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Character Names

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What is it you like to name your character and why?


The two names that keep happening through out the Geneforge series is Phobia, my mad mental magic using Shaper and his pack of Vlish. He's a bit unbalanced, and it shows.


The second is a bit more special.


A lot of my Agents are named Bellatrix. Those who know the origins of this name will appreciate an Agent named Bellatrix. Bellatrix is one of the brightest stars visible from earth, and is one of the hottest. Somehow, this is fitting for an Agent, who goes around burning everything to the ground. Also, the name it self means "Woman Warrior" in Latin.


It somehow became even more fitting when Bellatrix sprang forth from the Harry Potter novels, as Bellatrix is fond of using terror and domination, much like a good Agent. I could see an Agent using the Cruciatus Curse on people.


For some reason, Deadeye was the most fitting name for a series of Guardians in G3 when I was testing out a new type of build.

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I always call my character with my own name, Matteo.

I like pretending to be a Guardian, a mighty swordman! smile . In fact, I always play with Guardians...


Originally written by Mr.Bookworm:

Genoharadan, for my Agents. It's an assasin guild in KOTOR.

But they are Dark Side followers! :p


Originally written by Dikiyoba:

...means "powerful one" in the language I'm inventing...

Oh really? A Shaper secret language?
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I mostly stay with the same agent name, since it's the name of someone very special to me. I once named it my own name, but it felt weird. For some reason I name the Shaper "Alex", it may have something to do with the name being completely un-shaperish or it might have to do with me knowing tons of Alex, who knows?. I've def used other names, but I've forgotten.

And I never play with guardians, I tried once and named it Shax cuz I thought it sounded like a tough name or something. I'm sure I've used other names, but I can't remember.

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My Shapers are named Zeviz and Guardians (and evil Shapers) are named Veziv. Sometimes I also use other variations on this sound pattern.


Originally written by Miya:

My Agent is often named "Ayame", " Kaiya ", or "Kaida". All of which are Japanese names, as is my current PDN. This comes from early childhood experiences that bring back fond memories, as well as the type of bodywork I do.

Does that mean you study Japanese martial arts?
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For no particular reason:


Ethel, Jill - Agents

Malcolm, Alf - Shapers

Spike, Canute - Guardians


For creations, I always give them an alliterative name:


Archie the Artila (2nd one Annie)

Charlie the Clawbug (2nd one Chrissy)

Vinnie the Vlish (2nd one Vicky)

Robbie the Rotghroth (2nd one Rory)

Gary the Gazer (only ever needed 1 at a time so far)


[Edit: sp]

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Apart from using the default names, as I never used to care, I named my Shaper Aleister. I don't know what brought it on, or even recall doing so. My guess is that the default, Esther, got messed up a bit in my stupor. But it's kind of a cool name, isn't it?


Andras is the Welsh variant of Andrew, from Greek Andreas. It's a combination of "aner" and "andros" ("man" and "of man" respectively). Probably not significant.


Dakro has no meaning whatsoever. Kind of masculine. Good for a Guardian.


Esther is Persian for "star," derived from Ishtar (a Hebrew Goddess). Queen Esther, in the book of Esther, saves a lot of jews from racial persecution. Most likely chosen for "star" significance.


Alwan could be derived from Alwyn -- a form of Alvin -- from Ælfwine -- which means "elf friend" in old English (ælf is elf, wine is friend). This one Jeff probably made up without reference.


Greta is a modern (although not popular) name -- short for Margaret -- derived from Greek, Margarites, which means "pearl." Probably chosen based on the modern equivalent.


[EDIT] Oh, and I name my creations Rex. No matter what type, it's the best name ever. Most fitting for Fyora or Roamers though.


"Get 'im, Rex!!"

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Originally written by Nick Ringer:
Esther is Persian for "star," derived from Ishtar (a Hebrew Goddess). Queen Esther, in the book of Esther, saves a lot of jews from racial persecution. Most likely chosen for "star" significance.
It's actually the other way around. Ishtar is the Persian Goddess. (I think a goddess of war.) Esther is the Hebrew version of the name.

According to Wikipedia, Esther is unrelated to Ishtar and means either "star" in Persian or "hidden" in Hebrew: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther
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I name my shaper Feodoric, because he was one of the default party members from Exile 3. I don't play much as Agents. My Guardian is usually Darko. I just swapped a letter in the default name :p


I always have the first Ornk I make called 'Ernest'. I think I took that name from Avernum.

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I usually Name mine Poopy first time through... Just like every other game. Then I name the next character Lowbacca, from Star Wars. Cuz he's freakin sweet. Then, I name my Artila Weiner, cuz it just fits. Then, I give Fyora an Indian kinda name, like SharpTooth. And for Masculine ones, like Thaud, I give them dumb names. Like Caveman, or Osama. Ok,Im done. Bubye.

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One agent is named AEther, from aether. Unfortunately the untypable letter ae looks extremely detached in its capital form. The other is named Smith.


Once my shapers bore names like Alexander, Gabriel or Salam. After many trials of humiliation to those unhappy apprentices, they are called Tom, David or Oliver.


