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Fun things to do in Avernum 4


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Three priests and one mage was a complete hoot.


Summoned a lot of shades I did. Sent SWARMS of summons at mine enemies. Buffed summons, with shields and blessings and what not.


Nothing could resist me for long. Shades destroy pretty much everything.


Mage was practically useless near the endgame though. He mostly just unlocked stuff or casted the occasional shield. The priests pretty much vaporised everything on the screen or swarmed stuff with summons and then burned stuff down.


In AVIV, I hate to say it, but the mages got the short end of the stick. They suck. They have power in the beginning, but fizzle out midgame, just when the priest is gaining their real power.

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Play a game where you murder everyone you can without getting caught. I love entering a shop, closing the door, murdering the keeper and taking his stuff, and then being on my merry way, with the townspeople being none the wiser.


There is, of course, the possibility that that is how you play it the first time, in which case, this time don't kill anyone?

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I'm contemplating a replay just so I can stock every last magical herb I come across so at the end game I can have that secluded mage (sorry, can't recall the name) whip up as many knowledge brews as possible.

Heh... also since I should be able to know when a town has 'outlived' its usefulness (like Monastery has a role toward the end game... Formello is pretty much a 'once through' I believe) I would enjoy an all out massacare! ESPECIALLY Almaria... hmmm and now I think about it, I wonder what would happen if I took out the CASTLE at the end ??!! Is that even possible?

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Originally by elgittens:


I would enjoy an all out massacare! ESPECIALLY Almaria... hmmm and now I think about it, I wonder what would happen if I took out the CASTLE at the end ??!! Is that even possible?
I think that you can kill everyone in the game but the king and get away with it. But you have to be careful not to kill people who help you too soon, otherwise you can get stuck.


Originally by Jumpin' Salmon:


Try playing as an amateur geologist.
Dikiyoba is curious. How, exactly, would that work?
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Originally written by Dikiyoba:
Try playing as an amateur geologist.
Dikiyoba is curious. How, exactly, would that work?
Every time you find a rock or crystal, you pick it up. And you have to keep it in your inventory until the end of the game. No selling them. I guess the same would go for steel, iron, gold, and silver.

You'd never win, but it'd be an epic handicap.
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Originally by Ephesos:


Every time you find a rock or crystal, you pick it up. And you have to keep it in your inventory until the end of the game. No selling them. I guess the same would go for steel, iron, gold, and silver.
I'm actually thinking that clearing out a zone completely and then arranging everything that gets collected in neat little piles would make more sense.


Hmm. Dikiyoba might just make a character who does that. It would work well with the character who runs away in fear at the sight of cave slimes.

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Nope, Ephesos got it on the first try. You need to carry all the rocks, minerals, bars you find for the entire game. This loads you down (a little), so make sure you have the correct (light) armor and weapon (bow) and that you know a few speed spells. Of course during the fights it is sensible to drop some rocks to get movement points. Otherwise you couldn't do anything, could you?


Amateur geologists aren't real interested in anything except rocks, light, and caves. You should probably ignore all miscellania you run across, unless it is to be immediately equipped. That frees up more backpack for rocks. wink

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Most parties can complete the trials, though, especially by the end of the game. Completing them all right when you first arrive is more difficult, especially the first one.


—Alorael, who has a far better challenge than being a geologist. Be a nudist! Throw off the bondage of clothes and armor. Bonus points for giving up weapons, too. Even more for giving up weapons and spells!

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Heh. Imagine being able to play a character with a third arm so he can hold a spear and a shield at the same time.


—Alorael, who has a far better challenge than being a geologist. Be a nudist! Throw off the bondage of clothes and armor. Bonus points for giving up weapons, too. Even more for giving up weapons and spells!
No, it would be better if one keep weapons and spells. But only one plays a human. With a blue color shift.




Edit: Typo.

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Hm. In Exile one could play as a pacifist. In E2 a character could have the trait of Pacifist, but that's not what I mean! It was possible to deal damage only by Martyr's Shield or, for anything not prone to physical attacks, various wall and field spells. That way all damage taken by enemies is their own fault.


In Avernum that's not possible, but there's always the clean-hands aggressor variant. Your characters may not do any damage. Any harm must be inflicted by summoned lackeys. In addition to all other problems, you don't get very much experience.


—Alorael, who supposes summoning is actually as good a way to survive as a nudist as any other. You need someone to get beaten to a pulp so your fair (cave pale) complexion doesn't get damaged.

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Summoning is actually a viable tactic. Early on the beta testing for AVIV I found that a summoned army of cave slimes and shades backed by blessing, hasting, etc, was more than enough to steamroll the game, allowing you to survive some encounters far earlier than you should have. Like the crazy necromancer just outside Formello, you can stand around the corner and keep summoning shades till he dies. Later, as you get more powerful summons, and better buffs like prismatic shield, you can cause a lot of wreck and ruin on your enemies.


This is even better when backed by archery. Your characters are never in a moments danger.

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By Archmandrite Micawber:

Do you think Rentar really has a heart of gold? How improbable.
Rentar has no need of the Heart of Gold and its feeble Improbability Drive, for she has discovered the secrets of Bistromathematics.


Unfortunately, Crystal Souls can't eat...


EDIT: Added a quote. Here I am, brain the size of the board, and the post I'm quoting is on the previous page. (I've really got to get around to watching that movie. It's been too long since I read the books.)



So long, and thanks for all the Vlish.

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How dare you compare a dysfunctional villain like Rentar-Ihrno with Slartibartfast. Rentar and bistromathematics... pshaw!


The Nine-Headed Cave Cow is not pleased, and He or She has indigestion today, so you'd better watch out for bovine retribution.

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By Slarty

How dare you compare a dysfunctional villain like Rentar-Ihrno with Slartibartfast. Rentar and bistromathematics... pshaw!


The Nine-Headed Cave Cow is not pleased, and He or She has indigestion today, so you'd better watch out for bovine retribution.

EDIT: Quoting problems.



(Goes to Milliways and enjoys a nice juicy steak.)

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