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Everything posted by Acky

  1. Heh. Not bad. I'm pretty interested in the foreshadowing you implied with the confrontation between Tullegolar and Neo. You almost want me to continue my story. If I didn't suck so much. The Last Archon
  2. That did it. Thanks w-dueck. The Last Archon
  3. Something is wrong. I just downloaded a fresh copy of the editor from Ishad Nha's site and the graphics sheet was not their, nor was it in the download. On a side note, is their an options menu for looking in 3-D? I only did it once and every time I use the editor it just shows me in the regular 2-D view. The Last Archon
  4. There's only three serviles. Just checked. The Last Archon
  5. Are you talking about the bottum box of tools? That's not showing up. I have Windows vista, btw Edit: The regular editor, however, works fine. The Last Archon
  6. I tend to use Editlit pad. Not because it's supposedly better than anything else, just because I happened to already have it. The Last Archon
  7. 1. Click the number of javelins you want, and than click on your character portrait. The Javelings will now be selected as your weapon. As for the Baton, just click the baton, and not the thorn's, and do the same with the Baton. 2. When you're in the buying screen, look at your portrait to the right, and look at the inventory. Now you will see how many items can be sold and for how much. Be careful though; the shops only have so much money. Glad to see you like Geneforge. Trust me, you're in for a fun ride. The Last Archon
  8. 1. Where is the create town entrance button for the BoA 3-D editor, version 3.2? 2. This is a strange question, but could anyone send me a copy of a graphics folder? The ones I have are Art Graphics Character Graphics Editor Graphics Game Graphics Item Graphics Terrian Graphics Now, I'm almost certin I'm missing one, but I can not remember which one I'm missing. It's the one that has the portraits of the scenario's in the scenario chosing bar's if that helps. If not, I have a completly different problem. The Last Archon
  9. Heh. Its actually exactly what the upgraded Thahd does, after you've gotten the skill to three. The Last Archon
  10. Ratt: I would have prefered something like that as well. Akhari Blaze would have fit the bill perfectly in the regards to a lieutenant. I still like Ghaldring's character despite this (though, Alwan is my favorite. His wittyness is even more pleasing than an Agent) The Last Archon
  11. Check your sources. I *just* checked it; there is no door that will not open. The Last Archon
  12. Um, which door? Every door in the Repository can be opened. The Last Archon
  13. Does not. Just a matter of opinion and/or taste. Besides, who actually cares how it's said? As long as it is spelled right. The Last Archon
  14. Name: Master Ackrovan System: Windows Vista Email Adress: ackrovan@gmail.com The Last Archon
  15. Boxing those lizards in Melee with creations can also help. Since you're a Lifecrafter, its suicidal for you to go in too close. Follow Randomizer's advise with sticking with range attacks. Having Rotghroth's to surround the scaled monsters near a wall or fen gulp can also help. Up close, an Unbound is much less threatening with its melee attack. Wingbolts, Kyshakks, or War Tralls are all very good creations to use. In fact, having a mix is a good idea. As for a time frame, come back after you've completed the Drakon quest from General Alwan. By that time, you should be just strong enough to defeat the Unbound once and for all. Hope this helps. The Last Archon
  16. ackrovan@gmail.com. The Last Archon
  17. Name: Master Ackrovan Operating System: Windows Vista Is the sky blue: Hell if I know. The Last Archon
  18. You might be thinking of Essence Blade, which does exactly what you are describing. The Last Archon
  19. I'm very doubtful of that. My End-Game Shaper with Healing Craft at 10 and three skill levels in the spell was still only healing with about 30 HP points, compared to my Agent who had 5 points in Healing craft and only one point in the spell. The Last Archon
  20. When I first read a name for something, I usually just take a glance at it. I know that Geneforge should be pronounced GENE-FORGE, but I pronounce it as JENNA-FORGE. When I first read Solbreg, I pronounced it Salaberg. When I first read Pinner, I pronounced it Pintar. When I first read Alorael, I pronounce it ALO-RAWAL. Total coincidence, I swear. The Last Archon
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me3K-2faa...&playnext=1 If a member of these boards are making these, please don't stop. They're very fun to watch. - The Last Archon
  22. I just found this, posted by the Lurker: http://www.ironycentral.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=157465#Post157465 Figured its got to be worth a link too. The Last Archon
  23. Edit: I'm sorry The Last Archon
  24. Press G when you are near the sword. Click on it, and than click on your inventory portrait while the sword is in your hand. The Last Archon
  25. I would have liked to shape Podlings and Patchworks. Podlings especially. Having a critter that could keep a whole hoard pinned down would have come in handy. The Last Archon
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