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Everything posted by Acky

  1. The canisters in Inner Gazaki-Uss are: Click to reveal.. A Drakon canister. A Firebolt Canister. A Minor Heal Canister (all in the same room; heafty living tool cost) and the Gazer canister in the southeastern room. The Last Archon
  2. Originally Posted By: The MAN * I will use and expand upon all interface improvements from Geneforge 5. Being able to play in a window, play at any resolution, etc. Originally Posted By: The MAN * The buffing system will be very similar to Geneforge 5. Haste is weaker now, and you can have fewer buffs overall. Haste potions will be full double actions, though, the sort from the older games. Sweet Quote: *As does X. I'm waiting on that anvil spell. Quote: * The game takes place in Avernum. The old Avernum. But, for the first time, you start in the Great Cave. Nice change of pace. Quote: * Anama, no. Skribbane, yes. And yes, the first hit is free. Yeah for Skribbane! I'm actually a little surprised the Anama will not be returning in this game. I had gotten the feeling that they were forshadowing to become a major influence in the next game. Oh well. So, what about the cave cows? You promised in the Avernum 5 hype thread that they'd return. The Last Archon
  3. Thats right. Its Gareth, a Barzite in the east building. 50 coins a book. No other use for them, so feel free to sell. The Last Archon
  4. You know, the mines with the spinning tendril on top, that can only be control with a control box in the immediate area. Did Jeff take these out of the game, because I never remember seeing one? The Last Archon
  5. Not yet, sorry. Hopefully soon, (its long and exhausting)but not yet. The Last Archon
  6. ....Of course I'm going to lose. Most definitly. I'm going against people who have actually released good scenario's and have far more experience designing a scenario. I suck. All this arrogance is just to stir up the competition a bit more. The Last Archon
  7. Off the top of my head A thahd in The Crags will go with you until you leave the valley. A guard in south Drypeak Mines will go around with you until you leave the valley. You'll need some leadership to get her. A servile mage in the Complex Core will join you if you're pro-creation rights, and you're leadership is enough. Joining the awakened bypasses this. A sad Roamer will join you in the Warren of the Three. You need some leadership. A rat at Fort Muck will join you A starving Vlish will join you near the old Rising bridge. I don't think you need Leadership for this one, but I could be wrong. A Battle Alpha named Hryk will join you. He's in Phariton's Hall. You do need a lot of leadership for him. A depressed warrior servile in Pit of Misfits will join you if you're in a rebel faction or are pro-rebel. That's about it. There are also two other serviles and a Drayk that you can have join you, but they're quest related. As for items, what class are you? Keep the gemstones for now. Look around Fort Muck until you find a merchant that will buy them from you regardless of reputation or faction. He buys them slightly less but since there's only a certain amount of money in stores, its worth it. The Last Archon
  8. You have to ask her how you can help her, and than the question "What do I do now?" The Last Archon
  9. Warrior/Guardian. Best class in my opinion. The Last Archon
  10. If people are willing to wait until a little bit passed June 11th, consider your defeats assured. The Last Archon
  11. Just that. Stay pro-rebel and help the trakovites. The council won't get mad. Unless, of course, you attack them. The last Archon
  12. Since you're playing a dead weight shaper, than creations are your lifeblood, and will need to be as strong as you can get them. Until better equipment is stumbled upon, I would keep any items that add to creature armor and such. The Last Archon
  13. Not quiet. East of the area with the spawners. Find the rebel camp (Not the serviles in the swamp), and look around it, not in it. The Last Archon
  14. You just have to keep saying and doing rebel things. Help out the servile colonies. Thats a good start. Yes, I believe you can. Their base is in the Click to reveal.. Okavano Fen, near the rebel gate area that leads to Burwood The Last Archon
  15. Stick your loot in Kratoa-Kel, coming in from the Stoneworks. Thats the most convenient lace to store your crap. The Last Archon
  16. You hate it? I kinda like the new one. It has a nice symetry to the games. The Last Archon
  17. How long would that last? He's got plenty of agents running around doing his biding. If Rawal would destroy the town, he would tell his soldiers to destroy everything they find, which includes the buildings the Shadow Roads was hiding in/behind. The Last Archon
  18. He already knew about the Shadow Road. Just not where it was. Those serviles towns would have been destroyed too. Rawal's all about political power. How good would it have made him look if he found the infamous Shadow Road and closed it off? The Last Archon
  19. Quote: It's a pity Makar was incompetent. Pity? Aren't you a rebel? It was a good thing Astoria was ruling teh Mera-Tev. If she was killed, she might have been replaced by a more loyal Shaper, or worse, Rawal might have stepped in and assumed control. The Last Archon
  20. They were all loyal to Barzhal and Zakary. Once they showed their rebellious intentions, the loyal ones were either killed or became trapped deep behind rebel lands. Or they were just unwilling to go. The Last Archon
  21. The Shapers are more like a political party than a military branch, so the same princibul doesn't apply. btw, could you please use the edit button a bit more? The Last Archon
  22. They wern't used continiously, or in large quantities. How many creations do you see in Drypeak that aren't rogues? Remember that there was no research being done, so they virtually became useless. Sure, they had a gun, but no ammo for it. The Last Archon
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