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Everything posted by Acky

  1. Quote: I always love that extra poison damage. ...But the Oozing blade doesn't do that. It just covers your enemy with Acid. The Great Archon
  2. Ultimate weapon? Puresteel Soulblade with a Golden Crystal/Magic Crystal enchantment. No, I don't think G6 should have taken place in Sholai lands. Jeff still owes us a continaunt. The Great Archon
  3. Damn. That was deep. What poet did you get that from? The Great Archon
  4. Let's not even stary talking about the sudden dissapearence of two councilors.... The Great Archon
  5. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba Originally Posted By: Slartucker it makes no sense That's pretty much G5 in a nutshell, though. Dikiyoba. I'm a little confused on what you actually meant by this, actually. The Great Archon
  6. 1. None of the ending are completely cannonical, true, but the Shaper ending for G2 is definitly the closest. 2. Umm, outside the valley? How would that be possible? And why would the Takers send one of their best researchers away from a very important project? (a la Geneforge) Maybe we should just Email Jeff and ask him if the Drakon was supposed to be the actual Rhakkus. The Great Archon
  7. http://www.spiderwebsoftware.com/images/geneforge3/snowambush.jpg How is it possible to have both Alwan and Greta by the Isle of Spears? The Great Archon
  8. For Geneforge 1-3, I started playing with a Guardian. For Geneforge 4, I played with a Warrior. With Geneforge 5, I still played as a Warrior first, 'cause their awesome. The Great Archon
  9. Quote: Ackrovan / UBS - where does it state that Rhakkus was killed post G2? I can't find it anywhere. It doesn't state it specifically, but check the ending texts for G2 where the Shapers come to purge the valley. It says that every Drakon stays and fights the Shapers while the Drayks and Serviles flee. They all die. Since Rhakkus was more Drakon than Drayk, it can be assumed that he was killed either by the PC or the Shapers. And even if you want to argue that he's more of a Drayk and therefore fleed with the other Takers, why would such a plot-relevant character make absolutely no appearance or mention for 3 games in a row, save a smidgeon in the very last zone? The Great Archon
  10. Quote: I don't thing he was in Geneforge 5, actually. Well, not in the game itself, just in endings where he took over the Rebellion as a result of Ghaldring's death. That barely counts. I guess you didn't play the Rebel endgame. Akhari makes a special appearance and helps you attack the last of the council. Dikiyoba: Yeah, but he was arguably more Drakon than Drayk. The Great Archon
  11. Rhakkus was not in G5; he was killed in Bernii-Uss in G2. In fact, every Drakon was killed in G2 because they did not flee with the other Drayks and Serviles when the Shapers purged the Valley, with the sole exception of Orriss-Blaze (I most certainly misspelled that). Isss-Ta was a Drayk, not a Drakon, so that wasn't her. Not only that, a proud Drayk, so canonically she would never allow herself to be turned into a Drakon. Plus, in G4, she stated that sh came to Northforge to help reserve the Geneforge there, so there is no reason to believe that she left the facility. In fact, both of those Drakons in Inner Gazaki-Uss are probably the product of Jeff going "Meh, why not" To answer your question; Nope. Not a single character was in all games. Amena Blade came the closest, but he was not in G5. @Potato: Nope. He was a little tiny bit in G3, but that as only for Loyalists. And Akhari Blaze was only in G3-5. Edit: The Great Archon
  12. I found an alternative use for the trainer's duplicator. If you put a wand or baton on the duplicator, it muliplies its charges to 99. Meaning, I now have an Acid Baton that has 99 shots in the baton, not including the thorns. Thanks for making this Pyro. It works like a charm. The Great Archon
  13. I'll look into that. But I don't believe it's a feature that the Freewebs website builder has. Also, would it be all right if this would be added to the forum header? (not this one, the Editor forums header) It'd be more useful if a new designer could see if right off the bat rather than have it on an obscure website. The Great Archon
  14. I'm probably out of my league here. All I did was press Space until the link was sent down one line of text (I have no idea if that's proper terminology). This was because pressing enter sends it down *two* lines of text. In retrospect, it probably would look better if I just press enter. Excuse me a moment. The Great Archon
  15. http://thespireofarchon.webs.com/articlearchives.htm And suggestions or such are welcomed. The Great Archon
  16. I guess I can do it The Great Archon
  17. Well, I support the rebels, so Ghaldrings ending is what I prefer, natuarally. I'm still sad we never got an ending that completely destroyed the Shapers, and vice versa. The Great Archon
  18. I use them when I need a field of mines cleared, and that's only when the mines actually detonate when creations are near. But they pretty much are useless. I would much rather make Vicious Roamers. The Great Archon
  19. Gazers and Eyebeasts rock. Heh. I always get an attactment to my first Fyora. I also always give it the same name; Toothpick. The Great Archon
  20. Originally Posted By: Skeeter Maybe having them as downloadable text files, or a separate page for each article, might be better than a whacking great lump of text? Excellent idea. I had the exact thing in mind. Now as soon as I figure out how, I will do just that. The Great Archon
  21. The BoA Article Archives It's rough and dirty, but it works. I need to focus my attention to something else for a while, so I figured it was best to get something done before so. Feedback, comments, snicker's, praise, etc are welcomed. The Great Archon
  22. Does anyone know where I can get my hands on some outdoor graphics for a dock shoting out into the water? The Great Archon
  23. Most of the earlier articles, like Neimand said, cover common sense, which is both BoE and BoA rather than just BoA. Particularly the ones about plot, since it obviously doesn't matter the game a story is told in. The later ones, on the other hand, talk more about designing and the actual creation of a scenario, which is equally useful. After rereading 5 and 15, I can conclude that they are still useful. 15 in particular, since it says things that are again, common sense, such as questioning whether or not a town has anything to do with the plot, or if it is just for the hell of it. I've read all of these. Trust me; their all worth reading. As for Jeff's articles, I would suppose they are only as useful as one's opinion of Jeff is. The Great Archon
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