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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. Originally Posted By: Vengenance Why the heck? what the ****? at least that is not the post right now Vengenance, please don't swear on SW. Obscenities are forbidden by the Code of Conduct. If it's something you wouldn't say in front of a little kid, don't use it here. If it triggers the autocensor, don't use it here. Dikiyoba.
  2. Originally Posted By: Riibu Okay, even if this takes a long time to happen it is really going to put my awesome turtle drawing to waste. Has anyone heard of Goggles? I didn't want to spoil it, but it must go down in history. Haha, awesome. Too bad the drawing tool is such a pain in the butt to use. Or maybe that's a good thing, keeping it a secret for only the most dedicated to use. Dikiyoba has saved your fluffy turtle for posterity.
  3. Dikiyoba tried to get into the Wheel of Time series, but halfway into the second book the gender relations are already unbearable (Women are mysterious! Men are helpless!) and Dikiyoba knows it's only going to get worse. Plus, while the writing is good, the books already need another round or two of editing to excise the fluff.
  4. In theory, everything will be ported over. Profiles, threads, and all. We might lose a few features that are specific to UBB, but that's all. In theory. Dikiyoba is sure many newbies (and some not-so-new-bies) will be sacrificed to the great forum gods as the date of the shift approaches. Anyone want to volunteer?
  5. I don't get what is so awful about the original post. Maybe it could have been phrased better, but I thought it was obvious that the humor came from the intersection of SW mythos and reality, not on the fact that someone died. And I don't get what is such a tragedy about his death. It's unfortunate, but it's also a known risk. If you choose to work or recreate in extreme natural environments or around large, dangerous animals, then there's a chance you could get maimed or die a gruesome death. If you choose to break established safety rules, then the risk goes up. That's just the way it is. Most of the people I've met with extreme outdoors jobs or hobbies know and accept the risk. I accept the risk of an injury or fatality whenever I go hiking or camping in remote areas, especially when I go alone. I have to assume that this particular man knew and accepted the risk as well. *Dikiyoba shugs*
  6. Yes. The Agent description in the first three games says, "Agents travel around on the command of the Shapers and solve problems, usually violently." (Wow, the "usually violently" is just an awful-sounding phrase. Dikiyoba had to check it several times to make sure Dikiyoba had it right. Does it sound awkward to anyone else?)
  7. Originally Posted By: Trenton Agents? They go off to solve problems for people. No, they go off to assassinate people that break Shaper laws. Big difference. Dikiyoba.
  8. Originally Posted By: Erasmus and all I find you talking about is some obscure reference to a game maker's name sake being mauled by a bear. Really? At least we don't think that dropping nuclear weapons that will kill tens or hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings is a joke. Oh, and by the way, many of those Libyans who would be killed are opposed to the embassy attacks and other acts of terrorism and violence. Again, what is the matter with you? Dikiyoba.
  9. Dikiyoba assumes it's made of clay, or something similar. It actually looks okay with only two fangs.
  10. Originally Posted By: Actaeon You're making light of a man's gruesome death? Hey, if the man didn't want to be eaten by a bear, he could have followed the really obvious, really basic safety procedures, like "don't sneak up on a bear." Quote: What is this community coming to? Dikiyoba assumes we're all lost souls.
  11. Yeah, Dikiyoba receives the same message, so it's something on the server's end.
  12. Dikiyoba