The creations are named rogue fyora, unstable roamer, infested drayk etc as their classifications present themselves; the three exceptions being Demon Eye, Venom Eye and Lemon Eye.

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Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
It was late, I had drank entirely to much coffee, and I realised that the island was full of ghosts and spirits.

So I named my Guardian Shaggy, and my only creation was a Roamer named Scooby.

I did think about a Thahd named Fred though.
Is it somehow possible to rename Alwan and Greta? Alwan is a better Shaggy. And he deserves to be named Shaggy.
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Originally written by Student of Trinity:
Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
It was late, I had drank entirely to much coffee, and I realised that the island was full of ghosts and spirits.

So I named my Guardian Shaggy, and my only creation was a Roamer named Scooby.

I did think about a Thahd named Fred though.
Is it somehow possible to rename Alwan and Greta? Alwan is a better Shaggy. And he deserves to be named Shaggy.
Yes, you can rename them.

Is Greta a Velma or a Daphne?
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Originally by Delicious Vlish:


Is Greta a Velma or a Daphne?
Probably a Velma.


Incidently, I'm replaying G1 as a shaper with fyora graphics* named Dikiyoba and supported by a normal fyora named Dikiyora. As soon as I can, I'm getting a cryoa named Dikiyoa.


*Changing the graphics is surprisingly easy. Only one of the downsides of this is that Dikiyoba can't equip weapons of any sort.

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You could upgrade your own graphics as you gain levels, finishing as a Drakon.


It would be sort of fun to hack the game so that you played as a Gazer, with edited dialog so that the game still worked, but everyone was duly unnerved. Shopkeepers could say things like, "AAAAAAAAHHHH A HORRIBLE THING HAS FLOATED INTO MY SHOP!!!! But a customer is a customer ...".


Or alternatively you could play some sort of gnawing worm thing, and everyone would remark on how weird it was that a worm could talk, but then just despise you; it would make it very satisfying to kill them.

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Originally by Student of Trinity:


"AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! A HORRIBLE THING HAS FLOATED INTO MY SHOP!!!! But a customer is a customer..."
Technically, very few people have seen a eyebeast, so people should already be saying it whenever a character with an eyebeast enters.


You could upgrade your own graphics as you gain levels, finishing as a Drakon.
Except that I'm playing G1, and I didn't touch any graphic files, just the main data file. So it would be impossible. I could probably turn my character into a drakon for G2 or G3, though. I haven't actually tried it yet.


Dikiyoba just doesn't have the proper motivation for it yet. Dikiyoba likes fyoras much better.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm not really that creative with my character names, (though this thread has inspired me to name my upcoming bullseye shaper more creatively.) but my creations are always named *blank* the *blank*, where both start with the same letter. IE: Freddy the Fyora, Charlie the Cryoa, Eddie the Eyebeast, Bobby the Battle Beta, etc.

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Sorry for the double post, but I just wrote a script for Samuel Stoddard's Fantasy Name Generator to generate Geneforge-ish names. The name generator allows you to write "templates" for names, so here's mine:


Copy the following into the 'Advanced Interface' text box, and click the button.

To generate more names, just go back and press the button again.
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I like to come up with personalities for my Shapers. I've currently got two GF3 games going at once, one pro-rebel and the other pro-Shaper. My pro-rebel Shaper is named Forqueray, after an alien in an Alastair Reynolds novella, and my anti-rebel Shaper is named Dariusz, for no reason in particular. Forqueray is swishy and gay and looks like Austin Scarlett. Dariusz is a humorless sociopath with an eyepatch. When I'm playing him, I usually go out of my way to kill everything possible and kick puppies and stuff.


And whenever I'm playing an Agent, I call him Jack Bauer. Because when you wake up in the morning, it's because Jack Bauer let you wake up.

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It would be sort of fun to hack the game so that you played as a Gazer, with edited dialog so that the game still worked, but everyone was duly unnerved. Shopkeepers could say things like, "AAAAAAAAHHHH A HORRIBLE THING HAS FLOATED INTO MY SHOP!!!! But a customer is a customer
I've thought about doing something like that. If I did, would anybody be interested?
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Over time, I have simply fallen in love with the names Gharzad and Rentar. (yes, Garzahd is spelled wrong, but ever since I started spelling it that way, it stuck) I now use these names for any game that is not Avernum. In Geneforge, both make appropriate shaper names. However, what I really love is when someone recognizes them in an online game, such as World of Warcraft.


As for Guardians, Dugrukore, Gone'krigar and Corgrinoba strike me as worthey warrior names. For agents, which are no fun to play anyway, short names like Gaille, Cyne and Tak will suffice.

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Originally written by Slarty:
That reminds me. Was anyone else weirded out when they met the mage named Erika in G3 (in Greiner's Camp)?
Yes! I especially liked it when she fought with you (or against you) later on. That Erika, always fighting for what she believes in. I was going to propose to Erika Redmark, but then she was killed. Now, I think I might propose to the one who killed her.
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