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Rage Grizzly Bear


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Originally Posted By: Actaeon
You're making light of a man's gruesome death?

Hey, if the man didn't want to be eaten by a bear, he could have followed the really obvious, really basic safety procedures, like "don't sneak up on a bear."

What is this community coming to?

Dikiyoba assumes we're all lost souls. wink
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You're making light of a man's gruesome death? What is this community coming to?


(What if it actually WAS our Richard White? How would you feel then?)

While gruesome death is never a good thing, the guy did in fact violate the bear safety training that he had received and deliberately approached the bear to a distance ten times closer than the required minimum safe distance.
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Originally Posted By: Microsoft lacky
How about the US consulate murdered in Libiya?

one of the guys who was killed was a moderator at a forum i post at. true story. no lie

I say Nuke them, but then again I'm not a US citizen (nor resident)

yes starting world war iii is definitely a good way to make the world a safer place

wait no it isn't, what is the matter with you
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Originally Posted By: Lilith

yes starting world war iii is definitely a good way to make the world a safer place

wait no it isn't, what is the matter with you

I thought the US was Libya's main ally and so, given neither China, India nor Moscow were too happy with Kadafi's death no serious repercussions would happen from nuking an already mainly desert country that just crossed it's only nuclear ally :E)
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The percentage of residents of Benghazi who rioted and murdered is small; the percentage of Libyans who did so vanishingly small. Nuking the country for that is lunacy.


—Alorael, who thinks the bigger problem is that as soon as any country shows willingness to use its nuclear arsenal flippantly, essentially, the world is a less stable place. Even a small, conventional retaliatory bombing would show lunatic disproportionate retribution and make the rest of the world look askance at Americans.

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Originally Posted By: Future Wonderbolt
Originally Posted By: Triumph
How many Richard Whites are there?

1 in 641 people in the US with the first name Richard. 1 in 422 people with the surname White. 309 million people.

309,000,000 * 641^-1 * 422^-1 == 1142 people.

Can you safely assume independent probabilities even inside a single country? World-wide, of course, you get Muhammad Chang as the oft-cited counterexample - in this case, I'd guess at a positive correlation instead.
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Originally Posted By: Lilith
okay let's put it another way

murdering countless thousands of people is definitely a good way to make the world a safer place. wait no it isn't, what is the matter with you

I'm sure if you selected your thousands very carefully it would be. I think the word you were looking for was "defenseless civilians not engaged in hostilities with us".

Originally Posted By: Microsoft lacky
How about the US consulate murdered in Libiya? I say Nuke them, but then again I'm not a US citizen (nor resident)

More importantly, Mr. Coulter, indiscriminate nuclear warfare against the Middle East is not exactly good for America's image abroad. It doesn't say much about us when crazy tinpot dictatorships can successfully control their nuclear impulses and we can't.
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Kidding aside ( I didn't really think the US should nuke Libya), I thought that an attack of a mostly gay hating country with tribal traditions of tying up women's vaginas and of 12 year old girl circumcision that was supposed to become more liberal after its dictator was routed, (how the hell do 12 men assault an armed embassy and succeed?) would rile up these boards a little more; and all I find you talking about is some obscure reference to a game maker's name sake being mauled by a bear. Really?

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Originally Posted By: Microsoft lacky
Kidding aside ( I didn't really think the US should nuke Libya), I thought that an attack of a mostly gay hating country with tribal traditions of tying up women's vaginas and of 12 year old girl circumcision that was supposed to become more liberal after its dictator was routed, (how the hell do 12 men assault an armed embassy and succeed?) would rile up these boards a little more; and all I find you talking about is some obscure reference to a game maker's name sake being mauled by a bear. Really?

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Originally Posted By: Erasmus
and all I find you talking about is some obscure reference to a game maker's name sake being mauled by a bear. Really?

At least we don't think that dropping nuclear weapons that will kill tens or hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings is a joke. Oh, and by the way, many of those Libyans who would be killed are opposed to the embassy attacks and other acts of terrorism and violence. Again, what is the matter with you?

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Originally Posted By: Microsoft lacky
Kidding aside ( I didn't really think the US should nuke Libya), I thought that an attack of a mostly gay hating country with tribal traditions of tying up women's vaginas and of 12 year old girl circumcision that was supposed to become more liberal after its dictator was routed, (how the hell do 12 men assault an armed embassy and succeed?) would rile up these boards a little more; and all I find you talking about is some obscure reference to a game maker's name sake being mauled by a bear. Really?

a) The attackers were holdovers from Gaddafi's regime.

B) Nuke jokes are about as funny as rape jokes, i.e. not funny at all. The OP may have been tasteless, but your post was off the charts.

c) If you really want to get some ire up, take a look at what's been going on in Syria. Or Sudan, while everyone twiddled their thumbs and moaned that they couldn't help. Or Congo, while everyone dumped money into the very militias that are tearing the place apart.
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I don't get what is so awful about the original post. Maybe it could have been phrased better, but I thought it was obvious that the humor came from the intersection of SW mythos and reality, not on the fact that someone died. And I don't get what is such a tragedy about his death. It's unfortunate, but it's also a known risk. If you choose to work or recreate in extreme natural environments or around large, dangerous animals, then there's a chance you could get maimed or die a gruesome death. If you choose to break established safety rules, then the risk goes up. That's just the way it is. Most of the people I've met with extreme outdoors jobs or hobbies know and accept the risk. I accept the risk of an injury or fatality whenever I go hiking or camping in remote areas, especially when I go alone. I have to assume that this particular man knew and accepted the risk as well.


*Dikiyoba shugs*

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Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
Originally Posted By: Actaeon
You're making light of a man's gruesome death?

Hey, if the man didn't want to be eaten by a bear, he could have followed the really obvious, really basic safety procedures, like "don't sneak up on a bear."

Yeah, once I actually read the article, I had a lot less sympathy for the guy. In general, when people get eaten by animals, I view it as the natural order coming home to roost. Except for children, which isn't rationally much different, but totally is anyway.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Originally Posted By: Miramor
B) Nuke jokes are about as funny as rape jokes, i.e. not funny at all. The OP may have been tasteless, but your post was off the charts.

Have you even seen Dr. Strangelove? Well-done nuke jokes are hilarious.

Yes, but we lowly internet denizens are not capable of creating such higher forms of satire, or maintaining the purity of our precious bodily fluids.
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Black comedy and gallows humor aren't quite the same as delivering explicit jokes on a subject. Dr. Strangelove is more about delivery jokes around nukes. And, in one notable cases, humor on a nuke.


—Alorael, who has found some of the things some politicians have said recently about rape funny. They're still not jokes, though, and the humor is slightly tinged with outrage.

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