    Don't get discouraged, Trenton. Dikiyoba thinks SW is more interesting for your presence. As far as gimmicks go, they can be fun, but you're already distinguishable without one, and gimmicks don't really make you memorable in a good way anyway.
  13. Originally Posted By: Alorael It's accepted that it includes mutation and speciation over long periods of time. That hasn't been observed because we have no way to simulate the timescales involved very well, although something like speciation can and has been observed in E. coli. Hybrid speciation is bit of a special case, but we can prove it can and does happen (at least on occasion and at least in plants) because it definitely happened within recent history. Dikiyoba.
  14. Originally Posted By: Catoblepas Taygen's plan involves the genocide of every single creation, including every loyal creation and many species of sentient ones. Realistically, Taygen's plan goes beyond genocide and into complete societal collapse. His plan involves the extermination of ornks, which appear to be the dominant source of protein and leather. Imagination the shockwaves going through society when a major source of food suddenly disappears. Prices skyrocket, people riot or resort to crime to make ends meet, and malnutrition sets in. Plus there's the sudden scarcity of leather. What do you do for new shoes, coats, armor? Then there's the extermination of loyal serviles. Who does the bulk of the work tending to crops? Transporting goods from place to place? Construction and maintenence of roads and other infrastructure? Everyday necessities like cleaning and cooking? Serviles. Maybe people can step in (there are, after all, going to be a lot of unemployeed people--tanners, ornk shepherds, servile overseers), but probably they won't. There's a lot stacked against them. They have to have to foresight to realize the extent of the problem, then the willingness to do the jobs that were once done by slaves, then they need the knowledge and physical ability to do their new jobs, and then they have to deal with the logistics of getting people to where the work is and the finished goods to where they are most needed. So now there is severe famine and shortage of supplies pretty much everywhere. What happens after that? Do epidemics of disease spread now that starvation is rampant, sanitation is in the pot, and medicinal herbs and potions can't be traded very far? Does the Shaper army get the supplies it needs, or do people start deserting and become bandits? Does another rebellion start once word gets out that everything is the fault of a Shaper while the other Shapers sat back and did nothing to stop him? The remaining Shapers will probably be trying to come up with new creations to replace the ornks and serviles and other creations, or shape new creations once the disease is gone, but shaping ornks and serviles is hard work that few Shapers know how to do (plus the disease can always come back) while developing new creations is a very slow process that tends to result in new forms of rogues and disease about as often as it does successes. Given that even Shapers will ignore the rules and they are in a dire situation, a new rogue or disease is bound to escape and exacerbate the situation. And they'll be doing all this after a catastrophic loss of information because servant minds do most of the administrative and logistical duties. Shapers rarely write things down because they have servant minds to care about that stuff, only know the servant minds are dead. What supplies does a facility have? Where do new supplies come in from? How do the alchemical vats work? Who even works at the facility? And if an uprising occurs, the loss of servant minds will be even worse for the army. Who is keeping track of troop movements? Who is keeping track of making sure the troops get food and other supplies? The Shapers in charge of the army will have no idea what is happening on the front lines and will be unable to give intelligent orders. Depending on what Taygen's disease does, they may or may not be able to use creations to scout or to fight. And that's crippling. What do you do if significant chunk of your army could fall over dead at any time? Do you even have any reliable tactics that don't require creations? What happens to the morale of your army when human casualties increase now that humans have to take on roles once filled by creations? Human society will probably recover, but not before hundreds of thousands to millions die. And there's no guarantee that the Shapers will remain in charge or that society will be as advanced as it was beforehand. And that's if Taygen's plan goes off perfectly instead of the disease mutating to become Shaper influenza or lethal to shaped plants or anything. Basically, Taygen's plan really, really sucks even if you are the most anti-creation person out there. You know, in case "genocide" wasn't enough of a red flag for you. Dikiyoba.
  15. Originally Posted By: Dantius That is probably the coolest thing I have seen in a long time. Ditto. Dikiyoba.
  16. Originally Posted By: Nikki Oh, man, Dantius got a custom title? I may as well just kill myself now. He's had it for several months now. Dikiyoba.
  17. Originally Posted By: Sylae Edit Reason: sure, of his cats, but baby steps right? How do you know he wasn't one of those cats? One of them could be his secret identity. This is the Internet, you know. Dikiyoba.
  18. Imban is an old Spiderwebber who is no longer around, and "everyone is Imban" is a very old Spiderweb meme. Dikiyoba is Imban, and you are Imban too, because old memes never die.
  19. Originally Posted By: Triumph Who is JamesMighty? I guess a forum-user, but it's the only name on there I totally don't recognize. Do all these people PLAY this Wesnoth game? Or are they just Diki's representations of forum-users using stuff from this Wesnoth game? Dikiyoba deliberately made sure that the people who play Wesnoth regularly (including JamesMighty) were included, but otherwise it's just whoever popped into Dikiyoba's head as Dikiyoba was looking through the unit list.
  20. Just a simple project matching 30 Spiderwebbers with the units they would become if they were ever thrown into Battle for Wesnoth. Click for larger images. Dikiyoba hopes you like it.
  21. Originally Posted By: Actaeon Although you'd expect modly types to favor strict social castes. Perhaps the establishment is actually looking out for us by keeping the megalomaniacs out of power. Or perhaps we just believe that serviles have a right to be megalomaniacs too! Dikiyoba.
  22. Originally Posted By: BMA Does this mean that moderating a forum eventually affects the way you think in games, and possibly real life, also. It's more likely that the way you think in real life effects the way you think in games and how you behave on the forums which then determines whether you get selected to be a mod. Dikiyoba.
  23. Originally Posted By: Nioca Sydney does not approve of your shennanigans. Win. Dikiyoba thinks that picture needs to become a local meme.
  24. Dikiyoba

    No, Seriously!

    Originally Posted By: Harehunter I differentiate my faith from religion in this way: My faith is personal and I do not feel the need to go through the ritual of performing certain acts just for show. This was the hypocrisy of the Sadducees that Christ threw from the temple. You didn't actually read the first article Lilith posted, did you? --- Originally Posted By: Upon Mars If I am opposed to Mormonism, being a very strict atheist, I'd like to say that you do seem to be a pretty decent and normal person... That's really condescending, since the implication of that statement is that Mormans are awful people. It's like me saying, "Hey Upon Mars, you're a pretty decent and normal person for someone who lives in France." Wouldn't you be offended if I say that? --- Also: this thread is getting awful so fast. Harehunter, could you, like, think things through before posting another blithe statement about evolution or morality or whatever else? Dikiyoba.
  25. Originally Posted By: Harehunter On another note, it is generally cooler in Avernum than on the surface Are you sure? Dikiyoba recalls it being generally hotter in Avernum because of all the lava, steam vents, demons, and comfortably warm sliths.
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