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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. Dikiyoba

    Is this a dream?

    We did leave one or two self-inflicted titles because they were of such high quality. If you want to try your luck, we won't stop you. Of course, it's polite if you let us know if you're trying your luck so that we can easily find you to remove your self-inflicted title afterwards. Dikiyoba.
  2. Nope. In G2 (and probably at least one other, as well), you'll die if you use a Geneforge built for drakons. Dikiyoba.
  3. If a Geneforge were a Geneforge, then drakons and humans could use the same one instead of needing Geneforges specifically for them. Dikiyoba.
  4. Originally Posted By: Babster I think the data is encrypted though. For the files "data", "items", and "header", they all seem to be in a code, much unlike a simple function. It shouldn't be encrypted, but it is in a code of Jeff's own creation. If you want to understand it and aren't having much luck on your own, I recommend downloading the BoA editor and looking through its manuals, since BoA and Geneforge use very similar code. (The link also has some suggestions for text editors.) Quote: P.S. What the heck's an emulator??? Google has the answer. Dikiyoba.
  5. Um. Why would you make a poll about the forum move A) before the move takes place and in a game forum instead of the General forum? Game forums are for game-specific topics. General is for all the non-game related stuff like forum software discussions. Sorry, but this thread needs to be locked. If you want to recreate it in the General forum after the move, you are welcome to do so. Dikiyoba.
  6. Dikiyoba

    what is this

    It was a last day on UBB (and the display name color feature) celebration. But apparently it was over the line. Dikiyoba.
  7. Originally Posted By: Catoblepas We will be switching over to the new boards on Monday, the topic probably won't carry over. It will. Everything will. Or at least, that's the hope. And regular members can't lock or delete topics. Once a topic is released into the wilds of SW, it stays in the wild. Dikiyoba.
  8. Asking for editors is perfectly fine. Just remember they aren't supported by Spiderweb Software, may be buggy or difficult to use, and may disappear from the Internet without warning if the creator of the editor stops maintaining it. Check Strategy Central to see if any of the editors there do what you want. If you do find an editor, make sure you back up any files that the editor wants you to replace. Dikiyoba.
  9. Quote: Are human beings inherently good or evil? Yes. Dikiyoba.
  10. Originally Posted By: Parakeet Sigh. About how long will it be down? I suppose we won't have access to the various maps and help files while it's down? It depends. If it's an actual topic on the forums, like the Strategy Centrals, it'll be down. But a lot of the maps and walkthroughs and such are hosted on other sites and will still be accessible. A Google search will bring them up, or you can save their links now before the forums go down if you know what you'll likely need. You can also save individual topics to your computer so you can have them available while SW is down. (Yes, other people beat Dikiyoba to the punch, but this has some additional suggestions.)
  11. Delicious random foods. Well, maybe not the blood sausage. Dikiyoba has never eaten it before and so wouldn't know.
  12. Litalia and the Trakovites have no plan to get rid of successful Shaped creations, just end the development of new forms. (Besides, if we look at G2, it doesn't sound as though shaping plants is a strong point of the Shapers anyway.) Dikiyoba.
  13. How do you flambé ash anyway? Dikiyoba.
  14. So... spite, which is basically the same thing as malice. Dikiyoba.
  15. Originally Posted By: Microsoft lacky Originally Posted By: Jerakeen Um, why can't I? Is it somehow insulting to suggest that service members lean Republican? In any case, absentee ballots are often used by the elderly, especially those in nursing homes. How's that for a conservative demographic? I thought he meant that military minded people are more republican biased and therefore the absentee bias is not surprising. The tendency for absentee ballots to favor the Republicans is irrelevant by itself. What matters is that the Republicans calling for "voter fraud reform" are concerned entirely about in-person fraud--complete with a solution that makes it harder for certain groups who favor Democrats to vote--but are not concerned by absentee voter fraud. That implies that the Republicans who initiated the voter fraud controversy are doing it in order to get an unfair advantage in elections. And that's disgusting. Dikiyoba.
  16. Originally Posted By: Harehunter @Lilith, Again and again I hear that "There is no evidence that voter fraud exists". I agree with that because there is no evidence at all, period. None, zero, zip, nada. Whether you wish to prove or disprove it, there is no evidence. There's no evidence that Bigfoot and a ginormous herd of elephants lives in every backyard, either, but you'd be a fool to believe me if I told you they were there and oh by the way, I can keep those elephants from eating your roses if you just pay me 10,000 dollars. Don't worry, though, Dikiyoba is certain that neither Bigfoot nor the elephants commit voter fraud. It's the unicorns that do that.
  17. Originally Posted By: Lilith there are a handful of exceptions to this. things like hair can't be digested and have the right physical properties to potentially form a mass in the stomach called a bezoar and get stuck there, possibly requiring surgical removal. so don't eat your own hair. Or a bunch of unripe persimmons, apparently. Dikiyoba.
  18. Originally Posted By: Harehunter The National Center for Public Policy Research has a report... ...the author of that report quotes *himself* in it. Multiple times. Dikiyoba.
  19. Originally Posted By: Harehunter Fourth; How can you prove there is *not* any voter fraud? What evidence have you collected to prove that point. Do you have any evidence? No, because you are not even trying to collect any? Evidence Quote: Sixth; What overwhelming evidence states that the majority of the people who would be /are disenfranchised are predominantly democrats. Again, without collecting any evidence to verify that point, how can such a claim be proven to be valid? Look, evidence! (And the voter base of the Democratic party, just in case.) Dikiyoba picked up those links from Google. Search engines are really helpful. You should try using one before bemoaning the lack of evidence.
  20. Holy guacamole! Good-bye, Ratt. Dikiyoba is sorry to see you go.
  21. I don't like the intro music in the newer games much. They're just not very interesting or dramatic compositions, and then the constant looping kills what little interest the piece had. (To be fair, the quality of intro music in many of the older games is pretty meh too. But at least they don't loop.) Anyway, Dikiyoba's favorites are Exile 1, Nethergate, Geneforge 1, and Avernum 2.
  22. Originally Posted By: Erasmus one of the descendants of Melanchion It may well still be Melanchion himself. Dragons do live hundreds of years, after all, and he is still very young in A6. Dikiyoba.
  23. Originally Posted By: kensuguro are ninjas pretty common in fantasy rpgs these days? They seem kind of out of place to me. Ninjas and dragons.. just a bit strange. Ninjas are fairly common, yes. Dikiyoba can't wait until the inevitable dragon ninjas (ninja dragons?) appear.
  24. Originally Posted By: Lilith and when you get sick of the customer complaining, dump the soup in his lap and say "and now you have soup on your fly" But what if the customer is wearing a dress? Dikiyoba urges all political dissidents and spies to be careful when ordering soup. It's all too likely that the waiter will bring you a bowl of soup containing an assassin fly.
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