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Everything posted by Acky

  1. Ssssh! Don't break the fourth wall during a debate. That ruins the fun The Last Archon
  2. Vats aren't cheap. Neither is supplying them. The Last Archon
  3. After having a discussion with a friend about Geneforge, its was brought up that I always end up at a higher level at the end of each province then he does. So I'm curious; what level are you at the end of each province? Generally, I'm at level 16ish after the Whitespires, level 30ish after the Mera-Tev, level 40ish after the Storm Planes, and generally near level 50 when I'm done explorering the Dera Reaches. The Last Archon
  4. Of course. General Alwan is the General MacArthur of Geneforge. He's got to be the coolist character in the series. But I'm speaking in regards to G5. Its not the General Alwan won't aid in the assualt, its that he physically can't. Can you see Alwan waddling towards Gazaki-Uss? Hmm. Atcually, thats not a bad tactic. It might get the Drakons to make sulfurous chuckles to death. The Last Archon
  5. Yeah, I've always found Weakness to be a very useful tool (Wrack) against enemies. Bosses in particular, since its wastful to try to cast it on every enemy there is, and boss fights tend to go on for a bit, so its worth the essence. The Last Archon
  6. Quote: If he is so old and weak then why is a horde of drakons neccesarry to take him down. He is clearly one of the most powerful shapers. His age is what makes him strong and wise. Actually, this is exactly why only 4 Drakons, a Lifecrafter and a single, skilled Ur-Drakon are sent to kill him *and* two other full Councilors. He hasn't fought in years, and it showed. If you put any of the central councilors there in the same quantity, you'd have a harder fight. He is wise, but wise as a peace-time govenor, not as General. Which is why he made mistakes during the war that are biting the Shapers in the romp right now. Quote: no, the drakons have arrogance in abundance. So do the Shapers. We get several messages throughout the game(s) that its because of their arrogance that they've lossed nearly half their empire to the rebels. The Drakons, while arrogant, aren't arrogant enough to hide in their fortress's all the time. Ghaldring leaves to hold the Shapers in one of the passes. Akhari Blaze was being forced to stay in Northforge because work had to be done on the Unbound. The Shapers, on the other hand, did not go themselves. Granted, Alwan is the only one who has a very real excuse in that he can not actually participate in a battle, but Taygen, Rawal, Shema, Sharissa, and Nawaz were all fine. Astoria did go, of course, and should be credited with such. The Last Archon
  7. Quote: Which ones? Glaahks? Kyshakks? Because in the final battle against Ghaldring, three regular Shapers are just conjuring them up in minutes. There has been many instances in the games where it has been brought up that if a Shaper rapidly creates a creation, it will not survive in the long run, even though they are being made in a proffesional way. A.S., the Shapers in the end game will have a made a complete Glaahk, but the Glaahk will not be able to live for very long, only perhaps, lets say, a year. In another instance, a Shaper would be in his/her lab making a creation. Since they'll be at ease and can focus their complete attention towards the creation, that Glaahk will live for about 10 years. Shaping is not like microwaving if you intend to get good results. The Last Archon
  8. Kyshakk, Rotghroth, and Wingbolt creations. The Last Archon
  9. Edit: Shame on you Thuryl. Stealing Alorael's sniper rifle. Just the base types. You'll need to have at least 6 or more to shape the upgraded creations for third tier and up, unless its changed from G4. The Last Archon
  10. Edit: I was typing this before Spddin made his response to Doom Warrior. Agreed. If this conversation isn't turned around, the topic might have to get locked. Now, I understand what you're trying to get at Spddin. That of I care about intellitgent life that isn't human, than I'm a hypocrite if I don't care if a fly gets killed, or a cat. Now, I shall make it crystal clear. Any INTELLIGENT life deserves too be treated as such. This includes serviles, Drayks, Gazers, and (even) Drakons. You can't judge a group by the actions of a few (granted, this is hard to apply to Drakons, but there are and have been Drakons in the games that are not kill-crazy, Gazers that are not insane, and Drayks who treat you fine) Not all Drakons are crazy, and not all Shapers are insane. And not all creations are intelligent. But there are intelligent creations, and they should be treated as equals. The Last Archon
