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Name That Bitter Not-So-Oldbie

Mea Tulpa

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Same rules as the bitter oldbie game except that the quotes in question were all posted in 2009. Many are out of character. All show irritation. Guess which member posted them? The usual caveat applies: no googling or searching the boards in any form. Good luck!


[Note: the topic title is not a guarantee that there are no members in this thread whom you may consider oldbies.]


1. You might want to eat something first, just so that you'll have something to vomit up instead of suffering through dry heaves. Kelandon


2. I have met geriatric snails that were faster on the uptake than you. Thuryl


3. Just to clarify I did not take this personally, I just don't want to post anymore otherwise I will start to sound like Kanye West. Trying to prove my point while amending my words. So to save myself turning into a total nincumpoop I am not posting anymore on my point of veiw, everyone knows it, so further info is redundant. Hypnotic


4. Don't assume Slarty likes you, Abhishek. He's pretty grumpy. He doesn't like me either. ADoS


5. i'm gonna go crawl in a hole and die now, thanks Ephesos


6. Would you mind laying off the caffeine based products before posting in my thread? It's kind of irritating and stupid having the conversation degenerate into infantile methods of destroying the planet, when the original purpose was a discussion about more IQ-intensive solutions and causes then gargantuan chunks of C4 and supernova’s, thank you... If that means I only get five rational replies, those are the only sodding replies I'm interested in, not the pointless trash I see my topic distintergrating into in the last few posts. Jeran Korak


7. First you left me for a woman, then you quit the boards. Slarty


8. As an avid milk drinker, I am offended that soy would have the chutzpah to call itself milk when it is actually a nasty poo plant. Enraged Slith


9. There have been many times where I thought of responding to something with a snarky comment, but don't. Stareye


10. We are a safe and supportive environment for drivel. Student of Trinity

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3. Definately Hypnotic.

1. I know I read this one, but its not coming. Kelandon?


~Artemis and new threads. I read them, but usually wind up finding something that distracts me from logging on [which is fine, because what I have to say isn't always particularly nice, but at least I get credit for keeping my mouth shut.

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6. Would you mind laying off the caffeine based products before posting in my thread? It's kind of irritating and stupid having the conversation degenerate into infantile methods of destroying the planet, when the original purpose was a discussion about more IQ-intensive solutions and causes then gargantuan chunks of C4 and supernova’s, thank you... If that means I only get five rational replies, those are the only sodding replies I'm interested in, not the pointless trash I see my topic distintergrating into in the last few posts.

No clue. Scorpius?

7. First you left me for a woman, then you quit the boards.


8. As an avid milk drinker, I am offended that soy would have the chutzpah to call itself milk when it is actually a nasty poo plant.

Enraged Slith

9. There have been many times where I thought of responding to something with a snarky comment, but don't.


10. We are a safe and supportive environment for drivel.

Student of Trinity

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Now this is more fun. I can only get a couple, though.


3: Hypnotic, I can tell by the spelling errors and the fact I have seen many Hypno posts in my time.


4: *i, who as I remember Abdishek hated.



5. I should know this... WAIT! It was in Ephesos 5000 post thread, where we were all attacking him. I say Ephesos.



8. Enraged Slith, in that topic about hard drinks that had enormous topic drift



9. Nikki, I'm sure of it.



10: I think Aloreal, or was it Goldenking, maybe?

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Originally Posted By: Artemis is back. Good or Bad?
3. Definately Hypnotic.
1. I know I read this one, but its not coming. Kelandon?

Yes, and yes.
Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba
6. No clue. Scorpius?
7. Slartucker
8. Enraged Slith
9. Nikki
10. Student of Trinity

No, yes, yes, no, yes.
Originally Posted By: Duck Who Finally Sold a Hat
5. I think that was Ephesos, after a depressing speech by SoT.
9. Definitely *i.

Yes on both accounts, and yes.
Originally Posted By: Excalibur
2: Thuryl
5: Ephesos
6. Jeran?

Yes, yes, and yes!
Originally Posted By: Dantius
3: Hypnotic, I can tell by the spelling errors and the fact I have seen many Hypno posts in my time.
4: *i, who as I remember Abdishek hated.
5. I should know this... WAIT! It was in Ephesos 5000 post thread, where we were all attacking him. I say Ephesos.
8. Enraged Slith, in that topic about hard drinks that had enormous topic drift
9. Nikki, I'm sure of it.
10: I think Aloreal, or was it Goldenking, maybe?

Yes again, no, yes again, yes again, no, and no.
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Well, just don't give us enough time to memorise every wisecrack in the forums.


~Artemis and cheating. I can't say I haven't done it. I'd look at your math test or kidnap your monopoly money any day. Its just that cheating on these kind of things is no fun. Especially when there's a vauge chance that a snippit of one of my pointless rants might show up.

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Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith
Where do you find all these quotes?

Mostly the Pied Piper Project, I'd imagine. Also, happy birthday!

—Alorael, who cannot figure out what distinguishes oldbies from not-so-oldbies. This is more by post date than by membership duration, isn't it? Your words are lies.
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