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Having played spiderweb games for a good deal of time now there are two things that just out of curiosity I wanted to share with you guys:-


1. Considering that spiderweb spends or does little advertisement HOW did you come to know of it?

2. Have you tried to persuade others to play these games and if you have hat has been the response?


For me when i bought my computer i got a CD of small games which contained the demo of Avernum 3( and that waas the start of a long love affair, going strong till now).

Also i have really really tried to make other guys play these games but my success rate has been about 1/2 out of 12 or something, It's not as if i haven't tried hard, even going to the trouble of giving them a detailed history of Avernum but somehow all i have got in return are some mild

abuses for wasting precious hours of their time.

Hoping for some interesting stories here..

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1. I first heard of Spiderweb when an acquaintance raved about a game he really enjoyed called Exile. Back then I didn't have access to the internet for fun, so nothing came of it for a few months until I happened to find Exile on one of those CDs with tons of free games on them. Exile was one of them. A while later I got home internet access and tied up the phone lines for a while downloading Exile 2.


2. Not only have I tried, I've been successful! Mostly when pitching to people who already have an affinity for retro or indie or otherwise low budget games, but I did at one point buy someone a copy of A1 and watch him proceed to buy the rest of the series himself.


—Alorael, who believes Exile 2 was the second program he ever downloaded. The first was Angband. Curious how his early shots in the dark were such good ones.

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1. Old games CD for Classic Mac that had an unregistered copy of Exile 1 on it. I think I was 13 or so at the time.


(Yes I still enjoy that series. No there is nothing wrong with that. Yes I grew up. Please don't stare, it's impolite!)


2. Umm, not really, no; though I've mentioned Spiderweb games as examples of good RPGs on some forums.


Originally Posted By: "Alorael"

—Alorael, who believes Exile 2 was the second program he ever downloaded. The first was Angband. Curious how his early shots in the dark were such good ones.


Angband (version 1.X I thin!k) was on that CD too, and wound up being how I learned to touch-type (despite the best efforts of Mavis Beacon). Which is too bad, because Angband typing is not proper touch-typing.


(But it's still an awesome game. So awesome that I'm trying to fork my own variant. Woo.)

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1. Like a lot of the older members, I found a couple of SW games on a shareware CD; for me, it was Exile 3 and Nethergate. Once I'd spent weeks completely smashing the demos of those games, I went online and discovered Avernum.


2. I've only ever told maybe 3 or 4 people who already had an interest in these kind of games. I know for sure that one friend still plays, but otherwise I was unsuccessful.

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1: Humble Indie Bundle, got Avadon, fell in love with the small-scale tactical rpg feel. I hate turn-based RPGs that don't involve movement, but most that do feature movement are large-scale strategy games that are hard to get into, so I was hooked instantly.


2: Yep, I've told a few of my friends about it, they've tried the demos, I don't think they've bought the games though. Actually, I told this guy I met at college orientation about spiderweb software, and he had heard of and loved Geneforge, but didn't know they had made other games, so I may have convinced him.

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Originally Posted By: Miramor
Angband (version 1.X I thin!k) was on that CD too, and wound up being how I learned to touch-type (despite the best efforts of Mavis Beacon). Which is too bad, because Angband typing is not proper touch-typing.

Oddly enough, Angband wasn't on the CD I got, but it was the first game I downloaded. It's early in the alphabet.

—Alorael, who plays mostly Vanilla with the occasional foray into Unangband. He's not a roguelike expert, just an Angband lover.
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1. I discovered Exile 1 via a web search back in the mid-90s (I think it was my freshman year of college, so the '95-'96 academic year). Probably on Yahoo, since I think it was pre-Google. I don't remember the search terms I used, but they probably were something like "mac shareware games".


2. Most of my friends aren't gamers, and those who are prefer action/quick-reflex oriented games.

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1. My (much) older brother had a copy of the Exile 1 demo on our family computer. This was way back when I was about 6. I loved to play it, though I played it very poorly. A few years later (I think) he got the full version of Blades of Exile. I loved that one even more.


