several months. The original poster's question was answered long ago. Babster, please don't post about cheats unless they are actually relevant to the discussion. Dikiyoba.
  12. Candles are pretty cool, but they're not very practical for dealing with power outages. They burn down pretty quick so you have to change them every few hours, plus they don't generate much light, plus they're useless for carrying around or using outside, plus there's the risk of starting a fire or burns from hot wax (especially if you have indoor pets or small children in your house)... Dikiyoba recommends at least one lantern (especially a battery-powered one) per household and a flashlight per person (with spares if any of the people share Dikiyoba's ability to destroy flashlights just by looking at them wrong) for dealing with prolonged power outages.
  13. The zones are hardcoded into the game itself. They can't be changed. (Okay, technically they could, but it would be insanely difficult and also illegal.) Dikiyoba.
  14. Yeah, the area around Fort Draco/Motrax's Lair changes a lot (presumably because of the mining) between games and Fort Ganrick was a very small fort built for the sole purpose of clearing out one dungeon. So it makes sense that it would be abandoned. (Maybe not demolished, perhaps, but the Fort Draco/Motrax's Lair area has bigger terrain/landmark changes to worry about.) Fort Emerald, on the other hand, is a larger fort built to protect the surrounding area from any sort of threat. Plus, it has that famous magical emerald that probably can't be readily moved. Dikiyoba doesn't know why the abandoned fort in the Eastern Gallery hasn't been demolished, since it seems to attract bandits. Perhaps new bandits move in before the demolition crew can arrive. Perhaps it is easier to control bandits when they choose a known, stationary spot to set up camp. Perhaps the country of Avernum always has more presssing matters to deal with.
  15. Dikiyoba couldn't find any sniping Kudos. Will a variety pack do?
  16. That final pun doesn't even make sense. -1 for you. Dikiyoba always reads the behooved pun as a Cult of the Nine-Headed Cave Cow joke, but apparently that cult has been put out to pasture.
  17. There are a couple of reasons to keep them around for a while longer. The big one is that not all the private messages got carried over from the old board to the new, so the old needs to stay so that people can recover them. Alcoholic beverages are weird. Dikiyoba.
  18. It's at the end of the animation before the credits, and it's hard to pick out. Dikiyoba knows that Trine shares several sound effects with Spiderweb games.
  19. Dikiyoba

    Who knows? Arancaytar has so many lookalikes that it's impossible to tell how many were written by him and how many were written by fakes. Dikiyoba cannot offer you congratulations until Dikiyoba is sure that you are the real Arancaytar. Cake, however, must be provided no matter what.
  20. Dikiyoba is pretty sure that's only in G2.
  21. Not everyone reads signatures, though. (And a few people have signatures turned off entirely.) Dikiyoba.
  22. The name of the person who gave you the quest shows up, but not where they are. A name isn't all that helpful when people move around a lot. Dikiyoba.
  23. No problem at all. Shall we proceed? What's your name, anyway? Do you have a name? Dikiyoba hopes you have a cool name, like Sue or Samson or Jane. Anything but Wankel, really.
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