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Everything posted by Dikiyoba

  1. Hmm. Do you have regeneration aura on your creations? Are you fighting the unbound one at a time? And using at least one creation to pin the unbound to a wall and melee it so the unbound prefers to use its much weaker melee attack over its ranged attack? Dikiyoba played the entire game on normal without any mental magic whatsoever, so it is possible (although the challenge areas involved far, far too much reloading).
  2. Dikiyoba


    Ah, but that's supposed to be the really scary part. Dikiyoba.
  3. Well, unless someone else speaks up, you seem to be the only one with this problem. What browser are you using? Dikiyoba.
  4. I think that the danger from 3D-printed guns is overhyped. What little I know of guns suggests that their manufacture needs to be at a really high level in order for the gun to have any sort of reliablity and accuracy. Between that and the price, 3D-printed guns are far less than a threat than guns made the standard way. And there will be reasons to police 3D-printing items well before 3D-printed guns become a serious threat: counterfeit items, or items that violate copyright, for instance, will probably become a big deal sooner than later. Dikiyoba can't see 3D printing taking over serious manufacturing any time soon. It has just gone from primarily research and development (hence the name rapid prototyping) to include the domestic arts-and-crafts market as well.
  5. Well, making custom dinosaur models is a very small thing, really. It was just my aha! moment, the moment I realized exactly what 3D printing can do. It lets anyone create stuff that wouldn't otherwise be made (because it's personalized or too niche) and can produce as many copies of it as necessary. And that is pretty darn cool. Dikiyoba.
  6. So I knew about rapid prototyping/3D printing, but I hadn't really realized the potential of it until I saw this: http://www.shapeways...oductBox-search. Between modern communications (for getting accurate information quickly), 3D modeling, and 3D printing, paleontology geeks can create their own dinosaur models with superior realism* and variety than much of what is commercially available, and make them available to the world. Just another step in making dinosaurs alive** to people. ...well, I thought it was cool. What new(ish) technology, scientific discovery, or human innovations have inspired you, put you in awe, or just made you go "hey, that's kind of neat" recently? --- *Of course, once 3D printing gets widespread enough, Sturgeon's Law will kick in and everything will be swamped with poorly designed plastic crud, but you've got to take the bad† with the good. **Well, except for birds, seeing as they are already alive***. ***Except for the dodo, passenger pigeon, and moas. †Dikiyoba apologizes, but Dikiyoba has been reading Discworld recently, which, aside from the format, has no bearing whatsoever on this post.
  7. Well, blanching is a perfectly good way to prepare many vegetables. Mmm. Dikiyoba can't think of many gold vegetables, though. Well, there's one, actually, but Dikiyoba is just not going to go there.
  8. It's more about the date than the post count, really. But Dikiyoba cannot say anything more, because it would give too much away.
  9. Nikki still talks on MSN? Pfft, what a loser. Dikiyoba hopes that you will behave, Eddie Carr, or Dikiyoba will have to go all Jurassic on you.
  10. Dikiyoba


    It's a safe bet they haven't erupted yet, because new teeth coming in where you previously had no teeth is hard to miss. Dikiyoba's wisdom teeth had to be extracted, but the surgeon returned them in a special tooth-shaped container, so Dikiyoba still has them.
  11. Clearly, this chart says that Geneforge needs more faction debates. Down with the Shaper acid-spitting reptile-dogs! All hail the servile cultists! Dikiyoba.
  12. But since you're going to have to face those entry-level jobs whenever you leave academia, you might as well leave as soon as you attain the education you want and be damned for as short a time period as possible. Dikiyoba took a year off from college for a boring minimum-wage job several years back. It was stressful, barely paid, repetitive, and didn't come with an office, but strangely liberating because it wasn't school.
  13. Congratulations, Tyranicus! Dikiyoba always approves of original post count milestones.
  14. Dikiyoba


    Does someone with better Google-fu than I want to take up the challenge of figuring out when that riddle originated? It would be interesting to see how the tooth count ended up at 30. All Dikiyoba can find is references to The Hobbit, but that's almost certainly not where the riddle originated.
  15. Dikiyoba


    Unfortunately, they really don't work when the dialogue options are predefined. The gremlins in A3 were weird in a bad way. (Dikiyoba was going to comment on the previous posts as well, but Alorael just did that far better than Dikiyoba ever could.)
  16. Poison and acid will always suck since the cure spell was nerfed really badly. Curing spores will work, though. Keep the wingbolts and replace your other creations with rotghroths. Replace them with rotdhizons as soon as you can. If you have lots of mechanics and living tools, make a break for Gazaki-Uss as soon as you can and loot the canisters hiding in the labs there. Dikiyoba would pump battle shaping (and intelligence) so that you can swarm everything with rotdhizons and war tralls as well as selling off loot to buy living tools, because you'll probably need them.
  17. In fairness, you come to Southforge specifically to use the Geneforge (so you must have wanted and agreed to use the Geneforge before the game began) and it was an emergency situation. Given that prospectives are basically dead meat in case of an attack while lifecrafters have all sorts of abilities they can use to defend themselves and others and given that the Shapers could attack Southforge at any minute, it makes a lot of sense that Greta wants you to use the Geneforge and become a lifecrafter as soon as possible. With everyone's life (including yours) at stake, there's just no time for second thoughts. Dikiyoba wishes the human side of the rebellion had been explored more thoroughly in G4. There are a few humans who tell their story, but not enough to get an idea of what the non-lifecrafter humans are fighting for.
  18. Ick. Where'd you borrow it from? The public library Dikiyoba uses always wants books with damaged bindings back because it's relatively easy to fix them with the proper glue (well, maybe not if sections are already falling out). Incidentally, two of the five Wheel of Time books Dikiyoba checked out from there had damaged bindings.
  19. Dikiyoba wakes up feeling alert and refreshed (though not necessarily energetic) most mornings.
  20. The wizard sounds like a bad idea. Being silenced would be boring. (Maybe the wizard could cast a spell that prevents the target person from going outside and taking any action that night, if there must be a wizard?) Dikiyoba would probably play witch hunt over AIM.
  21. Play by post is harder, because the longer period of time increases the odds that people will drop out. Dikiyoba.
  22. Yeah, I second the suggestion to start with G1. If it's too old and clunky for you, jump ahead to G4. If you decide Geneforge isn't your thing, or once you're done with the series, try either Avernum: Escape from the Pit or Avernum 4. Avernum 4-6 are sequels, so they'll spoil the plot of A:EftP and the next two remakes, but you can enjoy 1-3 despite knowing the basic plot. (Plus, the remakes will add in new wrinkles to the plot.) It just make take a few years before the next two Avernum remakes are out. Dikiyoba
  23. Translation: The market for illegal guns is not very big in the United States. That means, most crimes in which guns are involved started out as legal guns owned by seemingly law-abiding citizens before being used in a crime, and that only a few crimes involving guns are committed by never-do-wells who bought the gun off the black market. Black market guns are not a factor when debating gun control. Dikiyoba.
  24. Doesn't G3 give diminishing returns for points in the shaping skills, though, with no diminishing returns on spellcraft or the magic skills? That decreases the utility of the Shaper's cheap shaping skills. Dikiyoba.
  25. Good thing gun rights aren't important to you then, Ghaldring. Dikiyoba.
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