2. I've shown the games to a few friends, but they never really got into them. The common complaint I heard was about the graphics, a comment to which I respond by rolling my eyes.

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Click to reveal.. (1.))
1.) So yeah, I was really thirsty for awesome RPGs. I've played lots of them, but not one did I get addicted into. So one day, my netbook was with my younger brothers, and my sister allowed me to borrow her netbook. She had WildTangent games on it since it was HP. I browsed the "adventure" section. The time I almost gave up, thinking it was futile as hell to search for the best RPG, I saw a hooded man, the thumbnail of Geneforge. It slightly reminded me of Ezio (Assassin's Creed). I never read the description. But I quickly downloaded the trial and played it. Then it reminded me again of another game since kinder: Shadowflare. It made me interested to play these kinds of games, so as to revive the memories of my childhood. Meaning, I didn't quit because of the graphics. So I explored, I saw a quiet shade for the first time, it gave me a chill and the story goes on and on...

Originally Posted By: B.J.Earles
2. I've shown the games to a few friends, but they never really got into them. The common complaint I heard was about the graphics, a comment to which I respond by rolling my eyes.
My comment to them that they will soon realize how famous SpiderWeb Software will be in a few years time, and that they are wrong, me and my friends all play Minecraft, so I told them what about Minecraft? As long as the gameplay is epic, fancy graphics only support the game. As I said before, awesome story/scripts can be enjoyed by people, while a game where you play pointlessly, without the primary... "thinggies", but with HD graphics, cannot be enjoyed by me and is not my taste.
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When I bought my first computer, I also bought a shareware CD called "1000 Games for Windows." On it, among other things, were demos of E3 and BoE. I found and installed BoE first, and played and replayed VoDT until I had several god parties (actually, the same god party over and over). Then I got bored, went back to the CD, and found and installed several horrors disguised as games. After about a year or so had passed, I rediscovered the CD, found and installed E3, and did everything (and I mean everything) I possibly could in the demo several times over.


After some more time had passed, I borrowed my father's credit card to buy BoE, followed by the Exile trilogy a short time later. The rest, as the saying goes, is history.

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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
When I bought my first computer, I also bought a shareware CD called "1000 Games for Windows." On it, among other things, were demos of E3 and BoE.

This. Actually, my older brother was the one who bought the computer and CD. I had hardly even played the Exile demos before he got all the Avernum games as well. Years later, I found the 1000 Games CD again and replayed those demos.

I've only mentioned the games to a few friends. Most said they'd check it out, but never got back to me. Meh, I tried. I'm not a very good salesman.
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Originally Posted By: Lilith
apparently metacrawler still exists

i have no earthly idea why

Because some people still want to see results from multiple search engines instead of trusting Google? (Or Bing, which has apparently hijacked IE, or Yahoo, which I guess someone, somewhere, still uses.)

—Alorael, who doesn't really grasp why. The results are largely the same for important things. Go back enough pages or search obscurely enough and you get differences, but those are more noise than signal.
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1) I found Geneforge on a pack of demos. I'm not a child, but it made such an impression on me that until recently I liked to go around in dark & mysterious-looking hooded outfits...Such a shame that Jeff decided to remake the Avernum series first.


2) I found that it wasn't any use giving the game to any of my friends. The reaction's always "Ew. Not only does it have awful graphics and no music, but you actually have to spend most of your time reading things :-P"

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1. I actually found a reference to Eschalon (Book 1) on the Mac site under "staff favorites." I had never played an RPG before, and immediately fell in love. People on that forum talked about Spiderweb, so I downloaded Avernum 6 - and fell in love all over again. Have worked my way through most of Jeff's games since then.


2. None of my friends are hard core gamers. The few that play games want flashy graphics, little thinking and a fairly easy experience.

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