  11. I'd kill the cat because there's be less reprucusions to deal with. The Last Archonj
  12. Thats a stupid question. You're basically asking me if I would shoot a cat before a dog, or vice versa. If I was just pointing a baton at one or the other, then I would chose the creation, on the off chance its more of an animal than a living being. However, that is not Geneforge. Geneforge includes the complex problems of the tyranical rule of the Shapers and the irresponsibility of the Lifecrafters. If that were the choice, then I would leave the Shapers and go with the Lifecrafters. The Last Archon
  13. Are you sure you worded that correctly? If so, then please rephrase the question, because it doesn't really make sense. The Last Archon
  14. How can you claim that one life is superir than another when serviles are just as alive as Humans. They feel emotions, they can be good or bad, evil or just. What makes them inferior to humans? Because they were made by humans? You were made by your parents; does that mean they have a right to decide whether you life or die when you're an adult? I think not. The Last Archon
  15. (Sorry for the double post) I'm gonna have to drop out of this indefinitly. I have too much school work on my plate to risk doin nothing for a day. And since its crunch time for teachers, I am gearing all focus towards that. Sorry. The Last Archon
  16. For the record, there was never a Drayk rebellion. The Shapers just saw how they were intelligent enough to have more complex emotions, like greed, and destroyed them. The Shapers have always looked to their creations as their slaves. Servants if you want to avoid the truth, but nevertheless, they were slaves. Slaves are expensive to maintain. You have to feed them, care for them, and make sure they are somewhat healthy. So, basically, slaves (creations) are merchandise. Now, lets say all your merchandise suddenly got up and started attacking you. A guy comes to you saying he can get them too stop attacking you, but it would destroy the merchandise in the process. While you don't want to be attacked, do you want to lose all you merchandise in the process? Especially when there's another saying he can stop the merchandise from attacking you (Alwan, which is why he has so much support). Now, translate that all to Geneforge. Taygen has a solution to end the war, but in the process, it will wipe out all creation life. All of it. Those serviles outside Perkalia? They will die. The creations protecting Mera? Dead. All Ornks will die too. Everywhere, from the Nodye Coast to the Forsaken Lands. Try to picture the massive deaths that would occur on a continental scale. Think of the huge loss of labor, of food the Shapers would have to go through. So, it shouldn't be a surprise that the vast majority of Shapers would not want this too happen. The Shapers are tyrants, but they are not mass murderers. (btw, I'm a rebel) The Last Archon
  17. Quote: It isn't slavery if they want it, is it The problem with that is that they are, in fact, children. They don't know any better. They don't understand any other concept other than working for their false masters. They are not able to make decisions for themselves (courtesy of the Shapers), so they need to be educated so they can understand what they want. The Last Archon
  18. This is probably the best review for the game so far. The Last Archon
  19. You just need to bottleneck the incoming creations with your own creations, if you're playing a creation type. Magic heavy? Daze them and focus on the bandit. If you're playing a warrior/guardian, then slip in the path and kill the rogues one group at a time, and then deal with the bandit. The Last Archon
  20. I think so...or was the the Magic Crsytal? Now you got me all unsure . Save, and then test it too find out. The Last Archon
  21. I'd recomend going with the charmed falchion, and then adding it with a Runed Onyx. You'd get the cursing advantage of the Frozen Blade now plus the +5 to luck and +8 to resistances. The +10 for cold osn't a huge loss, nor is the slight deduction of damage. Just so you know, here are some of the effects of luck that I know of; - Increases resistances - Adds to your to-hit ratio - Helps you act sooner in combat (Like Quick Action or Dexterity) The Last Archon
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