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Jeff's New Series Announced


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Alvedon is a brand of Paracetamol pills here in Sweden, so this was my second association, after Avalon.

Also, Tristram reminds me of Harry Potter in plate mail, but at least they didn't name him Lancelot.


The skill tree of pretty damsel Nathalie looks like a mix of Geneforge and Diablo II to me.


Still, despite the generic fantasy theme, I was pleased to read about the new game, and I'll definitely check the demo out.

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Originally Posted By: Spidweb
Lynaeus - Linn-Hard A-Uss.
Um, what? What on earth is a "Hard A"? Vowels usually have long and short forms; hard and soft is usually for consonants... at least in English.

Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit
When Jeff says "hard A" he's not saying to pronounce the word "hard", he's saying that it's a long (hard) 'A' sound.
...wait, what? Hard = long now? When did that happen?

Well, anyway, I would pronounce it something like "Linayus".

And it sounds interesting so far.
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I think a healthy dose of cautious optimism is called for.


I'm not going to start ***** on a game I know nothing about yet. and FYI: generic name != generic game.


Looking forward to more details, particularly relating to combat/magic mechanics. Jeff is quite correct when he says he's earned faith when it comes to awesome plots and cool puzzles.


EDIT: Profanity.

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I think I just got comfortable with the name Avadon. Maybe it's like naming a baby 'Mollusc' - you'd get used to it eventually. The 'A' abbreviation for both Avernum and Avadon may become confusing.


Since I've never actually spoken the word Avernum the pronunciation of Lynaeus isn't so important to me as it's unlikely to enter my vocabulary.

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I met a member from an antique age

Who said: Two vast and gothic asterisks

Are in the topic. Near them, on the page,

Half sunk, a shattered smiley lies, whose frown

And wrinkled brow, and sigh of cold quitclaim

Tell that its author well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these ascii things,

The hand that typed them and the limp forehead.

And in the signature these words are <i>:

"My name is Terror's Martyr, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye Oldbie, and DIE!!!!!!!"

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal flame, adroit and dry

The overpunned replies go far astray.

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Originally Posted By: waterplant
Maybe it's like naming a baby 'Mollusc' - you'd get used to it eventually.

Nope, sorry. It's not working for me. You've turned "mollusc" into an inherently funny word for me (despite the puns' best efforts), but it's still a terrible name to give a person.

Unless you meant you'd give the name to a baby pet octopus or land snail, in which case Dikiyoba is fine with the name.
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I don't know. I was sort of thinking of just yelling "Die — ie!" Or else maybe pausing for a beat and glaring fiercely. I mean, it should be that "!!!" is to "..." just as "!" is to ".", right?


Though I guess by that logic I should accept ",,,", ";;;", ":::" and "???" as elliptical punctuations, too. Hmmm.


"???" seems pretty obvious, but I kind of like ",,,". It suggests a sort of double-take pause, in which you're about to go on, but then you pause again, before going on without mentioning what made you pause. A hesitation during which the mind slightly boggles, but then you shrug it off and go on. I guess ";;;" would be sort of similar only more dramatic.


I can't think what ":::" would be. Maybe a kind of pregnant omission of an implied conclusion.


As in ,,, I'll leave it to Alorael to discuss the most awesome elliptical punctuation of all ::: since he is the expert.

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Originally Posted By: Student of Trinity
I kind of like ",,,". It suggests a sort of double-take pause, in which you're about to go on, but then you pause again, before going on without mentioning what made you pause. A hesitation during which the mind slightly boggles, but then you shrug it off and go on. I guess ";;;" would be sort of similar only more dramatic. .

So like the experience you get after reading one of Slarty's posts?
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I will try to live up to the burden SoT has given me and the charge placed upon us all by *i. And,,,!:: I will fail.


—Alorael, who will go ahead and say that Jeff's games lend themselves to the kind of heavy backstory that he seems to be channeling here. If you can use text rather than lots of talking or scenery or whatever, it can be delivered more naturally. Or rather, the delivery seems less forced and divorced from the rest of the game when the entire game is delivered that way.

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Sounds interesting enough that I'll play it. I've been a little away from Spidweb for the most part lately (failing to complete GF4 basically killed my Spidweb playing days, and then I got distracted by the awesomeness that is ScummVM, which took me into the Monkey Island series, which...), but a new series is likely to bring me back.

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Originally Posted By: VCH
I like how the game compares your current gear with a new piece in your inventory when you scroll over it.
Same here. It sounds very useful.

Originally Posted By: VCH
Also I wonder what the scarabs are for . . . charms maybe?
My guess is that they give you certain buffs when equipped. Or they act similar to wands/potions/scrolls. Or they're some form of insignia. Only Jeff knows for sure, and he's not telling yet.
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Originally Posted By: Monroe
The story and such look awesome. I just wish, and have been wishing for several games now, that explored land would be a different color on the minimap. It would look so much nicer.
...wait, isn't this covered by the fact that unexplored land is black?

Unless he changed that when I wasn't looking, which is entirely possible.
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